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“FRD?” Jackson queried.

“Facial Recognition Database,” said Graves. “Kind of like the federal fingerprint database, but for faces.”

“I didn’t know they had that kind of shit,” said Jackson.

“It’s part of the Next Gen Identification program. DNA, facial recognition, voice recognition, fingerprints. Big Brother stuff,” said Graves.

“Back to Harper, please,” Bauer prompted.

“Yep. Sorry. Harper got out of the Marine Corps in 2004 and worked for KBR in Iraq.”

“We provided security for the vast majority of KBR installations and convoys in Iraq. Still do. That’s it?” said Jackson.

“The trail stops with KBR, aside from a P.O. box in Fredericksburg, Virginia,” stated Graves.

Berg met Jackson’s eyes. This wasn’t good news.

“Brown River is based in Fredericksburg,” said Jackson. “What about the rest of the team?”

“All ex-military special forces, with P.O. boxes in—”

“Let me guess,” Jackson cut in. “Fredericksburg, Virginia.”

“We have possible employees of Brown River involved in Berg’s kidnapping.”

“Possible?” interrupted Graves.

“We’ll get to that,” said Bauer, cutting off Graves. “Karl, what did they want from you, beyond what we already discussed?”

Berg swallowed hard, thankful for her discretion. She understood the risks involved for his contact in Moscow.

“They wanted to know everything I knew about Reznikov’s current whereabouts, which is nothing.”

“So they sought very specific information to Reznikov?”

“Yes. A few days after I brought information about Reznikov to your attention.”

“Noted,” she said. “To recap, Berg’s abduction has no apparent direct tie to Jessica Petrovich’s, though the timing is suspicious. Berg’s captors were extremely interested in Reznikov’s current whereabouts, in addition to something I can’t share with you.”

Grumbling erupted from the group, which Berg expected. Secrets never sat well when people’s lives were on the line.

“I know what she’s referring to,” said Munoz. “This is the kind of secret you take to your grave. Trust me on this.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” said Berg. “Did I really tell you?”

“And Jackson,” said Munoz. “I think the painkillers were talking.”

“Anything else related to Berg’s abduction?” said Bauer, steering them back on course.

“We’re still analyzing phone data,” said Graves.

Bauer nodded. “From what I’m told, you’ll find something if it’s there.”

“Damn skippy,” said Gupta. “Sorry. I felt like I needed to say something.”

“Don’t,” said Graves. “Please.”

“That brings us to tonight,” said Bauer. “Darryl, would you take over for me? I can’t answer my own questions objectively.”

“If you insist,” said Jackson, standing up. “Not sure I can match your style, but I’ll sure as shit try. First question is for Karl. How the fuck did you know they were all over her?”

Berg was thrown off by the question and the gruff tone. “Uhhhh… I didn’t. It was a theory. If it didn’t pan out, no harm, no foul.”

“Aside from one very pissed-off Audra Bauer and her husband,” said Jackson.

“Stick to questions,” said Bauer. “Big picture. Actually, there’s only one question you need to ask.”

“That sounds like a challenge,” said Jackson, appearing to think carefully. “All right. What was different about tonight?”

“Multiple vehicles following Bauer. A team set to grab her in the coffee shop parking lot. Itchy trigger fingers,” said Melendez.

Jackson shook his head. “Wrong question.”

“How did they know where Karl and Audra planned to meet?” Jackson probed.

Bauer nodded her approval while Berg refrained from answering. He needed the conclusion to be drawn from someone who hadn’t initially resisted the Russian theory. Abraham Sayar gave the answer he was looking for.

“Bauer’s phone is tapped.”

Jackson knew where to go with the answer. “Karl, what phone did you use to pass the meeting location and time to Audra?”

“Can I answer?” said Gupta.

“Go ahead,” said Jackson.

“On the most encrypted, secure-ass motherfucking satellite phone there is.”

“Thanks for the colorful description,” said Jackson. “Audra? How did you take Karl’s call?”

“On the encrypted phone in my office.”

“Karl, did you involve or inform anyone outside of this group about tonight’s plan?”


“Has anyone else? Only answer if you have,” said Jackson.

Everyone shook their heads, mumbling.

“What is the likelihood that the Russians have compromised your office phone, Audra?”

“Zero,” she said.

“Bug planted in your bag? On your person somehow?”

She shook her head. “Unlikely. I’m screened for electronics upon entry to the building and again when I get to my floor.”

The conclusion was inescapable.

“Then tonight’s attempted abduction was an inside job,” Jackson concluded. “Inside the CIA, or inside Sanderson’s crew?”

A low discordance of disbelief and muttering started.

“Darryl is right. We can’t individually discount everyone in here based on their word alone. Sorry,” she said. “Graves?”

Sanderson’s lead surveillance tech smirked, a rare show of emotion from the guy, based on what Berg had witnessed from him today.

“Assuming I didn’t rig the game,” said Graves, “I’m confident none of Sanderson’s operatives sent any unauthorized transmissions.”

“How can you be sure?” said David Bauer.

“Because Sanderson is a paranoid motherfucker, as my colleague might say, and insisted that I monitor all of your communications,” said Graves. “Unless one of you is hiding a phone or tablet we didn’t manage to detect and infiltrate, the team is clean.”

“Even my phone?” asked Mazurov.

“Especially your phone,” said Graves. “Anyone that’s been out of the direct fold for a while got extra scrutiny.”

“So what do we have?” said Jackson.

“Not much,” admitted Bauer. “My office phone or the office itself is likely bugged. That indicates an internal problem.”

“Shit,” muttered Berg.


“I was in your office talking about Reznikov a few days ago. They came for me first.”

“And I passed on your request to monitor any and all channels for any information about Sokolov or Reznikov.”

“Who’s Sokolov?” asked Daniel.

“Possible accomplice in Reznikov’s recent escape. Long story,” said Berg.


“The Russians received information that Reznikov was working at a clandestine bioweapons laboratory sponsored by the Solntsevskaya Bratva. The raid failed, but the circumstances surrounding Reznikov’s truly miraculous last minute escape are suspect at best. Sokolov has been one of Reznikov’s personal bodyguards for a few years. His body was not recovered at the site, but the rest of Reznikov’s guards, along with a very high-ranking Bratva commander, were found dead a few miles downriver from the lab. We think Sokolov sold Reznikov to the highest bidder.”

Daniel nodded. “And that bidder is now trying to tie up any loose ends connected to Reznikov.”

“That would be my guess,” Berg agreed.

“Wonderful,” said Daniel. “Any idea who the highest bidder might be?”

Berg had to tread lightly here, because his latest theory sailed straight past conspiracy and landed in uncharted territory. They’d done it once. Why not again? He decided against sharing the theory.