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“I don’t think Moran has ever gotten anything useful from his cute loaner-cell phone trap.”

“Loraine Dellin phoned me late yesterday,” the chief said.

“Really? What’d she want?”

“Don’t know, I had already left. She left a callback.”

“I’ve got to get her statement. Even without the sex-with-the-killer angle, the ex-spouse is always at the top of the suspect list. Why don’t you call her back now? Tell her you’ll send me over there to let her know about the investigation. Imply that it’s a courtesy call. If I can get her talking, maybe we can get some unrehearsed answers. Such as, did she actually tell Reid all that bullshit? Also, does she admit to sex with Reid? Maybe eliminate her as a suspect and nail him. She’ll be a little off guard because she doesn’t know what’s in Reid’s statement. Okay?”

“Okay, except for one thing. Loraine Dellin has never been caught off guard in her entire life.”


Detective Goddard sat at one of the white round tables on the enclosed white porch that ran across the back of Loraine Dellin’s white house, watching her arrange a teak tray with glasses and a pitcher of iced tea. From the porch, he could see out to the patio and pool area and on across to the spacious backyard. Sliding glass doors connected the porch to a family room and kitchen area. Another glass door opened from the porch into the living room. Nice location, sitting on what passed for a hill in Florida. From the second floor, there was a slight ocean view.

He knew this house, had played here as a child back when she and Al were first married. Towson was entering politics and this porch had been a popular gathering spot. As he recalled, she received this house in the divorce settlement. Back then, the house was all bright and sparkling. Even allowing for his exaggerated childhood impressions, the place seemed sullied now.

Harsh sunlight flooding the porch didn’t enhance Loraine either, but he had to admit she was in good shape. He tried to picture her in a thong as Reid had claimed, but the image wouldn’t come. He couldn’t imagine she’d actually wear one, but if she did, yeah, he’d probably look twice. “Do you use the pool much?”

“Ah, the interrogation has begun. I noticed you checking me out. I assume you’re asking do I work out to keep in shape. Yes, daily at the Club.”

He remembered her from before he went off to college. His father had just made police chief. Al Towson had just won the mayoral election. He won in spite of her cleverly exaggerating the bitter divorce proceedings into a major campaign distraction. She would have preferred to stay married and play the mayor’s wife, but it didn’t happen for her. Sabotaging his campaign seemed the next best thing. Goddard was uncertain what she had been up to the last few years.

“Must be expensive to keep up a place this size.”

“Is that code for my house appears shabby? To tell the truth I’ve been putting off some maintenance because a lot will be changed during the remodeling.”

“Big plans?”

“Yes, I’ve decided to put a major amount of money into renovations.” She passed the tea. “Everyone calls you Chip, right?”

Of course, she knew his nickname. She had called him Chipper and wiped his runny nose right here on this porch.

“Before you start asking, I wouldn’t say we remained close after the divorce, just civil. We’d chat briefly at parties and such.” She turned away from him and began fussing with the glasses. “Some love never fades.”

He doubted that was true but said, “Sorry for your loss. We’ve a suspect in custody, Raymond Reid. Have you heard of him?”

“Save the nonsense Chip, it annoys me. It’s all over the papers. I’m glad that man is behind bars. That’s exactly where he belongs. That’s why you’re here isn’t it? Shall we start over?”

“Sorry Mrs. Dellin. Your name came up.”

“Which town bitch talked about me this time?”

“It was in Reid’s statement. How did you meet him?”

“Megan Emerson’s little soirée a week ago,” she answered. “He came on to me. I guess you’d say I let him pick me up. How about that? First time for everything, they say. He was new in town and I was a little high. I felt sorry for him, so I agreed. It might be an amusing way to the end the evening. While we were driving to his apartment, he started talking crudely. I had second thoughts. I said I had a headache and asked him to take me home. He became angry and then started his pitiful begging. As a result, I went along with it, sort of a mercy thing, if you know what I mean.”

He made notes. “You were intimate?”

“None of your business but I suppose I can’t deny it. I’ve never done anything like that before. An after-party fling for me, but he considered it the start of the romance of the century. I never dreamed he’d get serious. When he took me home, he wanted to come in. No gentleman would act in that manner. I had terribly misjudged him. I was frightened. I didn’t let him in. He phoned me the next morning. Said he loved me, for God’s sake, imagine. Pathetic. I tried to be civil at first, but he kept calling. During the week, he showed up at my door. He was actually right out there on my front porch. I didn’t call the police because I didn’t want to admit I’d been with such a person.”

“You met him later at the InnTowner—poolside I understand.”

“Of course not poolside, but I did meet him there. I didn’t know what else to do. By then I was certain he was stalking me. There were times when he was here, outside my house, late at night trying to watch me. I couldn’t go on with that. Indeed, the next time he phoned, I agreed to meet him at a neutral location.”

“He phoned you?”

“Yes, he wanted me to come to his apartment. I suggested the motel. I didn’t dare to go to his apartment; he might tie me up and do whatever those men do. I thought I could explain I had no interest in him, and could let him down gently, so we met at the InnTowner. I suppose it’s difficult to understand.”


“Saturday morning, one week after the party, the day of the shooting. I thought the motel was better than being seen in public, but that was a big mistake. I just intended to talk but he misunderstood. Thought we were meeting for sex. He threatened me when I refused. He was all hung up on Al being my ex. Al and I had laughed at something at the party and Reid saw us. He said he knew I was still in love with Al and that I wanted to go back to him. Of course, now I regret leaving the party with the weirdo. When I read they arrested him, I phoned the chief. There you have it, Loraine’s big indiscretion.”

“I need to ask you where you were Saturday afternoon.”

“The museum most of the afternoon. Then I was home.”

“How long were you at the museum?”

“I got there about three and I left about five. I talked to a docent and a couple of guards. They know me over there, they’ll remember me. How long is this going to take?”

“Did Reid ever say anything to lead you to believe he might kill Towson?”

“Absolutely. He said I’d love Al as long as he remained alive, and he wished Al were dead. Is that what you mean? No doubt about it, he’s your killer. Are we about through here, I’ve got a hair appointment?”

He didn’t look up from his notes. “You’re lucky he didn’t decide you should be the victim. Do you know Norma Martin?”

“I know who you mean. I attended a luncheon once out at her restaurant. I didn’t see her but I assume she’s common, like her food. I think she’s one of those Guatemalans or something. Why would Al take up with a tradeswoman who fancies herself a restaurateur?”

“What did you say?” Goddard straightened in his chair.


“No, you said Al Towson was seeing Norma?”