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The dog howls not from joy. The cat purrs not from grief. Both dogs and cats are unable to alter their nature. Is human capable of doing so?
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One thousand opinions on you are not you. Your words are not you. The one who knows himself is capable to operate all three, still remaining the fourth.
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It’s possible to talk with sinners - and to remain holy. It’s possible not to torture the body - and to remain holy. It's possible to live simple life - and to remain holy. The true holiness is holiness of consciousness.
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The one plunged in crowd will not find himself. The one renounced the world will not learn others. One can learn himself without renouncing, but can never renounce himself.
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The sacred accepts approval of others. The sinner accepts hatred of others. The wise does not seek attention of others like the first and the second.
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The prayer “for” is begging. The prayer “contra” is hopelessness. The prayer “pro” is unfulfilled hope. For truly free one his entire life becomes the only possible prayer.
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Only the poor needs alms. Only the ignorant about his own ignorance needs belief. Only the one tempered in hearth of own experience has no need for superstitions of others.
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It’s never possible to accept yourself, renouncing. It’s possible to change yourself, only having accepted. It’s possible to learn yourself, only having remembered.
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The invisible balance reigns in Universe. Because of a dust of personal desires people are not capable to behold it. The human is free to choose his own way in the world. To change the uniform laws of Universe is not in his powers.
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The reason has no physical form. The mind – is just a guide for a reason. The guide knows nothing about an unfamiliar route, but is capable to tell of him to another when the journey is finished.
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Life for yourself is celebration of ego. Life for others is celebration of slavery. The wise does not live for someone.
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Until the last enemy inside is defeated, battles are inevitable. Until there is peace inside you, you will always bring wars with you. It’s only possible to win yourself having surrendered to existence.
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When the last particle of “I” disappears, a return to a source becomes possible. When return to a source is performed, the human as we know it is no more.
Book of the Future
Adults will be like children, and children will show traits of adults. Only with revival of child in a soul simplicity of life will be learnt.
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The war always comes after the peace – and new peace becomes simply a delay before the following war. Will the epoch of thousand-year peace finally come ?
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Borders are opening. Nations are mixing up. Cultures are enriching each other. Those divided in pieces will once again become whole.
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Shabby knowledge fall. Superstitions die off. When last prejudice will be rejected, your understanding of the Universe will transform greatly.
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Outdated knowledge demands updating. New age demands new discoveries. The most valuable discovery of everyone will be he himself.
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The time of planet’s assimilation has already passed. The time of its usage passes. The time of its transformation comes.
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What’s the reason to inhabit far worlds, if own home remains deserted ? Only with transformation of own home world the transformation of others becomes possible.
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Unexplored influences are awaiting their research. Unknown energies are awaiting their discovery. Mind without prejudices will be a key to the treasury.
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Knowledge releases from fetters of ignorance. Knowledge makes one more reasonable. The knowledge is a result of studying of a universe. The knowledge will become the catalyst of itself.
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Those living in epoch of changes complain about small disorders, not seeing a sunrise on the horizon. It is impossible to cease sunrise, but the one who raises his sight from the earth receives an enlightenment.
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Uniform, transformed, young, rejoicing, singing, prospering. Such is your future world.
Book of the Sleepers
The Sleeper has come to the Awakened, yawning deeply.
- I heard from others that you had reached something, which is not spoken about among simple people. Tell me please, what is that you have learnt ?
The Awakened has smiled.
- I have reached nothing. I have simply ceased to sleep anymore.
- I too do not sleep in the afternoon, and sometimes I may not sleep even at night. If it’s everything, of what you are capable – than you are not greater than I am at all.
- In the world of those awakened there are no those, who are greater, and those, who are lesser, - answered the Awakened.
- Then why do they say differently?
- The ones saying this are sleeping ones – much like you are.
- Then how do I distinguish those saying this from those awakened ?
- Look in their eyes, and if you are close to awakening – you will feel the difference.
- Why does the sight of these, how you call them, awakened ones, is shining with fire of unknown origin, disturbing me ?
- Because their eyes are opened.
- Who is this sleeper, of which you speak all the time ?
- It’s you.
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A sleeping mind is full of illusions. The one plunged in sleep is like the water carrier with a sieve full of holes. Only having awakened it’s possible to see those sleeping.
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The dream of the sinner in filled with expiations. The dream of holy one is filled with inspirations. The dream of evil one is filled with treachery. The dream of kind one is filled with joy.
Only having realized all these dreams, it is possible to take the first step to awakening.
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The sleep of everyone was long. Awakening demands time. For those who have awakened time is stopped.
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