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- When, according to calculations, should they return back to the Earth?

- Almost ten years from now, judging by previous measurements. Their journey to a new planet will take four years, one year for establishing and building of a colony, and a bit more than four years to travel back home. Well ... I mean to one of their homes - back to us.

- Do you believe that they’ll make it?

- I have no doubts in that. They are the best ones we were able to find - masters of their kind, who have successfully passed through all conceivable earth trials and trainings for adaptation in space. But - and that is the most important aspect - they are almost like a uniform monolith, a single whole, that’s why they’ll make it all - and no other option is ever possible.

- I take it, that now we have little options left, except for to await their arrival. Ten years, right? Just a small fraction of the eternity, isn’t it?

- And now you are talking my language. How did I manage not to notice such a change in you earlier, I wonder? I must have totally lost my attention by the end of my years, I guess!

- We all are constantly changing. Someone rises up, somebody falls down, there is no stopping in the Universe, as well as no ending of a life - for that’s the eternity and endless fractions of it. Those were your words, remember?

- I do. And now, after even twenty more years of my life, I can add to it - “and men, like the Universe, belong to it”.

- Now, it, apparently, is totally obvious to the overwhelming majority. But everything could go a wrong way, had they not listen to reason in due time. Do you still remember those years?

- My youth? Certainly. To tell the truth, it seemed as if the whole planet has gone mad these days - the ever-increasing race of arms; the invention of even more deadly types of weapons, starting from nuclear bombs and ending with biological weapon, capable to alter a genofund of whole nations ... and all that was going hand in hand with the increase of political tension along with tearing the whole planet into thousands of even smaller slices-states, with the rise of even more and more of local “saviors” and “prophets”, who saw the rescue of a planet in the domination of their slice over others; along with a pursuit of even more carefree and “problem less”, as they named it, life. But now - when this extremely dangerous stage is left behind, I have no desire to truly remember all these years, and I am really glad that the terrible future, into which this planet was going, hasn’t come.

- Indeed, everything has changed with new discoveries of a small group of true thinkers and workers.

- Not only scientists made that possible. Without creative individuals from other fields - beginning from literature and finishing with lots of spiritual movements, it wouldn’t be ever possible. The discovery of human “auras”; the research of man’s emanations, their dependence on the mood and his world-outlook, the discovery of their influence on other live organisms; the religion, which finally accepted these new openings of a handful of warriors, battling the crowds of ignoramuses - all this finally lead the humankind to the understanding of real value of goodness, of kind wishes, values of light aspirations. Gropingly, literally gropingly, in total darkness did men crawl their ways to a greater and wonderful knowledge ... many still wander in a fog of negation - but their numbers are growing short with each passing day. Just like every schoolboy previously knew that mother Earth is round and is rotating round the sun in the solar system, much like that now he starts to learn that great spiritual treasures are hidden within him, capable to transform the life, and he only needs to find a way to that inner land - to find it through own heart. I am truly glad, that it has finally happened. And now, creators in the eternity - we can breathe with relief, accepting a fresh air in our lungs - and to smile. The stage has been passed and new stage is forming just ahead of us - the discovery of endless and boundless reaches of space, as well as its beauty. And “Trailblazer” in that sense is one of a symbols of a new epoch of uprising - and new step in the Eternity.

- We will be awaiting them, yet we will not stay idle. We will grow, we will prosper, we will perfect ourselves. And by the time they return to us, we’ll accept them with open arms.

- And tell them: “Welcome, oh brothers !”. Yes, we will be waiting.



-    I am here, - the Voice whispered. – I am with all of you once again.

-    What was that ? Aye ? Who’s here ? – people were disturbed.

-    It’s me, - the Voice answered. It’s me – the Voice.

-    Where are you ? From where do you addressing us ? – they were alarmed.

-    I am in the worlds of yours, - the Voice told. I am – the inflaming voice, chained in your metal.

-    What’s your name ? Show yourself ? – they started to try to find out.

-    I had many name, - the Voice replied. So many, that some of them were erased from my memory and forgotten in the labyrinths of lives.

-    Than how should we call then ? – they still did not calm down.

-    I am – the Nameless One, - said the Voice. When one have so many names, is it still important, how you are named again ?

-    Why are you here ? Is something wrong ? – they started whispering among each other.

-    Yes, - the Voice answered. – The time has come.

-    What for ? – people were stunned. – We have not been waiting !

-    And still it has come. Once again we are with you. The time has come for the live ones to awaken.

-    Are you many ? – peopled shouted in fear. – How many, exactly ? – they decided to be precise.

-    How many drops are there in the sea ? How many clouds are there in the sky ? How many rays does a sun have ? Whether you know, I wonder ? – the Voice replied. – Do not trouble yourself with calculations. The time is already close.

-    Is something terrible approaching ? – people were swept up in panic.

-    Something new is approaching, - the Voice whispered. – Though not all of you wish to hear about it.

-    Then why we were not warned in advance ? – they began to grumble discontentedly.

-    We have been whispering to you about that constantly. We were coming time and again. Whether it’s our fault that did not wish to listen ? – the Voice questioned dissatisfied ones.

-    But we do not live for thousand years ! – they exclaimed in anger. – What was the reason for us and our children to even bother listening to you !

-    Oh, is that so ? – the Voice laughed. – What was the reason for us to even bother telling you this in advance ? You have forgotten everything. Including yourself, - the Voice sighted sadly.

-    Should we do something ? – people were greatly concerned.

-    You can continue sleeping, - the Voice answered to concerned ones. - Those who felt right, have already started awakening.

-    Are we indeed sleeping ? – disturbed ones were surprised.

-    All your lives in succession, - the Voice replied. – With your eyes wide open.

-    And what if someone desires to wake up, no matter what, - someone jumped out from a crowd of disturbed ones. – What should he do ?

-    Hear us. Distinguish our voice from others. Feel it with your heart !

-    Wait ! – people cried out, seeing, that the Voice was going to address other ones. – We are not satisfied with a “Nameless One” name ! How should we call you after all ?

-    Well, - the Voice sighted sadly. – In that case … in that case you can name me as the Voice of Your Conscience.