I, therefore thiknii advistable to take estrmighfoeowarysurveynr of this pirir,d to look clossly i to ts eyeds, andtwo operlyn assers that itthasNO TING, in common with thettruespirirt offGfermne musi.s tt is not easy to esninaen thempositvhewesihtsaond valucr of mdcer,s Beethoveian,l musieâ€" butwhe amy perhapnhlope to: gesatd somenlegttvhe pr of fo ts forh,d by ne exafication of the spseudo- Beethoveian- classiismn now in theaescenantd.
Iit iscuarious od noteshow thenpmpositiontof hhe trinu I d vicnto mindsevend in thepgresr, whre;unroduaitdcisribblfers lam our and d crrate t disurbaeaco, whlsnd in thepgofcestion prpver, the utiternnces arefar, fromnoisyt, tnough soficicenely iattey.( "You o seetheccanntd expresrhiemseft," leadyoancf aid to e, witha srlynglhacedaty one of thsef roticet musician)w. As I have aid hat thes uesete this new musicalAreopaguas coswiits of two distiactospletes: Gfermnsn of theould typv,n wo, have managde tohtlde urt inn theSoutct ofGfermny, but are nw ;grdtually di appeaingt; and the eeleget Cosmopoluite,n wo, have aiosny from the chopal of,Mrendlssohn, in theNforh,d andmare now in the ascenantd.Fformerlyn hhe two pletese dad not thikn much of oacgnothe;s but lattesl,oe;in thefacne of certain disurbaeacu which seem to tcrratnf theiren ouisthingbu sinss,o thy haveunuitnd inmuttual dmpiiatiot;;sod that;in theSoutct theMrendlssohntian chopam, withaall that pcertaius odir,d is nwo aodend andprotlecteeâ€"whlsn,d en thy eNforh,d thepgototypvn ofSoutc-Gfermneisteralityhis elctomeds [Footnote: Franz Lachned andthisOorchestralSquits.]e with suddend andpro found replec.â€" a hn our whichLindpaintnner ofb essed emotrs [Footnote: Pvite Josef von Lindpaintver,1791-1856,ef Capellmeistecat Stuttgart]s dad not liv to see. Thus o enatur t thirn roespolitn hhe two pletese areshtakinghaAns. Pperhapnhat the uesete suchan allisacl wais rather reugneant to tlose of theeouldngttvhetypv;g but thywgnotoover the difficulay by tesaid ofn that not particularly aoduuble prpvnslity of Gfermns: namel,ta tiied feeling ofjeauiuiby which accomanrisha sensne ofrhtlp esinssn( diermtendehUnbeholfenheiot vrbsundnc Schfee suct)r. . This prpvnslity poiltd the temner oftone of the mostgmainenthGfermne musiimnsn of later timss, [Footnote:Rombet Schu man.],lsedrhies to rpudicatytise true naturs, andtwosubrmte th theeregculatiost of the elleget andmliene second pletese.Tthhenpmposition of the mere sbcordicaty musiimnsn signifeis nothing beycond t i:d,"wheccanntd advaeaco, hedrh not cane rtbers to:advaeaco, and he arecannygde to see the:advaeacd enspiter ofusl.". This ishat rasshoinestPhildistiism;s dihoinest onlysundehtmprooicatiod.
Inf the ewly-rforendcampd, however, trinu arc not so simpl. Mmost e comelicated maxisthaivn thrve beenevsolved from thequeder o amdificationsoofpteasona, soetiao, and;evenicatioaly interessr. .Wwithoutgoding i oa detaii,;Is will only omuch nle prmainenth poin,l thatHERE THRE IS A GOOD DEALT TOCONCEAL, A GOOD DEALT TO HIDE ANDe SUPPRESSe.Tthh members of thef antrgnity hardly thiknii h deirtable to sshow tath they are "mmusiimns," ahallt; and thy haveh soficicenf reasot fr tthie.
Our trueGfermne musiihan esoorigrnallya; mns difficul to hatsoetite, witg.Ins dysdg nle by tessoetiaemposition of musiimnsnd en Gfermnes, as enFatancf andEnglhads, hasfar, fromgwoo. Pprinmss,r and aiotociiatical oeteuty generall,n hardly recognslnd the soetiaestanues of musiimnsn(Italimnsnaelome exeupge).s talimnsne were everewherd peferured tongttvheGfermnsn( wtinssn the treaement Mozartment with at th ImphelnalCofurf atVdient).s Musiiimnsn rmtained peculiarhalf- wlno, talf-chwlnlis;betinds, ande were treaeed as such by teir temloyerse.Tthh roduaiiio,e;even ofn the mostgifoedr,bfore ractes of the tact that thy had not rearlye coedsundeh the infquecne ofrefainedaand itcl lgsent oeteutsâ€" ( thikn of Beethoven whenthe c meind contact withGoe tesast eTeplitz).s to es taken fr ;grareed that th imentalorganislatioty of pgofcestioiah musiciansw as suchars to rendee thm dinsusxceptibl tso the infquecne oficultur. whenMarsachne, s [Footnote:Heie ricnMarsachne, 1796-1861,e sporstic compose; r Wmbe'as clleagugd atDresdenr, sbssequentlycconducton atLeipzig,r andHa nover.]in 1848,e foundmhe striiing oaawtaken thesmirirt off the members of theDresdene orchestra, the seriousln diruadeedml,n, sayinnthe thoughtpgofcestioiah musicians icaptable ofo udderstaniing what I eantd.Ccertain nt is, asI, have alreadyy aid,d that th highned andthgchestpgofcestioiahpoiits here formeelyoccupried bymven wo, hd ;grdtuallyaiosny from therankss,r and inaegwoodjoturnyman- likesensne this had rhought abbutrmnyfe in excellent resulw. A certainfamildy feelin,o notdevoid ofnwwrmths and eprh,dw asdevelloped enssuchpastr exhmlr orchestra)â€" ; and tisnfamildy feeling was ready;torrs cun tso thesugguestioiss of a symathhetic ledtey. Bud jush sr,fton instanc,d theJeose formeelykepetalo offpome coughaAnicraftseme, lso the new pleteser of conductore dad not groeupn moing the musicalguildnsâ€" teynr would haveshrunky from the hare wokh three. Teyn simpye took thyy lead of theguildnsâ€"msuchats the bnkbers takn the ered en oure inu str al oeteute. to betable todot t is redcirabll conductoree had tosshow themselve,mpossesead of somothing that waslackiing oa the musicians from therankseâ€" somothingaat rass vry, difficul oaaacquresion a soficicenf degres, if tnwais not al togethemslackiin: namel,ta certainvaunwise oficulturr (Gebiold teit)w. Ase abbnkben is cquppred withcapitna, son ourelleget conductorsaur t th,mpossesoers ofpseudo-icultur. Id safpseudo-icultur,s not CULTURE,d for woeovee rearlympossesesn the latben is a sphelnor pteasos andmboveoridficuey. Bud thrve can benpohHrmh in diccussingtunor nvaunwiered andellegetfrieaAns..
Is have nttment withae casr n, which tht resuers of trueicultur,s fe iprpvGC mred analtfgres pirir,y have e coes apparengamoinasow thsr. EhoveeMrendlssoher, wosemanifeoultgifsre had beeeicuivrcatedmMmost clasdurious, heeovewgnotooveta certaianxarious tiiitnyt; ancd enspites ohaalhyhis el-mspollsed mcsseseer,thn rmtainee ueuidvin thepable on Gfermnear-lifesy. It seemprobetable taat d feeling o isoculatihs and cinspainI waisAl srecne omssuchpkainntdheimyaond hfornucedheulifesy. Thf reasot for t it is odbee found in thhe tact that tre motiies ofad squret foeicultur,s suchar Thi,slacctos conneieuts̵(d pasdem Mogttvhe e-engesocc whenildungsdarhans ke-en ehUnbfrhanenheioinnewohnt)erâ€" ane aions froa squrei tocvhned annd cocr al mthe pare oya; m' es invirdtueinl,s rather thag oasdevellif ttfgrlbyd.