You were a unique creation of God, unrepeatable, unsurpassed, never demanding comparison with others, - but have become one of many. You have educated. Now you have an unloved monotonous work, a respectability, and that head of yours contains one thousand and one knowledge of what actually this world is, that particular one in which you are slowly dying for now. Yes, maybe for now you know the name of that lovely butterfly that sat down on your nose so carefree in your childhood; you remember the pronunciation of the flower, which has inspired you so greatly once; you can teach your son of the types of chemical reactions occurring on the sun that once caressed your face; and pigeons tend to cause only loathing and fear for now when they are stupidly flying over your head. You believe that you have learned this world and have nothing more to be surprised of, for there is one thousand and one answer and explanation in your possession of why something is occurring so, and not differently …
But do wonder, do ask yourself even for an instant, whether you feel yourself easier from all this gathered cargo of your illusory knowledge, whether you feel yourself happier and more cheerful that once so long ago in a half-forgotten childhood … And if you don’t … maybe something is terribly wrong with that new picture of the world of yours?
Yes, they desired a better way. Indeed, they have themselves become victims in this system of formatting souls of humans. Truly, they had no idea what they were doing. Will you be able to break this vicious circle with your own life? And are you capable to create as a master your new - solar and bright - picture of the world?
Nay, nay, that’s not you for certain. After all, you have never lied to anybody in your life, right? Well, at least a little. However, this was almost millennia ago, and, besides …
Your parents simply forced you to deceive them, for they were too severe and strict at times, too unwilling to understand - and thus you lied to them to avoid a next scolding. You sincerely believed that adults are all reasonable and fair, and you should stand up to them considering a sample for imitation for yourself, so young by that time. What a great disappointment awaited you! Since the time you have become a witness of how adults, surrounding you and - even! - your own parents have been continuously lying each other in things big and small, you have ceased to consider it as something terribly vile. Has reconciled and accepted this as a sort of a reality, given to you through sensations. Indeed, people tend to be deceived by others for they are inclined to deceive them. Well, this use to happen.
Then you had to lie to contemporaries at school of the status of your parents - otherwise series of punches and clips were waiting for you because of that individuality of yours, unduly greatly sticking out from a crowd. What a joy is that your schoolmates couldn’t check out your words and thus your deceit worked well! And as for you … after all you simply tried to protect yourself from that false world, huh? In due time you have come to a conclusion that it’s far better and easier to go down the stream instead …
And then you have fallen in love with a girl. Truly, sincerely, with your entire wounded soul. You thirsted so greatly to be loved in return! To receive even a droplet of warm attitude, a particle of sympathy, a handful of understanding … She deceived you for the reason that you have deceived her - you didn’t desire to destroy previously formed myth of your origins, and she had no wish of you being aware that you are not the first one in her life … and not the last one by far. During that very moment you felt so deeply all the nasty meaning and essence of people lying to each other … You desired to restore your relations and build them up anew, to become another man - a true, original one, instead of that invented fake individuality - yet you had no more powers to refuse your fake image. You wanted so greatly to cease lying to yourself, but …
But you had to lie once again. To deceive people and be deceived in people yourself.
You manipulated their feelings and opinions in order to get a desired and favorable to you result. You juggled with the facts and pitted men with each other, humbly remaining in a shadow, only to come out from it as illusionary winner afterwards. You made promises and never fulfilled them. You swore time and again - yet all this became simply a next useless phrase, thrown into the air. You knew how greatly people thirst inside to believe that a flattery, wasted by you, is the way you originally feel - and you willingly used this weakness of theirs to own advantage. You have created a grandiose myth of yourself - an image that was capable to outlive even you, because it required his last owner no more and became his own master instead. So, gradually and methodically, you have become a hostage of own lies, and there were no more ways for a retreat. Or, to tell the truth … they have become too difficult for you. As if there is something more pernicious than lying to yourself …
A liar?
Nay, no way, that cannot be you. You have never lied to yourself about yourself, right you are? But in a world where everyone lies to everyone in things big and small it’s so hard not to become a victim of self-deception. Yet even the grandiose of lies once began with small deceptions, right … self-deceiver?
And what can be more deadly that lying to yourself?
New Age threshold
Astounding tragicomedy in N parts
V.V.P. : - Greetings and well met, oh highly respected soul-freeing TV-watchers! Oh, whatever the way you can call yourself … Well, have a good time of pokes … I mean, jokes! Yeah, yeah, it’s me again together with ye, the TV presenter of the “Russia News” show Vladimir Vladimirovich Pupkin. And while I haven’t almost forgotten, one more thing to say to ye - I ask, I literally beg of you to stop addressing us in these three letters … well, you’ve understood! So, the topic of our next tele-task … I mean, tele-cast … will be, saying straightly, of the truly apocalyptic nature. But let’s not get behind ourselves … I mean, ahead! And, yeah, while I still haven’t forgotten the scenario, I want to add that there is a guest here sitting in the studio together with me for now, a researcher of souls of a human nature, Fyodor! Hello, Fyodor!
Fyodor :- Zdryam!
V.V.P. :- Fyodor makes me stun, telling them all “zdryam” …
Fyodor :- Those are the customs and the times … but let’s not build spiritual mines to be left lonely in the cram, addressing watchers with words “zdryam” …
V.V.P. :- From such a rhyme I’ll shed some tears! Where have you been for two hundred years?
Fyodor :- No need for sorrowful accord, I had to live in other world.
V.V.P. :- Oh well, perhaps, but let us stop - or soon we will be on the top until at least the end of day … I find it hard to rhyme, I say!
Fyodor :- And I find funny it for now … what shall we tell to them and how?
V.V.P. :- Oh, we will see the picture vile, how Russian bear gets exiled; how dies a foe from overseas; how British flag gets sunk in freeze; how Jews returned all western walls to Arabs nations with to tolls; how Europe-Russia did unite, and Balts unable to spread blight; how N of prophecies came true; how temples ruined without glue; how politicians got mad and eat now only stale bread; and how the Newest Epoch comes and we are hitting in the drums!