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I feel I'm many-faced… so many personalities swirling inside me, constantly fighting for my attention. I am all them – and yet someone different.

I feel I have awakened, yet partially. I won't exist as usual “me” when I will finally dare to open still closed eyes.

I feel I could never awaken even like this, had I to listen to other people's “common sense”.

I feel I know the major marks of my path, yet the details are still undetermined.

I feel my goals are right, yet only for me. My own ego must be destroyed in my wake for a new essence to be born.

I feel the happiness makes me lighter, yet still, I cannot soar.

I feel I can't call any country as motherland and even Earth is not home.

I feel I don't need to belong to any organized group folks, yet I could… just to have some fun examining them.

I feel I could speak more languages, yet now bound to the two, with one sounding so familiar… Did I relearn one of those?

I feel I could sometimes feel people's emotions flowing around me, unseen by others.

I feel humans do not yet know the inner power they hold, for this knowledge could be dangerous.

I feel the paths of all ones intertwine in a strange way and there are no random events.

I feel we all have the creativity of some origin, yet many ones buried it to look sane.

I feel some interesting events marking the future of this world are yet to come.

I feel we all have to be better if we are to survive.

I feel I will always be somewhat “out of touch” there, yet I can accept the laws most ones live with… just in case.

I feel somewhat like a child now, yet my mind is of elder.

I feel I will never stop seeking the wisdom, nor do I want to.

I feel I could walk the different direction, yet finally, my destination would be the same.

I feel I am still human on the surface – and that is for the better.

I feel my path does never truly end, yet I am glad.

I feel I am being guided, yet cannot see the guide.

I feel I am not the only one who feels like this, yet those ones are few.

I feel I could say more… yet this is sufficient.

I feel I must keep silence… for now.


Clear Words


About love and hatred to yourself and others

Not loving yourself, it’s impossible to experience the same feeling to another. Hating yourself, it’s impossible not to experience the same feeling to another.


About false victories

The mind will assure you that you are better. The mind will force you to be at war. Only having been tired of the blood of victories, it is possible to start wishing to wash hands.


About desires

Wishing much means to suffer defeat one day. Wishing little means to accept it now. The victory is possible only in the absence of desires but who will desire this victory?


About self-help

If everyone can aid himself, aid to others will be ceased. But everyone knows how to aid others, and no one how to aid himself.


About reaching yourself

It’s possible to be a holy man – and never reach. It’s possible to be a sinner – and never reach. Reaching yourself has nothing in common with others.


About nature and way of things

The thick-skinned do not feel soft touches. Turtles never run. Moles know no such thing as the sun. Wingless have no power to fly. Such is the way of things.


About light and way of things

Light cannot reach closed eyes. Eyes of sleeping ones never shine brightly with light. Light disseminates darkness by its very nature. Such is the way of things.


About life, death, and way of things

What was living yesterday, today became dead once again to further create life in a new form. Life and death are inseparable and one does not exist without another. Such is the way of things.


About emptiness in nature and way of things

The unblown flower becomes a weed for those near him. The withered oasis becomes a part of the desert. Not thawed ice becomes an iceberg in the ocean. The lake, born in an adverse environment, becomes a bog. Nature knows no emptiness. Such is the way of things.


About inner light

The sun doesn’t know the right ones. The sun doesn’t know the wrong ones. The sun shines having no purpose to warm someone. The one who has found his true nature is like the sun.


About false knowledge and spiritual enlightenment

It’s possible to accumulate lots of knowledge – and to know nothing. It’s possible to have no knowledge – and to know a lot. Only in the silence of own experience, an enlightenment is born.


About purity of clear consciousness

It’s possible to talk with sinners – and to remain holy. It’s possible not to torture the body – and to remain holy. It’s possible to live a simple life – and to remain holy. The true holiness is holiness of consciousness.


About renunciation and self-knowledge

The one plunged in the crowd will not find himself. The one renounced the world will not learn others. One can learn himself without renouncing, but can never renounce himself.


About wisdom of right attention

The sacred accept approval of others. The sinner accepts hatred of others. The wise do not seek the attention of others like the first and the second.


About acceptance and learning of yourself

It’s never possible to accept yourself, renouncing. It’s possible to change yourself, only having accepted. It’s possible to learn yourself, only having remembered.


About nature, laws, and the nature of laws

What was absurd yesterday, today became the natural law. Laws change – the nature remains the same.


About life as a teacher

Water sharpens a stone, making it’s smooth. Water washes stone coast, making its soft. Life will teach everyone, capable of learning.


About the speed of destiny

You cannot run faster than yourself. You cannot run slower than yourself. Everyone travels with its own speed.


About the creation of now

One can disbelieve in paradise – and still live in it. One can deny hell – and live in it. The true hell and paradise is a hell and paradise of the present.


About building of world-outlook

It’s hard to accept something that changes a world picture. It’s impossible to accept something that destroys it. It’s expensive to buy a new one. Only creative one is capable of making its own.


About abnormality of the normal

Blind ones call themselves as clearly seeing. Deaf ones call themselves as those who have heard the voice. Dead ones call themselves normal. Will there be a place for healthy ones in a world of sick?


About delayed triumph of justice

The heavy stone sinks in a river of time – and waters of the river sharpen it. There is no instant justice.


About low-useful experience

It is possible to pass by road of life and to reach the last point. It is possible to creep windbreaks and bogs to come to the same road again. Not any experience is valuable for a way.