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- But, comrade Directing One, whether it’s not better and more appealing to give each of our students a possibility to try groping own path, to realize their own unique potentials by using various creative gifts, given to them on birth?

- And now you are talking the language of my predecessor, mister Semjuel, - and I would like you to know that he couldn’t keep himself in my present place even for a year. And of what creative gifts are you blabbing about? Whether of those shitty writings, made by so-called scribbles of last decades? Or, perhaps, of that most soul-enraging and disturbing musical “classical” rubbish? Or, probably, these so-called “live” pictures are in your mind? Or, possibly, these foolish stone sculptures? Forget it, Semjuel, neither that, nor one thousand other way of similar individual self-expression are incapable to grant even a gram of the sensation of the power, given to ones led by us during moments of reign of their collective unconscious!

Understand, realize it already and at last, Semjuel, that if every bolt and gear in a clockwork would be their own, chosen and formed by his or her will diameters and sizes - such a mechanism couldn’t work at all as it is, Semjuel, - the time itself would stop once and for all! The system would cease working, everything would turn to be the uttermost chaos! For what purpose are you desiring this chaos of individual self-expression masochism? Our entire system of learning and education is built with a purpose of non-admission of similar excesses, Semjuel, for the purpose of total unification and standardization of individual conscious, for the purpose of polishing its facets to a state of a sparkling diamond! We help cobble-stones to feel as diamonds in a crowd of similar ones; we as true experts grind off each sharp side, each unnecessary camber, each intolerable sharpness and thus transform them into the universal, one-dimensional, esteemed and dear, respectable and shining stone! Not even a simple stone, but a real diamond, a gear, a small screw in the most perfect social mechanism.

We give them a sensation of self-requirement, public utility, Semjuel … instead of these silly and foolish feelings of own loneliness and forlornness which are formed in souls of those unreasonable that have dared to deny our skill and went own vital path. Our students are almost happy for they are almost necessary, and we have practically helped them with cultivation of this practicality. We skillfully limit numbers of them, working in different compartments of our system, different spheres … we even have almost united them with each other on the basis of mutual benefit and mutual co-work … They are interdependent and linked together, Semjuel, - but not by the will of own heart, but by criteria of extremely practically-business, economical, industrial nature … Certainly, similar unity is illusionary in nature … that’s the reason why wars are inevitable in their society …

We give them the meaning of their lives, Semjuel, from the very childhood we impart them “adult” views on it, depriving them of all ide creative lack of taste, all insalubrious internal slackness and laxity, all silly and ridiculous childish pleasures and delights … Already soon, Semjuel, we will inject into the brain of our future offsprings all centuries-old heaviness and power of the knowledge saved by us already shortly after their birth … they are destined to become ideal members of our incorporated and unified society, will know their predefined by us place in it almost right after their birth. We will take care of them so that they did know neither hunger, not excessive alarms as well as excitements, so that their life flew extremely measuredly and monotonously, was verified and predictable, stable … We are going to go even further and in due time will destroy all creations made by these deviants of the past, so that fatal doubt has no chance to crept into the souls of ones edified by us, so that they never experienced that ominous creative ecstasy, which in times averted some of them from the common social harmony of monotony in the past.

Certainly you understand, Semjuel, that a world in which only several thousands of individuals perform creative work, and all the rest do nothing more than stuffy consumption and spitting out into these creators all that lumps of a food spiritual ballast - that this world lacks both harmony and solvency, that a world with unified canons, norms of life, work and creative delicacy is undoubtedly much more perfect? And you are invited to participate in the building of exactly mentioned world today, if you, of course, have no desire to take the place of those few, who have recently on my memory opposed us … to die for nothing, even for a sake of something?

So, what do you say, Semjuel? Why are you keeping silence all the time? Don’t you agree with me?

- Alas, no. And it seems to me that for now I have understood, why you are so afraid to become free. Simply … you are extremely afraid to once take the responsibility for what you have already done, fearful to pay back for a once made free choice … but after all a slave chooses his destiny still being free … and even crowds of identical and similar to you ones are never capable to dull that extreme and corroding pain from a once made so precipitate step, right?


The crime and the punishment

I will return to you again, and it shall be very soon. Much sooner than many would like it to happen.

I will come to you as unexpectedly as unexpectedly came and has come again He, who is so much greater than I am. For He has truly come again.

If you haven’t heard even Him – what gives me hope that you will hear all of us, taken and united together, now ? And yet I still hope …

And yet I am again with you – for the hope does not leave me, that having passed through all hearth of deprivations and sufferings, you will one day smile to the former difficulties of your life and sing a praise to the Light.

Ask you, I shall – why have you deformed words of mine with fabrications of your own ? Why have you prevented them to flow to the most undercover corners of human’s soul ?

Ask you, I shall, if you have really experienced every obstacle, given to me by the life of my own. And if not – who gave you the right to judge on behalf of mine ?

Our tasks are difficult, but on the aspiration and belief of everyone we are given. Yet someone is a creature, shivering, and others have been given the right to change this world.

Or do you believe that your mind is truly capable to change it ? But look, what the cunning and meanness of your minds has already done to you.

No need for conjectures of your mind I have – but in souls and hearts of yours I want to see it. And what is heart if not a temple of a soul ?

Or do you truly think that I am not capable of reading through souls of yours ? Perhaps you will deceive me one day, - but how will you deceive the One, standing beside me ?

How can you hide from His all-seeing gaze ? By having put out your eyes only.

How can you stop hearing His voice, given through us ? By closing your ears only.

How can you not feel His kind touches ?  By having destroyed your hears only.

Having a presentiment, I am, how under the sight of mine you will bend the head of yours and the shame, shrouded by fear, will pierce hearts of yours. But is that what I truly desire ?

No need for your fear I have, and even He has no need for it – but your understanding of own crime is necessary. But your desire of change is necessary.