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Steven is the bestselling author of ten novels and several novellas, including a commissioned trilogy of novellas based on the popular Wayward Pines series. His canon of work includes the popular Black Flagged Series, a gritty, no-holds barred covert operations and espionage saga; The Perseid Collapse series, a post-apocalyptic thriller epic chronicling the events surrounding an inconceivable attack on the United States; and The Fractured State series, a near-future, dystopian thriller trilogy set in the drought-ravaged Southwest.

He is an active member of the International Thriller Writers (ITW) and Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) organizations.

You can contact Steven directly by email (stevekonkoly@striblingmedia.com) or through his blog (www.stevenkonkoly.com).


To the usual suspects. You know who you are. A special shout-out goes to my editor, Felicia Sullivan, for saving me from myself on this one. She knows what I’m talking about. The same thank you goes out to Pauline Nolet and Stef McDaid, both of whom responded brilliantly to my rather short-fused notice.

Character List


Zane Abid — Deputy Director National Clandestine Service

Audra Bauer — Deputy Director, Counterproliferation Center

Karl Berg — Staff Operations Officer, National Clandestine Service

Erin Foley — NCS Liaison to Black Flag group.

Thomas Manning — Director, Counterproliferation Center

Richard Sanford (TA) — Director

Sandra Tillman — Director National Clandestine Service


Dana O’Reilly — Deputy Associate Executive Assistant Director

Ryan Sharpe — Associate Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch


Dihya Castillo — Black Flag, Middle Eastern Group

Scott Daly — Former U.S. Navy, SEAL. Black Flag Americas Group

Richard Farrington “Yuri” — Black Flag, Russian Group Leader

Aleem Fayed — Black Flag, Middle Eastern Group Leader

Erin Foley — Former CIA agent. Black Flag, Contract Associate

Timothy Graves — Black Flag, Electronic Warfare Team, U.S.

Ashraf Haddad — Black Flag, Middle Eastern Group

Jared Hoffman “Gosha” — Black Flag, Russian Group Sniper

Nikolai Mazurov — Former Black Flag Operative.

Enrique Melendez “Rico” — Black Flag, Americas Group

Jeffrey Munoz — Black Flag, Americas Group

Daniel Petrovich — Black Flag, Contract Associate

Jessica Petrovich — Black Flag, Contract Associate

Brigadier General Terrence Sanderson — Black Flag, Leader

Abraham Sayar — Black Flag, Middle Eastern Group

Department of Defense

General Frank Gordon — Commander, United States Special Operations Command

White House

Alan Crane — President of the United States (True America Party)

Nora Crawford — Secretary of State

Erik Glass — Secretary of Defense

Bob Kearney (Major General, U.S. Army retired) — Homeland Security Advisor

Beverly Stark — White House Chief of Staff

Gerald Simmons — White House Counterterrorism Director

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Frederick Shelby — Principle Deputy Director of National Intelligence

Gary Vincent — Director of National Intelligence

Federation Security Service (FSB)

Arkady Baranov — Director, Center of Special Operations (CSN)

Maxim Greshnev — Chief Counterterrorism Director

Alexei Kaparov — Deputy Director, Bioweapons/Chemical Threat Assessment

Yuri Prerovsky — Federation Agent, Organized Crime Division

Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)

Dmitry Ardankin — Director of Operations, Directorate S

Vadim Dragunov — Zaslon operative, Directorate S

Mihail Osin — Spetsnaz operative, Directorate S

Stefan Pushnoy — Director


Ernesto Galenden — Wealthy Argentinian business tycoon supporting General Sanderson’s Black Flag program

Srecko Hadzic — Former leader of the “Panthers,” a Serbian ultra-nationalist paramilitary group associated with Slobodan Milosevic’s regime

Darryl Jackson — Brown River Security Corporation executive

Mirko Jovic — Leader of “White Eagles,” a rival paramilitary group

Dima Maksimov — Solntsevskaya Bratva, Pakhan (Leader)

Matvey Penkin — Solntsevskaya Bratva, Avtorityet (Brigadier)

Anatoly Reznikov — Former scientist at Vektor Institute

Grigor Sokolov — Former GRU Spetsnaz. Bratva Security.



© Steven Konkoly 2017 All rights reserved

Foothills of Divjaka, Republic of Kosovo
August 1998

Marko Resja stood a few meters away from the raised dirt road leading into the crude village, swatting flies away from his grimy, sweat-covered face. August drew stifling heat and oppressive humidity to the Balkan Peninsula, which couldn’t have been timed worse for the Yugoslav offensive. The heat seemed to incite the flies, which needed little encouragement in these hills. He wondered if these insects could sense their role in the impending tragedy. It would certainly explain their increased activity.

He raised his twenty-year-old M-76 sniper rifle and stared through the worn scope, scanning the road as far as possible. He was assigned to watch the most likely western approach for Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) vehicles, sharing the duty with another relatively new member of Srecko Hadzic’s Panthers. Satisfied that nothing threatened to approach from the outskirts of Divjaka, he lowered the rifle and shrugged at his partner, who then spoke a few hushed words into a cheap plastic handheld radio.

When Sava finished sending the report to their commander in the village, he rolled his eyes, before slapping the flies away from his head. Sava’s dark green camouflage uniform was filthy; crusted with light brown mud up to the knees. Large sweat stains formed odd circular shapes under his armpits and across his chest. The only thing clean about Sava was his rifle, which was slung over his left shoulder — to free him to perform the occasional radio check-in and chain smoke cigarettes. Sava’s face disappeared in a cloud of tobacco smoke and reappeared sporting a grin. His yellowed teeth stood out through the thin layer of unevenly applied green and black camouflage.