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Josh: why?

Mandy: you don't even know me

Josh: feels like I do. I've wanted you for a long time


Mandy: wow. I don't know what to say

Josh: Say "Josh, I can no longer resist the urge to throw myself into your arms."

Josh: "Take me away to a better place where we may be united in passion"

Josh: "the lies of which would set the very world aflame!"

Josh: or something like that

Josh: *likes* instead of *lies*, sorry

Mandy: LMAO!

Mandy: you should go into writing romance. You're good at it

Josh: nah, not my field of interest

Mandy: what is then?

Josh: not sure yet. Psychology maybe

Mandy: you want to be a shrink?

Josh: they don't like to be called that

Mandy: sorry:-(

Josh: I'm totally kidding


Josh: I'm not sure yet what I want to do.

Josh: I know I love to study people, love finding out what makes them tick

Josh: love to watch them.

Mandy: what got you interested in that?

Josh: my dad was one

Mandy: was?

Josh: he died six weeks ago

Mandy: WHAT???

Mandy: OMFG…I'm so sorry…

Mandy: I was talking to you about, like, two weeks after that.

Mandy: OMG, why didn't you TELL me????

Mandy: Jesus…I feel like such a horrible person…

Josh: Don't.

Mandy: why didn't you say anything?????:-(

Josh: Why would I? So you could feel bad about it too?

Mandy: I could have done SOMETHING

Josh: Like what? Would it have made you change your mind about meeting me?

Josh: dating me?

Josh: going to the prom with me?

Mandy: I don't know.

Josh: Yes you do, and it's okay.

Josh: u there?

Mandy: yeah. I just don't know what to say, lol.

Josh: It's okay. Really. I'm dealing with it in my own way.

Mandy: how is your Mom holding up? Is she okay?

Josh: she died when I was nine. Cancer.

Mandy: oh god…I'm crying here. I'm so sorry.

Josh: it's okay. Really it is. I'm doing just fine. And you're not really crying

Mandy: No, but I'm really sad for you

Josh: I'm okay, really. I'm a strong person

Mandy: still sucks though.

Josh: yeah, it does, but that's life

Josh: So…

Josh: now will you go out with me?

Mandy: Josh…

Josh: I'm kidding;-)

Mandy: so who do you live with now?

Josh: No one

Mandy: what? How is that possible?

Josh: It's only temporary. I'll be in a better place soon.

Mandy: That sounds…

Josh: what?

Mandy: gloomy

Josh: lol, I don't mean it like that. I mean, better than this crappy house

Mandy: Glad to hear that.

Mandy: hate to do this, but can you give me a half hour?

Josh: sure. U ok?

Mandy: I'm gonna go try to eat something and hope I can keep it down. Will you be on later?

Josh: most likely

Mandy: okay. c u then

Mandy is offline

May 30 th, 2010

Mandy: back

Mandy: did I miss u again?

Mandy: going to bed. Talk soon…and sorry to hear about what you've been through.

Mandy: sorry I wasn't more sympatethic(sp?). I didn't know, though. so…my bad L

Mandy: night

Mandy is offline

May 31 st, 2010

Mandy: hey

Josh: hey beautiful

Mandy: ugh…if you saw me now…

Josh: if I saw you now, I'd try to kiss u better. Would u stop me?

Mandy: prolly not

Josh: really???!!!! why?

Mandy: so sick. Wouldn't have the enrgy…

Josh: you're not getting any better?

Mandy: worse

Josh: that's too bad

Mandy: yeah. Sue's in hospital

Josh: about the pregnancy?

Mandy: no


Mandy: she went to sleep and her mother couldn't wake her up. They say she's in a coma.

Josh: wow, that's crazy

Mandy: yeah. I should feel sadder than I do, but I can barely breathe. Feels like I have a fvre

Mandy: fevere

Mandy: fever

Mandy: Don't know what's going on. Nobody seems to know. Lots of people getting sick

Josh: I know what's going on

Mandy: yeah?

Josh: Yeah

Mandy: that's cuz you're a genius

Josh: can I come over?

Mandy: silly

Josh: I can make u better

Josh: if u let me

Mandy: everybody is sick

Josh: yes they are

Mandy: I don't want to die

Josh: you won't

Mandy: feels like I am

Mandy: are u sick?

Josh: I've always been sick, Mandy

Mandy: what u mean?

Josh: you need to let me come over

Mandy: need to sleep

Josh: do you love me?

Mandy: nite

Mandy is offline

June 2 nd, 2010

Josh: hello gorgeous

Mandy is offline

June 4 th, 2010

Josh: Hey

Mandy: so sad

Mandy: sue died

Josh: I know. Saw her Dad's post on her page. Are you okay?

Mandy: no

Mandy is offline

June 5 th, 2010

Josh: hey

Mandy: h

Josh: how are you?

Mandy: nt god

Josh: not good?

Mandy: s

Mandy: so

Mandy: sick

Josh: awww…why are you on FB?

Mandy: dunno. Nobdy esle 2 talk 2

Josh: I should come over

Mandy: y?