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He smiled when he saw El's skimpy top and the nipples poking through. “Order here for Sawyer,” he said, holding up the bag. “Comes to seventeen-fifty-seven."

"I don't have any cash on me. Can you put it on the company tab?"

He shook his head. “We don't do that anymore. Too many people tried to stiff us."

"Well, I could get it from Jack, but he's busy right now. Can you wait until later today?"

"Sorry, ma'am.” His eyes never left her breasts.

She took the hint. “Isn't there something else we could work out?” She scooted back from the desk, letting him see her short skirt. His eyes grew wide. “What'ya have in mind?"

"A blow-job?"

The deli boy looked around. “Here?"

"You can sit at my desk. I'll go underneath. No one will notice, unless you cry out or something."

His face brightened. “Sure.” She got up, turned around and backed down under the desk. It caused her legs to splay apart, hiking up her dress. When he sat down, El could tell he could clearly see her bare pussy, distended and reddened from recent fuckings, still dripping fluids. She let him stare for a few seconds, then signaled him to move up. She let him scoot up close until his groin was right in front of her. She unzipped him and let his swelling cock spring free. But the desk was too low; she kept banging her head when she tried to envelope the mushroom head.

"Lower your chair,” she said to his penis. He fumbled for the lever and soon he dropped down to a more manageable height. Now she could reach him properly. She took him into her mouth, sucking and licking. He tasted like she might've imagined a young man would, all sweet and sassy, full of energy and need. She teased him for less than a minute before he spasmed, shooting his seed into her mouth. She swallowed it easily, although some spilled onto her chin.

He scooted back a bit, a big grin on his face. He zipped up. “Wow! That was really great! Anytime you want to order anything, just ask for Frankie!"

"Okay, Frankie. I'll do that.” She used her finger to scoop up the remaining sperm and suck it clean. She started to get up, but Frankie blocked her way.

"Uhh,” he said, staring down at her.


"For a tip, could you let me see your… uh, you know… again?"

She gave him a knowing smile. “Okay. Since you've been so nice.” She couldn't believe she'd stooped so low so quickly. It was as if that person she'd been yesterday was a distant memory. Now she was on her knees, showing a boy her pussy that had just been royally fucked by two men.

She squatted on the carpet, spread her legs wide and pulled up the front of her dress, letting Frankie get a good look. He just stared, his mouth partially ajar. Then she pushed her skirt down and he wheeled back, letting her out. He stood and nodded to her.

"Thanks for your order."

"You're welcome."

After he left, she thumbed the switch on the intercom.

"Yes?” His voice sent chills down her back.

"I've got your food, sir. Would you like it now?"


She clicked off, then froze. She suddenly realized, she had forgotten to rub her pussy while she spoke to him. Damnit! Would he notice? She couldn't stand another spanking-her ass was already too sore.

Squaring her shoulders, she marched in, hoping for the best. She remembered, just after she shut the door, to put the bag down on a nearby chair and remove all her clothes, the few that she had on.

She approached Jack, holding out the bag, pretending that nothing was wrong. She dropped to her knees. He eyed her carefully. “How did you pay for this?"

"Well, sir, I didn't have any money, so…” She hesitated, not sure if he'd be mad or not. The words came out in a rush. “I blew him for it."

Jack laughed. “I know, I watched. I just wanted to hear you say it. Remember, don't keep any secrets from me."

"Will that count toward my debt?"

He cocked his head to the side. “Why, yes, I think it should. I didn't ask you to do it, but I admire your initiative.” He turned to his computer. “That makes three-fifty you've earned so far and the day's only half over!"

He unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite. El, not sure if she would be allowed to eat, remained at his side on her knees, waiting for instructions.

"Despite your initiative, I am disappointed in you,” he said, his mouth partially full. El froze. He knew!

She tried to pretend ignorance. “Wh-what do you mean, sir?"

"You know perfectly well what I mean."

She caved in. “You mean because I didn't touch my pussy when I called about the food?"

"That's right. And you called me Jack to the delivery boy.” He shook his head in mock sadness. “I was hoping you'd learned your lesson."

She started to beg, and immediately realized it would be useless. She could only wait and hope he wouldn't spank her any more today. Her bottom was already well marked!

His eyes softened and he appeared to read her mind. “No, I don't want to spank you again. I'll tell you what, instead of a beating, which you richly deserve, how about this instead: You stay at your desk for the remainder of the day without your skirt on. You can leave it here. And I want to see your one hand on your pussy all the time. Okay?"

El felt her heart hammer in her chest. To be naked all afternoon, covered by nothing but her skimpy top? Anyone who came in would notice immediately, even if she scooted up right close to the desk. And how was she supposed to get any work done with one hand on her pussy all day?

She started to protest, then realized the alternative was another beating. She couldn't bear that. “Yes, sir,” she said in a tiny voice.

"Good. Carry on.” He returned to his food. El took the bag containing her sandwich and the other iced tea and walked over to the door. She stopped long enough to pull her top on over her head, then opened the door and peeked out. Her office was empty, but occasionally people would stroll by on their way to lunch. She waited until the coast was clear, then bolted for her chair. She had it scooted all the way up and was trying to decide how to eat with one hand when the intercom buzzed.

"Yes,” she said, making sure her fingers rubbed her clit.

"You forgot to close the door."

She turned, chagrined, to see he was right. She looked up at the glass door, and saw two people walk by talking to each other. They paid her no mind.

"All right, sir. I'll close it."

"See that you do-oh, and slut?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Keep one hand on your pussy while you do."

She made an inarticulate sound and hung up. She stared at the hallway outside, trying to decide how best to time this. After watching the door and seeing no one, she jumped up, her right hand cupping her mound, and ran to the office door. She closed it with a nervous slam, then jumped back into her chair.

The intercom rang again. Her heart sank.

"Y-yes, sir?"

"There's no need to slam the door. Do it again, only this time, close it softly."

"Ye-yes, sir.” She gritted her teeth. Her lunch was forgotten on her desktop. Her stomach churned. She watched the glass door until another person walked by, then got up quickly, one hand covering her privates. She opened the door to Jack's office and quietly closed it again, then turned and headed back for the chair.

She glanced up to see Scotty, the day shift foreman, standing there, open-mouthed. El wanted to die from embarrassment. She slouched down and rapidly duck-walked to her chair, trying to hide as much of her lower half as she could. She wanted to wave him away, but he came in before she could move.

"Ellen, is that you?"

"Um, yes, Scotty.” Her face was beet red.

"What are you doing here? I heard you changed jobs, but why? And what's with…” He waved at her face and outfit.