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El couldn't understand why Jack didn't just tell her what to do. “What should I do, master?"

Jack sighed and eased her down to her knees. “I'm not sure I can make this decision for you. Do what's in your heart. You could go and get a fresh start, far away from here. But I can tell you, that if you stay, I think we can triple our net income."

El nodded as if she understood, but the numbers meant little to her. She had come to think of the factory workers as family. She enjoyed their attention, their friendliness, their constant strokings to keep her stimulated. She needed her stimulation now. The idea that she'd have to leave it all behind was impossible to imagine.

She hugged Jack's legs. “Please don't make me go, master."

Jack took her into his arms and let her sit on his lap. She felt safe again. “You don't have to go, slut. You can stay here with us forever. Look,” he said, pointing to her smooth mound right above her clit ring, “if you'd like, I could have the company logo tattooed right here, showing that you'll always be part of our team.” He raised his fingers to the navel pin. “And I think these letters are too small. How would you like a larger pin?"

She looked up at him, her eyes shining. “Oh, yes, master!” She hugged him around his neck.

"There's more, El. As part of the expansion, I'm thinking about building you an apartment, so you can be here all the time. Would you like that?"

"Oh, yes, master!” Then a thought flashed across her overly stimulated brain. “But I also like staying at your house. I like it when you call me up to fuck me. Would you still fuck me if I lived here?"

"Oh, yes, my pet. In fact, everyone would fuck you, all the time. You'd have more friends than ever!"

"Bob too?” She meant big Bob, not the scrawny, quick-draw realtor who had been banished as soon as his time had run out.

"Oh, yes. Bob and Roger and John and all the rest. All our clients. They will come by day and night to keep you happy."

"Oh, master, that'd be great!” El's fears evaporated. “When can I start?"

"Start? Why, you've started already. In fact, I'm naming you Employee of the Month again! Now, get up on that desk!"

El clapped her hands and got into position.


Andy Grogan sat across from Jack, holding the latest quarterly figures. “I can't believe that you've pulled it off, Jack. When my sister-in-law filled me in on your company, I thought I might be asking for trouble to accept the job. But you've made a believer out of me."

Jack smiled at his CFO. He'd been worried that Andy might turn out to be a prude like Gloria, but hiring him had been a stroke of genius. He had embraced Jack's exploitation of El, as long as it meant bigger profits.

"Thanks, Andy. You should know that I tried to let her go a few months ago. After all, at the time she'd brought in seven million dollars in new business. She's paid off her debt and then some. But she wouldn't go and she doesn't seem concerned about money. Isn't that funny?"

"I don't know how you did it, but I'd say, keep it up. By my calculations, Sawyer Metalworking is on track to net two-point-four million in profits this year."

"That's great, Andy. Before El, we'd have been lucky to net seven-hundred-thousand. This really puts Sawyer on the map."

Andy sat up and looked around, as if someone was listening. “Uh, Jack, do you think you could slip me in for a quickie? You know how it is, being married to Gloria's sister.” He grimaced.

Jack turned to his computer. “No problem, amigo. Let me see what she's up to. Well, she's got her old friend Bob at ten, then Peter, followed by Scotty-he hit another production mark-Ernest, Richard, George, Mike and Linda. Hmm. I could fit you in at five, if you're willing to take sloppy ninths. Maybe you'd prefer first thing in the morning, before she's all stretched out? Say nine?"

"Sounds great. If my wife calls, you'll make up some excuse for me?"

Jack waved his hand. “No problem. Anything to keep the engine of commerce rolling, right?"

They both laughed.


El stood by the front window of her apartment, looking out into the courtyard of the plant, while flipping her new, heavier gold ring up and down against her clit. It helped her pass the time until her next appointment. She needed the stimulation constantly now, like a smoker hooked on nicotine. Her clit stuck out all the time, demanding more of her attention yet Jack still forbade her to come on her own. But he didn't mind the ring flipping. He seemed to enjoy watching her play with her jewelry. The new ring was not only thicker and heavier, it had a small circle set at the bottom, into which Jack could put in a jewel, or a weight. It made a nice little thump on her engorged clit, sending shivers through her but never quite causing her to come.

She let her thumb rest against the tattoo on her mound, a sign of her devotion and attachment to her Sawyer family. They all had gathered around on the factory floor when the artist applied the bright logo. They applauded every line and color. They truly loved her.

She spotted Scotty walking by and waved to him. He waved back and flashed her a big grin. For a moment, she wondered if he would be coming in next. But he passed by and El settled down to wait some more. She didn't like these times, in between.

With her right hand busy, she brought her left hand up to finger the letters on the navel pin. She could spell out the word “SLUT” in one-half-inch letters, bringing a smile to her face. The name was interchangeable from El now. Her hand continued up her torso to the fine gold chain that now loosely connected her nipple rings. She tugged on the chain, feeling the resonance in both nipples. She giggled. The feeling echoed the one emanating from her clit. Jack had given her the chain on her one-year anniversary. Has she only been here a year? No, wait, she had another job before, what was it? She remembered a big office, lots of numbers. She shook her head.

She'd rather remember today. Already she'd had many nice people drop by to tell her how good she looked and how happy they were to see her. The men always had hard cocks for her to suck or fuck. She loved the taste of their seed. Even the women were very nice to her, although she often wished they'd use the strap-on on her once in a while. She took great delight in hearing them cry out when she pleasured them with her mouth. It made her feel as if she had done a good job. She had to thank Darlene for that. The kindly worker took El under her wing and taught her how to treat a woman.

Everybody was nice here at the plant and they really watched out for her. Even Ben, the night watchman, came by last evening to check on her, to make sure she was okay. She'd been asleep and woke to feel his hard cock laying along the crack of her ass, his arms around her. She knew it was him because only three people now had the key to her apartment: Sam, the day guard who stood outside and helped her keep her appointments, Ben, and, of course, Jack.

She also knew it was Ben because he always fucked her in the ass. At the end of the day, when her pussy got a little sore, she liked to be able to switch over to the lesser-used passage. Not that she'd complain, of course.

Ben hadn't spoken to her-he often didn't during his visits. He simply retrieved the lubricant she kept in the nightstand and began to rub in on his cock. Then he had pressed his slippery tool into her sphincter. She had groaned and wiggled her ass to make it slide in more easily.

Once firmly seated, he had pulled halfway out and began pounding her in earnest. El remembered how her body had been jerked back and forth until he came in a rush. He had held her close for a minute, his fingers exploring her jewelry, but he didn't rub her to a climax. She didn't know why; it wasn't her place to ask. Then he had gotten up, taken a couple of tissues out of the box on the nightstand and left.