“What?” Nell asked, her eyes wide.
“I need a condom, sweetheart.” He fumbled. He never fumbled. He was always precise, in his movements, in his actions, but Nell was making him clumsy. His hands were actually shaking as he opened the bedside stand and reached for the condoms he always carried.
“Thank you, Henry. I’m not on birth control.” She was staring up at him like he was some kind of hero. Her hands were on his waist, rubbing up and down, soothing him. “I never had to be before.”
“We should take you in and get you on the pill.” He didn’t want to wear the fucking condom. He wanted to spill himself inside her. He wanted to know she was walking around with his semen tucked away, a piece of himself that would stay with her.
“All right,” she agreed.
Yes, she needed a keeper. She’d just agreed to get on the pill for a man who had said he would leave her.
But Nell Finn was smart. She wouldn’t wait around for his dumb ass. She would find someone. Maybe not the person she needed, but she would find someone who would take all her sweetness. She would forget about him eventually and she would need those pills, because a woman as sensual as Nell couldn’t stay alone for long. After he was gone, she’d find another lover.
He tore open the condom a little savagely. He hated the idea. He was getting possessive. He was starting to think of Nell as his, and that was a dangerous thought.
A moan came out of his mouth as he started to roll the condom on. Nell’s hand joined his, her small palm working the latex over his dick. He loved her hands. They were real. She didn’t wear nail polish, but her nails were kept neat. Nell’s hands worked. She used them to plant her garden and to type out her books. Now she used them to make him ready for her.
He nearly lost that iron-willed control he was known for. Bishop had to take a deep breath or he would spew cum right then and there like he was fifteen again and making an idiot of himself with one of the teens who shared his foster home.
For the briefest of moments, he wished he’d never done it before. Looking down at Nell and the wonder on her face, he actually wished he was a virgin again, sharing this with her, being in the moment with her, young and fresh and staring at a future with the woman underneath him. Nell was so young. Oh, she was twenty-five, only ten years younger than him, but he was centuries ahead of her in damage.
She finished tugging on the condom, and her hands smoothed along his chest, bringing him back into the moment with her. Regrets didn’t matter. There would be time for them later. If there was one thing Bishop had learned it was that regrets had a way of finding a man, even when he tried to outrun them.
The only thing that mattered now was pleasing Nell Finn. He let the melancholy thoughts flit away and concentrated on her.
“I’m going to go slow, baby. I don’t want to hurt you.” It was the last thing he wanted to do. He got to his knees and fit his cock to her pussy. His cock looked like a brutish marauder against that pretty little pussy, but the head was already coated in her cream. She wanted him. He let his focus laser in on the sight as he pressed in, his cockhead disappearing, slipping just inside her.
She gasped, her hands tightening on him.
“It’s all right.” Slow. Easy. He pulled back out and then surged in again, gaining just a little ground each time. “You were made to take me.”
“You’re going too slow.” She was restless underneath him. Her hips shifted up, trying to take him deeper.
“Nell.” He hissed her name, a warning that she didn’t heed.
“I want more.” Nell thrust up.
It was way more than he could take. He surged inside, thrusting in one long passage until she’d taken him to the root.
Nell’s whole body tightened, and her face flushed. Her breath came out in pants. “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m so sorry, Henry. I’ve always been impatient. You should just get it over with now. It’s okay. I can take it.”
She was so frustrating. “Stay still, Nell. You’ll get used to me.” He looked down at her, his heart seizing a little. Tears pooled in her eyes. This was damn straight why he didn’t deal with virgins. He didn’t have the patience for it. He should do exactly what she said. He should finish quickly and let the girl go.
“You’re not hurrying, Henry.”
There was really only one way to shut that mouth of hers. He kissed her gently, a soft request that she focus on something else. Nell’s brain seemed to work too fast, to never shut off. He had to give her something else to concentrate on. She softened again, her arms moving around him once more. Her mouth opened beneath his, and he could feel the minute she relaxed. He let his body sink against hers, feeling the way her breasts pressed against his chest. He let his tongue do a lazy dance, rubbing hers slowly.
He took his time, even though his cock was dying. Patience. She might not have any, but it was his stock-in-trade. He held back, kissing her over and over, trying to drug her with pleasure. After a long while, he moved his hips again, and this time she didn’t wince.
Her eyes had taken on that dreamy look again. She nodded. “Yes. Do it again, Henry. It feels so good.”
It felt incredible. He’d never been in a tighter pussy. Nell gripped his cock, every inch a pure pleasure. He pulled out and very carefully thrust back in, making sure his pelvis ground down on her clit. He swiveled his hips and began a slow rhythm. In and out and all around. In and out, grinding down. That was the way to make sure she loved it.
He held back the rising tide, thrusting inside her with great care. Later he would let go. Later he could fuck her hard, but not tonight. Tonight was for her.
A low moan came from deep in her throat, and he let her pussy clamp down around his cock, milking him and sending him over the edge. The orgasm hit him like a lightning strike, making him shake and groan. He lost control and just fucked her for a few blissful moments, everything else slipping away until she was the only thing real in the world.
He thrust one last time, giving up every ounce of cum he had, and then slumped over, his body pressing hers into the mattress.
Peace. Calm. He let her warmth and sweet scent surround him. Now was the time when he would normally get up, go shower, and walk away after a polite “thank you.”
Nell’s cheek nestled against his, their faces rubbing together in a perfect intimacy. “Henry, that was so beautiful.”
She was beautiful. He shifted, hating the moment when his cock slipped out of her body. He rolled to the side, not quite knowing what to say to her.
It struck him quite forcefully that he’d never actually slept with a woman before. Oh, he’d fucked plenty of women. He’d spent the night with a couple. Mostly for work. There were several women out there who he’d screwed for the simple reason that he needed information from them and he’d either gotten it through pillow talk or he’d waited until the chick was asleep and downloaded her laptop or her phone. But he’d never slept beside them.
Not once in his life.
He was a sleeping virgin.
“Should I go?” Nell asked. Her eyes were wide, and Bishop wondered just how long he’d been sitting there thinking about the past.
It would be the easiest thing in the world to help her out of bed, get them both cleaned up, and politely walk her back to her room.
“No. Give me a minute.” He rolled out of bed. No matter what he did, he had to get rid of the condom. He stalked to the bathroom.
“You have a very nice backside, Henry.”
He felt himself blush. Fucking blush. Like a goddamn schoolboy. “Thanks.”
He slipped inside the bathroom and closed the door. What the fuck was he doing? Why was his heart racing? Why did he feel so weird?