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Dragged-out war potential: 0 %.

Rate of strategic danger by Rejgon scale: L-5 (very low).

First contact: Local natives have shown high level of the guarded animosities and have refused to carry out an exchange of processed units of Liberium on offered by us space marine food rations, costume jewelry and Coca-Cola.

Based on the above-stated fragment from the report of a research democratic flotilla of space bombers of strategic tasks K52, I order to perform technological militaristic ownership in conformity with Makristan’s strategy by the following means:

1.        Soft orbital bombardments of strategic communication objects of the enemy by using of thermonuclear arms and zero-particles generators.

2.        Capture of the detected central settlement by assault groups of space infantrymen of K52 flotilla.

3.        Deployment of the system of diplomatic and medical aid to the natives, who have suffered from "act of nature". Perform parallel ownership and control over leading Liberium mines along with deployment of military bases in their vicinities.

4.        Maintenance of military-diplomatic control during the three-year period of Liberium’s mining.

The order is to carry out immediately at reception. The report on the done work is expected in 5 planetary days.


It’s a question of strategic importance, G., any regret and uncertainty will become a potential hindrance, which contradicts with the high mission of our great Empire.

And may the Maker be with us !



Only after crucifixion resurrection becomes possible. There is no other way.


Philosophy died - it died the day of own birth. A spawn of mind and human nonsense, never it was capable to grant this true vital feeling of joy and completeness, fullness and self-realization, given by creativity. Hostages of own mind became traitors of conscience. A soap bubble has been inflated with hypocrisy and lies to yourself - yet this bubble has almost burst, but you still haven’t learned how to love … only how to think of that.

Time and again new fabrications and philosophical concepts visit your uneasy minds, and you possess no forces to oppose this chaotic music - you have been listening to it for all your life, and from time to time you even try to write down its notes. Over and over again you keep running by the same circle, and are unable to behold all futility of own ways. Your philosophy of life became the strongest anesthetizing from its ever-growing cacophony. Your mind became sick of self-deception.

In a vain hope you believe that it’s possible to build a society of common prosperity outside, continuing to ruin yourself inside. As if it was ever possible to make a paradise, living daily in a hell of own prejudices! You have forgotten how to live - and mind of yours became the only unique playground. You have forgotten how to love - and love of yours constantly transforms into hatred. You have forgotten yourselves original and accepted fancy dresses, imposed to you, having become clowns instead of men. Eternally unsatisfied and ill from feeling of own importance, you pass by sleeping ones, similar to you day by day without noticing … and those, who take responsibility to wake you, invariably become your worst enemies. Yet there is only one true enemy exists - and that one is you.

You have forgotten yourself original and fastened false masks of self-importance and common respect. As though the dead ones could respect the dead ones! You have selected a road straight into cemetery, having started dying instead of reviving every instant. You have chosen worthless philosophy. You have preferred false values - and they have preferred to destroy you whole. The price for masks simply rises too high sometimes … and you fall too low, having put them on. You have forgotten whence you have come. You have no idea of where you are going. How can you hope for the joy of travel mentioned then? A penal servitude for you it has become, though you will never admit.

Painfully it’s for you to recognize banefullness of your ways, for the ego opposes that and the memory of past rises on that. But razed will be the temple of false knowledge, and new one will be built upon. And the ash will your philosophy become, and tears will be a river. The blood of your spirit will spill in the river mentioned, making it red those days. The sparkling blade of uniform Truth everyone will stick into himself independently, thus splitting webs of false personal truths. Painfully will you cry those days. But whether a revival without crucifixion is ever possible?

No philosophies do I possess to give you for consolation, for I cannot have any. How can I grant you an entire world if you already have one inside, though cannot see that treasure mentioned due to own blindness philosophic?

Whether a river possesses a philosophy, I wonder? A true existence it has become, part of a world inseparable. How argue will you with river whispering and spreading, and for what purpose answers from it will you demand? A silent song of its whispering - whether it’s not an answer already? Never it’s possible to argue with a river, yet only spoil its water can you try with dirt own, having been for years collected. Yet only a dam can you try to build, but waters of river mentioned will find new ways, bypassing those obstacles of yours. Like a river the uniform truth will be, from a smallest stream being born first and washing off everything in a world’s flood further. And whether its coasts will be limited, I wonder?

No philosophies for you I have on me, for in a fire of own transformation they are being burned, for a bird to have a chance to take off from a cage previous. And when a bird of spirit flies to a freedom outside - the entire sky you are granted from now on.


Plan 2020

Sensation ! Sensation ! Truth ? Or provocation ? Ones, who meaning learn and give – those, who Plan’s will outlive. (Mihylach, ye stupid berk ! Who names articles as such, huh ? – a note of the editor-in-chief)

Top secret ! (Or for administrative use at the very least, - a note of the editor-in-chief)

* * *

As we have learnt, unique fragments from speeches of ancient Indian Dalaj-Llamas, entitled precisely “Plan 2020”, have recently been acquired by ubiquitous Chinese hackers. By means of extreme efforts and entire box of very strong drinks two of our translators managed to transliterate a part of ancient Sanskrit records from Chinese to Russian. Cannot translate it backwards, though.

As it’s well known for all semi-and-almost enlightened beings, mankind has been promised some wonderful New World for a long time, in which those who haven’t died on the way will once be able to come. Terms, unfortunately, were always indistinct and foggy, and that has generated a lot of coffee guessing together with other perversion, but all earlier predicted dates and terms have appeared to be nothing more than past.

Perhaps, these given fragments will be able to shed some light on the Doomsday date (and who are the judges ? – a note of the proofreader), as well as on some results of its coming.

As we were told by two of our translators, they managed to overpower the translation of text fragments,  speaking about how the geopolitical map of the world will change in (near?) future – or, to be more exact, how some of the countries, known to us, will be called.