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Kealan Patrick Burke


Copyright 2011 by Kealan Patrick Burke

What follows is the transcript from a series of screenshots emailed to the Columbus City Police on June 7th, 2011, and subsequently distributed to the media. In the wake of the investigation and as a result of the extensive media coverage, countless falsified copies and revised versions of the document were later posted to various social media platforms via a "meme" which later proved to be a virus.

This is the official authorized version of the document

# # #

May 2 nd, 2010

Josh: Hey

Mandy: hi

Josh: Thanks for accepting my request

Mandy: np. Why did you add me?

Josh: thought we had a lot in common

Mandy: cool

Josh: plus, you're hot, lol!

Mandy: thx

Josh: so how r you?

Mandy: good. Gotta go.

Josh: ok

Mandy is offline

May 3 rd, 2010

Josh: Hi Mandy

Mandy: hey

Josh: What's going on?

Mandy: nt much. u?

Josh: cooking

Mandy: that's cool

Mandy is offline

May 4 th, 2010

Josh: Hey.

Mandy: Hey.

Josh: What are you up to?

Mandy: Txtng my friend

Josh: Cool. How is she?

Mandy: Not so good. Her online 'boyfriend' just dumped her…lol.

Josh: that sucks.

Mandy: Yeah. I better go.

Josh: Oh, ok. Sorry I bothered you.

Mandy: You didn't. ttyl.

Josh: Ok.

Mandy is offline

May 5 th, 2010

Josh: Hey

Mandy: Hey.

Josh: How are you?

Mandy: Ok. u?

Josh: bored

Mandy: sorry to hear that.

Josh: I like your new profile pic.

Mandy: thx!

Josh: you should be a model

Mandy: lol. Yeah, right.

Josh: I'm serious. You look a bit like Celine Dion, only hotter…!

Mandy: Ugh, Celine Dion is gross, lol.

Josh: lol, sorry! Well you're not gross.

Mandy: thx

Josh: so do you have a boyfriend?

Mandy is offline

May 7 th, 2010

Josh: Hey

Mandy: Hi. Jeez, do you ever sleep?

Josh: what do you mean?

Mandy: you're always on here.

Josh: not always. But a lot, I guess. Nothing better to do, lol.

Josh: what are you up to?

Mandy: not much. Just responding to email

Josh: sweet.

Josh: do you get much email?

Mandy: lol

Josh: what?

Mandy: nothing. Just an odd question

Josh: oh, lol. Sorry. Just really bored. Not many people to talk to on here

Mandy: aww

Josh: I don't have many friends

Mandy: on FB?

Josh: anywhere

Mandy: that's sad. Sorry:-(

Josh: s'okay. Where I live it's hard to be popular

Mandy: where do you live?

Josh: did you look at my profile?

Mandy: no, sorry. I will now.

Josh: cool

Mandy: You're in Urbana?

Josh: yep

Mandy: cool. I used to live there a few years ago

Josh: I know

Mandy: ummm…how do u know, lol?

Josh: says you went to school there on your profile, silly, lol.

Mandy: lol. Blonde moment. Sorry.

Josh: yeah, but you're not blonde:-)

Mandy: I am actually;-)

Josh: in your picture you are, but you're originally a brunette, right?

Mandy: how do you know that?

Josh is offline

May 10 th, 2010

Mandy: Hi!

Josh: Hey

Mandy: Quick question…

Josh: sure

Mandy: when I talked to you before, you said I wasn't a real blonde

Josh: yes. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to upset you

Mandy: Nah, it's cool. Just wondering how you knew that?

Josh: so it's true?

Mandy: Yeah, but I've been a blonde for a long time

Josh: why?


Mandy: Why what?

Josh: why are you blonde?

Mandy: Uh…I dunno. I just prefer it. I like how it looks, I guess.

Josh: makes sense

Mandy: So, how did you know? Is it obvious or something, lol!

Josh: Nah, you just look like you used to be a brunette

Mandy: Oh. In a bad way?

Josh: No

Mandy: Ok, phew, lol. So whatchoo doing?

Josh: Not much. Bad day

Mandy: what happened?

Josh is offline

May 11 th, 2010

Josh: Hi Mandy

Mandy: Hey

Josh: Sorry about yesterday

Mandy: S'ok.

Josh: I've been going through some stuff. Makes me cranky, lol.

Mandy: no probs. Happens to me all the time. Everything ok?

Josh: I like your new profile pic

Mandy: awesome, thanks so much! Do you like it better than the Celine Dion one, lol!

Josh: Yes. Looks like you didn't crop it enough though on the right side.

Mandy: I was kind of in a hurry. Does it look bad?

Josh: No, but you can see your boyfriend's arm in it.

Mandy: Yeah, I like how I look in that picture so I wanted to put it up.

Mandy: If I cropped it anymore tho, I'd have had to cut myself in half, lol.

Josh: So who's the guy?

Mandy: An ex. A jerk.

Josh: why'd u break up?

Mandy: He cheated on me.

Josh: Ouch

Mandy: Yeah.

Josh: He'll get what's coming to him tho. Everybody does

Mandy: I guess. So what kind of music do you like?