"Ohh…" Sondra arched her back and pressed the mass of her breast against Jonni's face. "It feels like… like little bees in my boobies." She giggled with delight.
Jonni suckled enthusiastically, while continuing to caress and fondle both luscious breasts.
Sondra's hands came to Jonni's back and neck for the first time, touching and hugging in appreciation and arousal.
Jonni spent long minutes reveling with the girl's ripe breasts and nipples… sucking, nipping, licking, squeezing.
Sondra was flushed, her electric brown eyes sparkling with excitement and need. She was twisting and turning under Jonni's hands and kisses. She whispered, "Do me like before, Jonni. I want to feel that way again."
"You will, darling. Soon. It'll be even better."
Jonni regretfully abandoned the sweet, full breasts and kissed lightly, tantalizingly down the child's body… to the deeply indented belly button which she licked and delved into and which caused Sondra to laugh and say, "It tickles!"
And then Jonni's lips were skirting the edge of the thin nap of pubic hair, and Jonni shifted down on the bed and eased herself between Sondra's shapely legs.
Sondra lifted her head and asked, "Why are you like that?" But there was a tone, an inflection, that told Jonni that Sondra knew. Overdeveloped eleven-year-old girls knew just about everything. She knew about dykes and what women did with women in bed.
Sondra was pretending ignorance.
Jonni said, "I'm going to kiss you a very special way that I know you'll like very much."
Sondra smiled an odd little, smile, at once willing, frightened, curious. She whispered faintly, "Okay."
Sondra braced herself on her elbows and watched as Jonni delicately kissed the insides of her thighs and gently urged Sondra to open them wider and wider.
Finally Jonni murmured, "Raise your knees, darling."
Sondra obeyed.
Jonni kissed a path up each inner surface toward the pussy lips which lured her. Those lips were puffed with desire, glistening with secretions, deeply flushed with blood, pouting.
Jonni was trembling. Her hands shook when they left Sondra's body for brief seconds. She kissed feather light in smaller and smaller circles, around the waiting vulva.
Jonni detected a faint trembling in Sondra, too. She could not resist her lust-to-give, her need to be wanted and to hear and feel a strong sexual response.
Jonni gave a small moaning cry and pressed her open, wet, hot mouth to the girl's waiting slit. Her tongue stabbed between the lips and instantly found the large, swollen clitoris.
Sondra's loins jumped and the girl inhaled sharply.
Jonni moaned with delight and lavished her tongue on the extremely sensitive nub. She tasted the girl's juices and loved them. She kissed and tongued in a frenzy of lust. She lashed the enlarged clitoris with her fluttering tongue, she licked deep into the vulva, into the vaginal entrance and tasted the slightly different juices there, and pressed her tongue against the girl's thin hymen and found, with her tongue tip, a small opening in the guarding curtain of tissue. She shivered and licked upward to the waiting, throbbing clitoris again, and generated in Sondra a gathering, powerful climax.
Sondra had fallen back on the bed. She was panting, her big breasts rising and falling quickly, pushed together as her arms again crossed over her stomach, holding herself tightly. Her thighs closed on Jonni's head in a soft-firm vise of warm, spasming muscles. Her belly tightened. She moaned roughly in her throat, then dissolved into fast, panting cries of ecstasy. Her vulva writhed and jumped against Jonni's clinging, insatiable mouth.
Jonni was in a heaven of her own. She had captured this lovely, lush child! She had shown Sondra the keen, special pleasure, the overwhelming pleasure, that a woman could give another. The next step was to prove to the child that she need never require a man, that a woman equipped with an imitation man's organ was a better lover in every way.
Women didn't need a man for anything!
Jonni kept her tongue moving on Sondra's clitoris until the girl's loosening, relaxing muscles told her the orgasm had run its course. The girl's thighs softened and fell open.
But now to show Sondra the wonderful world of another orgasm, and then another, and another. Each woman reacted differently, each had a different capacity. Jonni kept licking the inner folds of the still-tumescent vulva.
Sondra said softly, lovingly, "That was better, a whole lot stronger than the other way."
Jonni lifted her mouth free. "Do you want it to happen again?"
"Can I?"
"Only one way to find out…" Jonni began tonguing into the dripping vulva. The girl's clitoris quickly regained the special vibrant feel to Jonni's tongue that meant an orgasm was on the way.
Jonni shivered with her own kind of sexual joy and flicked her tongue in a double-speed flutter that sent Sondra into a second paroxysm of intense rapture.
A moment later Sondra whispered hesitantly, greedily, "Will you do it some more?"
"Of course, darling. As many times as you want."
The next half hour was a period of revelation for Sondra. She was enthralled with the intensity of her climaxes and the rapidity with which they came to her.
The more pleasure Sondra experienced, the more she wanted. And the more she came to like Jonni as the magical giver of this multiplied pleasure.
At the end, Jonni said, "We'd better quit now, darling. May might be home any time now."
Sondra said, "Ummm… no wonder Mom loves you. Can we do it again sometime?"
She was begging for it now! Jonni's eyes glistened with triumph and satisfaction. "Of course. The first chance we have. But don't tell May I've been making love to you. She wouldn't understand. She'd be mad and jealous."
Sondra nodded quickly, conspiratorially. She went for her clothes.
And May did not suspect. Both Jonni and Sondra acted as if nothing had happened.
They waited, each eagerly, as the days passed.
When May went to the store once, Sondra came to Jonni's face expectant. "Do me now."
"She'll only be gone a few minutes."
"That's long enough for once." Sondra pulled down her panties and lay back on the sofa. Her legs opened enticingly. Her vulva was visibly wet. "Can't you just lick me like this? We could hear Mom on the steps coming up."
Jonni smiled. "You like it a lot."
"Sure. Come do me, Jonni!"
"Once." Jonni sank to her knees before the open thighs and eagerly applied her mouth and tongue to the child's already juicy slit.
"Ummm…" Sondra greedily pressed Jonni's head tighter.
Sondra managed two quick, panting orgasms within five minutes. After that she began to worship Jonni with her eyes, Sondra began to try to maneuver her mother out of the apartment and to be home whenever May had to leave.
Sondra whispered to Jonni, "I get wet in my panties in school just from thinking about you licking me."
Then one night May got another baby-sitting job. Sondra bubbled with happiness and anticipation during supper before her mother left.
Jonni smiled secretly. This was the night. There were butterflies in her stomach. She was absent-minded as she drove May to the baby-sitting job. May was to call when the couple came home and Jonni would pick her up. It would be around midnight. May was happy to make the extra money.
When Jonni got back to the apartment she found Sondra waiting in her robe, fresh from a bath.
Sondra ran across the room and pressed herself eagerly against the older woman. "Let's start right away. I'm all clean and nice for you. I put on some of that powder." She opened her robe and showed her naked, youthful lushness. "Smell me."
Jonni pressed her face between the wonderfully full, round, out thrusting brown breasts. She rubbed the softness with her cheeks. She inhaled. "Umm – good!" She couldn't keep her hands away. She caressed the firm thighs, the hips and buttocks, the narrow waist and back.