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“Please, sit down, Duffy,” she said.

She closed the door and returned to her seat behind her desk.

“One of the hardest things I have to do is to tell people that their performance is not measuring up. I feel in your case, I have made my position well known about how you did your job. I also feel that your latest behavior has left me no choice in the matter.”

“Oh for Christ’s sake, get on with it.” I rolled my eyes.

“That’s your problem, Duffy, you don’t take criticism well. There are several things I need to go over procedurally,” she said.

“Gee whiz,” I said.

She ignored me and started to read off a prepared statement.

“Four weeks ago you were warned about the inadequate state of your medical records. A thorough audit of those records Friday indicated very little improvement,” she paused to clear her throat.

“There have also been incidents of inappropriate use of the clinic’s resources. This includes viewing pornographic material on the Internet.” She briefly looked up to check my reaction. I did my best to look indifferent.

“There also have been several situations in which your judgment involving over-involvement with the clients has been documented. Despite warnings in all of these incidents, there has been very little improvement in your performance, conduct, or attitude,” she paused to look at me.

“Do you understand each of these concerns as they have been stated, Duffy?”


“Therefore, effective immediately, I am officially term-”

Someone was yelling outside the door. There was a disturbance coming from the lobby, and it was getting louder. Claudia buzzed Trina.

She said a few words and quickly hung up and went and opened her office door.

“Where is he? Where is that crazy man?” It was Hymie and he was being uncharacteristically loud. I dreaded facing him and dealing with the shame of letting him down.

“Where is he? He’s like some sort of superman, this Duffy!” Hymie was outside Claudia’s doorway. He walked right past Claudia, ignoring her greeting.

“You crazy goy bastard!” Hymie yelled with his arms wide. Then he reached up and pinched me hard on the cheek. Behind him, just outside the doorway, was Kelley in full uniform, and next to him was Crawford’s mayor, Jerry Jenkins. I hadn’t a clue what was going on.

“Mayor, Officer Kelley, come in here,” Hymie said.

Claudia was frozen.

“Claudia, c’mon and join us, we got big news today,” Hymie said.

Claudia walked like a zombie into her office.

“This guy Duffy, do you have any idea the heroics he pulled this weekend? He’s a superhero.”

“Well, Mr. Zuckerman, actually-” He didn’t let me finish.

“Never mind! Mayor, excuse me for talking over you, I’m just so excited!” Hymie said. “Please, Mayor, go ahead.”

Mayor Jenkins was a stately, handsomely tan man, and he was dressed in a perfectly tailored midnight-blue suit.

“Duffy, Officer Kelley has brought to our attention what you did over the weekend. You put yourself in harm’s way for the sake of one of your clients. You saved countless children from horrific trauma, and it is clear that you are a committed human service worker,” Jenkins said.

I still had no idea what was going on.

“Therefore, on behalf of the city and upon the recommendation of Officer Kelley, Mr. Zuckerman, and the city of Crawford, we would like to honor you with a special ceremony this week at city hall. You, Duffy Dombrowski, will be our very first ‘Human Service Worker of the Year.’”

“You hear that, son?” Hymie said, shaking my hand. “You made me very proud.”

Claudia’s jaw hung open and she went pale.

“So, Duffy, you haven’t answered us,” Mayor Jenkins said. “Can we honor you with a ceremony at city hall this Friday?”

“Of course, Mr. Mayor, I’d be honored.”

“Now, I’ll be there and Mr. Zuckerman will be there. We’d like someone else in your life to present you with the award and say a few things about your dedication. Is there someone who comes to mind, Duff?”

“Yes, sir, there is.” I smiled from ear to ear.

“Who would that be, Duffy?” the mayor asked.

“I can’t think of anyone who I’d like to give me that award more than my boss, Claudia Michelin.”

I thought Claudia was going to collapse. Hymie and the mayor looked at Claudia. Through gritted teeth and a face that showed more tension than a bungee cord, Claudia managed the most painful smile I’d ever seen.

“I’d love to,” she said.

It was the second best time I ever had in this office.