Protectionism, 21
Provisional Government, 153–55, 159
Pryadunov, Fëdor Savelyevich, 19–21
Puplava, Jim, 380
Purtales, Friedrich von, 150
Pushnikov, Mikhail, 10
Putin, Vladimir V., 335, 438
Pyak-Yakha gas-condensate field, 338
Pylayev, G., 165
Qizilbash oil, 9
Quitrent, 37–40
Radek, Karl, 230, 431
Ragozin, R. I., 84
Ragozin, Viktor, 101–3, 415–16
Railroads, 95, 102, 110, 131, 147, 199, 238, 242, 281
Raselli, Fëdor, 90
Rashpil, Major General, 60
Raskolnikov, Fëdor, 163
Raspopov, L., 291
Rasulzade, Mammed Amin, 177, 180, 192
Rationing, 169, 171
Ratov, Vasily, 21
RCP(b). See Russian Communist Party (of Bolsheviks)
Red Army, 189, 191, 192, 198, 265, 266, 268, 269, 271
“Red Line Agreement,” 223
Red Navy, 271, 272
Redwood, Boverton, 100, 126
Refining technology, 101–2, 214, 215
Renewable energy sources, 377
Resolution 8458 (State Defense Committee), 277
Revolution of 1905, 135–37
Reytern, Mikhail, 93, 101
Right Socialist-Revolutionaries, 161
Right Social Revolutionaries, 159, 160
RN-Astra, 346
RN-Purneftegaz, 359
Robinson V., 301, 307
Rockefeller, John D., 128, 131, 132, 202, 204, 208, 211, 227, 228–29, 232
Rodzyanko, Mikhail, 142, 416–17
Roi, Patrice, 307
Romania, 264, 375
Romanino field, 96
Romanov, Boris, 132
Romanov, Mikhail, 76, 77
Romanovsky, Gennady, 52–53, 55, 56, 61, 63–64, 66, 417
Romanovsky, Nikolay, 76, 92
Romashkino oil field, 284, 311
Roosevelt, Theodore, 132
Rosgidromet, 350
Rosneft, 326, 340–41, 343, 344, 347, 348, 386–88
Rosneftgaz, 341
Rostislav Novogorodsky, Prince, 8
Rothschild, Alphonse James de, 110, 148
Rothschild family, 110–12, 147
Royal Dutch Shell, 148, 150, 196, 201, 202, 208, 210, 218–19, 220, 222–23, 226, 228, 347, 348
Rozen, G. V., 35
Rozengolts (Commissar of Foreign Trade), 254
Rtishchev, Nikolay, 29–30
Rudloff, Hans-Joerg, 341
Rules (1872), 78
Rumyantsev, K., 249
Rurhchemie AG, 263
Rusanov, Dmitry, 239
Rusanova field, 333
Rusanovsky, Aleksandr, 113, 114
Russian Academy of Sciences, 331, 333
Russian-Asian Bank, 148
Russian Association of Oil and Gas Equipment Manufacturers, 352
Russian Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) [RCP(b)], 174, 184–85, 188, 190–94, 197, 198, 207
Russian General Oil Corporation, 148
Russian Imperial State Council, 120
Russian North. See Arctic regions
“Russian Oil Craze,” 63–65
Russian Oil Products, Ltd. (ROP), 219, 221, 225–26
Russian Sakhalin Petroleum Company, 118
Russian Socialist Democratic Labor Party (of Bolsheviks), 161
Russneft, 386, 394–95
Russo-Japanese War, 118, 132
Russo-Turkish War, 40, 42, 56, 97
Ruttenstorfer, Wolfgang, 375
Ryazanov, Ivan, 26
Ryazantsev, Nikolay, 244
Rychkov, Pëtr, 22, 25, 417
Rykov, Aleksey, 194, 207, 230, 431
S. I. Shibayev & Co. Partnership, 104
Sabakhtarishvili, K., 190
Sabunchu, 96, 134
Sahib Giray, Khan, 40
St. Petersburg, kerosene lighting in, 44–45
St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, 25, 37
St. Petersburg Economic Forum, 361
St. Petersburg International Bank, 112
St. Petersburg Mining School, 26
St. Petersburg Technological Institute, 68, 102
Sakhalin, 117–19, 223–24, 281, 282, 333, 346–48
Sakhalin-1, 346–47
Sakhalin-2, 347–48
Sakhalin-3, 347
Sakhalin and Amur Petroleum Syndicate, 118, 119
Sakhalin Energy, 348
Sakhalinmorneftegaz-Shelf, 346
Sakhalinneft Trust, 257
Sakhalin Oil and Gas Development Co., Inc., 346
Sal (English firm), 208
Salym field, 353
Salym Petroleum Development NV, 342–43
Samara Region, 275
Samotlor–Kholmogory–Surgut oil pipeline, 300
Samotlor oil field, 298, 312
Samueli (English financier), 202
Sandor, Laszlo, 44, 45, 88–90
Sandren, A., 87
Sarabikulovo, 90
Saratovneft, 270
Satellite data, 335
Saudi Arabia, 315, 320
Sazonov, Sergey D., 150
Schlatter, Johann, 25
Schley, Reeve, 229
Schlumberger, 343–44
Schober, Gottlieb, 14
Schrader, L., 301, 307
“Second Baku,” 275, 276, 283–89, 331
Sedin, Ivan, 275, 431–32
Seleznëv, Captain, 106
Selitrennikova (entrepreneur), 146
Senyukov, Vasily, 261
Serbia, 374
Serebrovsky, Aleksandr, 197, 208–17, 232, 234, 259
Serfdom, abolition of, 57–58, 74
Sergeyev, M. I., 296
Serpukhov Plant, 344
Seventh Crusade, 5
Severgazinvest, 343
Shah-Deniz gas-condensate field, 364
Shaim oil field, 291–92, 295, 296
Shaim–Tyumen oil pipeline, 297
Shakhanin, Yakov, 17–19
Shakhty Trial, 258–59
Shalavin, Mikhail, 291
Shamakhy, 9
Shangin, A. N., 255
Shant, Levon, 188
Shaposhnikov, Ivan, 10
Sharkom, 220
Shashin, Dmitry, 248
Shashin, Valentin, 289, 300
Shatalin, Stanislav, 315
Shatsky, N., 274
Shaumian, Stepan, 176–79, 181–82
Shayderov, A., 261
Shchelkachëv, Vladimir N., 282
Shcherbina, Boris, 292
Shchitov, Boris, 301
Shchukin, Nikolay, 120, 121
Shell Salym Development BV, 342–43
Sheynman, Aron L., 189–91
Shibinsky, I., 165
Shidlovsky, V, 291
Shirokshin, Nikolay, 50
Shkapovo oil field, 285
Shmaryov, Aleksey, 289
Shongar, 257
Show trials, 258–59
Shpurov, Igor, 337
Shteyman, Ivan, 72, 77
Shteyngauz (head of Central Shale Fuel Administration), 197
Shtokman Development Company, 349
Shtokman field, 333
Shtukenberg, Aleksandr, 53
Shugurovo, 90, 275
Shukhov, Vladimir, 127
Shumilov, Pëtr, 237–38
Shushkevich, Stanislaw, 323
Shvetsov, Semën, 162
Shvetsov, Vasily, 40
S. & I. Jakeli & Co. Petroleum Industry and Trading Partnership, 95
Siberia, 261. See also Eastern Siberia; Western Siberia
Siberia Energy, 342–43
Siberian Office, 11, 12, 400
Siberian Oil Production Training Center, 343–44
Sibneft, 327
Sibur, 357
Sidanco, 327
Sidorov, Mikhail K., 65–70, 417–18
Sidorov, Sergey, 239
Siemens, Friedrich, 73
Siemens, Karl, 70–73
Siemens, Otto, 71–72
Siemens, Walter, 71
Siemens, Werner, 70, 73
Siemens, Wilhelm, 73
Siemens Brothers, 70–74
Siemens & Halske, 70, 71, 72, 73, 106
Sikorsky, Karl, 62
Silliman, Benjamin, 19
Sinclair Oil Corporation, 214
Sivkov, Aleksey, 90
Skalkovsky, Konstantin, 112
Skaya, Eduard, 239
SK Corp., 348
Skobelev, Matvey, 163
Skobelev, Mikhail, 97, 155
Slantsy, 280
Slavneft, 386, 394
Slepyan, Aron, 294
Slutsky, Semën, 259
Slyusarev (geologist), 245
Smerds, 8
Smilga, Comrade, 198
Smith, William, 54
Sobolev, Aleksandr, 21
Sobolevsky, Vladimir, 291
SOCAR (State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic), 364
Soccer, 217
Social Democrat Internationalists, 160
Social Democrats, 140
Socialist Revolutionaries, 160
Socialist-Revolutionary Party, 162–63
Società Italo-Americana del Petrolio, 130
Société d’Emba Grosny company, 199
Société des Pétroles Essences, Naphtes, 198–99