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Reno found he couldn’t finish the sentence. He didn’t like thinking of Eve as a saloon girl. With an irritated sound he turned his attention back to straightening out his shirt so he could put it on. Then he had a better idea.

«Fix this, would you?» Reno asked, holding out his shirt.

When Eve hesitated, he said sarcastically, «Never mind. It wasn’t part of ourbargain, was it?»

She took the shirt and shook it vigorously. He watched with eyes moonlight had transformed to the color of hammered silver. It was obvious that men’s clothing was almost as familiar to her as her own.

«You’re real good at that,» Reno said.

«Toward the end, Don couldn’t get into his clothes, much less fasten them,» Eve said.

«Then you wouldn’t mind helping me out?»

Surprised, she said, «Of course not. Hold out your arms.»

He did, and she slipped the shirt on.

«Fasten it for me?» he asked blandly.

Eve gave him a wary look.

«You don’t have to,» he said. «It’s not part of —»

«Our bargain,» she muttered, reaching for the first button. «Perdition. I suppose you’ll want me to undress you, next.»

«Hell of an idea. Are you volunteering?»

«No,» she said instantly. «It’s not part of —»

«Our bargain.»

She looked up sharply. He smiled.

Eve concentrated on the buttons. As she worked, she tried not to notice how different his powerful body was from Don Lyon’s frail, agetwisted form.

It was impossible. Health and strength radiated from Reno’s big body.

«Why didn’t his wife take care of Lyon?» Reno asked.

«Donna did what she could, but a lot of the time her hands were worse than his.»

The smell of lilacs rose from Eve’s hair, infusing Reno with her fragrance more deeply than even the scented soap had.

The matter-of-fact skill with which Eve worked told Reno she had spent a lot of time caring intimately for a man who couldn’t — or wouldn’t — care for himself.

It’s just as well that cheating whoremaster is dead, Reno thought grimly. The temptation to kill him might have put my good sense in the shade.

«There. All finished,» Eve said.

«Not quite. It’s not tucked in.»

«You’ll manage.»

«What’s wrong? It’s not like I’m asking you to undress me.»

When she gave him a skeptical look, Reno smiled.

«Guess you’d rather I went back to touching you, huh?» he asked.


Before Eve could think better of it, she reached for Reno’s waist. As his belt was already undone, it was only an instant’s work to open the metal buttons. Moving quickly, she began tucking in his shirt as she had Don Lyon’s, starting at the back and working forward.

Moments later, Reno’s breath hissed in as he felt the pressure of Eve’s fingers slide across his aroused flesh. She made a startled sound and tried to jerk her hands out of his jeans.

Reno was faster. He caught Eve’s wrists and held her fingers where they were, where he had wanted them to be for so long he almost lost control at her mere touch.

«Let me go!»

«Easy, gata. There’s nothing down there that’s going to bite, and you’ve unfastened enough pants to know it as well as I do.»

The shocked look Eve gave Reno made him want to laugh, but the ache of his hunger was too fierce.

«I’m tempted to have you pet me a little, but it would be too damned distracting. I’ll settle for a kiss or two….» Reno said.

Eve struggled against his grip. It only served to rub her fingers over his aroused flesh.

Reno couldn’t stifle a groan of pleasure and need. He looked hungrily at the soft lips that were only a few inches from his mouth.

«Be still —» he began roughly.

«Let go of —»

«— or else I’ll pull off my pants,» Reno continued in a hard voice, «and make you finish what you started, and to hell with anyone who might be following us.»

«What I started? You were the one who —»

«Be still!»

Eve froze.

Reno let out a strained breath. He started to ease her hands from his pants, then stopped, for her balled fists made it difficult.

«Open your hands,» he said.

«But you said not to mo —»

«Do it,» he interrupted. «Slowly, gata. Very slowly.»

Eve uncurled her hands. As she did, she found herself measuring Reno inch by hard inch.

A thread of sound came from Reno, as though he were being drawn on a rack. He eased her hands from his pants, but instead of releasing her wrists, he pulled them up and over his shoulders.

«Stop fighting me,» he said. «It’s time to show me how well you can keep your word.»

Fear and the memory of the pleasure she had found in his kisses fought for control of her body.

Maybe when he sees that I keep my word, he’ll look at me with more than desire. Maybe…

«You’ll keep your word, too?» she asked.

«I won’t take you unless you want it,» he said impatiently. «Is that what you mean?»

«Yes, I —»

Reno’s mouth closed over Eve’s. His tongue slid between her lips, cutting off the possibility of talking.

Other than a startled sound, she made no protest. Despite his obvious strength and hunger, he wasn’t being hard on her. Quite the opposite. Once he understood that she wasn’t going to struggle against him, he held her rather gently.

The sensitive edges of Eve’s lips were caressed by the silky thickness of Reno’s mustache. The tantalizing currents of awareness that had shimmered into life the instant she had first seen him became stronger as the kiss inevitably deepened. Warmth flared in the pit of her stomach, making her shiver with a delicious awareness. She had wanted this without knowing it.

But she knew it now.

Eve’s eyes opened, wide and curious, wondering if Reno was feeling the same unexpected warmth. All she could see of Reno was the dense black eyelashes any woman would have envied. Their softness reassured Eve.

Tentatively she touched Reno’s tongue with her own, rediscovering the textures of his mouth, the velvet and the silk and the heat. For a moment she forgot all about fear and bargains and her hopes for the future. She simply savored the kiss in a hushed, trembling silence that was like nothing she had ever known.

Unexpected heat splintered through Eve, a single current of sensation that went from her breasts to her knees. She liked the taste and feel of his intimate kiss. It sent currents of pleasure to hidden parts of her body, teaching her things about herself that she had never suspected.

The slow, repeated rasp of Reno’s tongue over hers was dizzying, making it hard for Eve to breathe. Instinctively her grip on him tightened even as she pulled back.

Reno made a thick sound of protest.

«I can’t breathe,» Eve explained.

It was the huskiness of her voice that told Reno more than her words. He caught her lower lip between his teeth and bit with great care, drinking her startled gasp.

«Give it back to me, gata.»


«I like it hot and deep.»

Reno’s arms tightened, arching Eve closer to his hungry mouth.

«Remember?» he asked.

Before she could answer, he caught her lips under his own. His head moved abruptly, opening Eve’s mouth.

The sensual rubbing of Reno’s tongue over hers drew a small sound from the back of her throat. Her body tightened, but not in protest of the increasing force of the embrace. This time she liked being held hard against Reno’s muscular body. More than that, she needed it in a way she didn’t even question.

The tentative touches of her tongue against his changed as she became accustomed to the sensual fencing. She probed more deeply into his mouth, tasted him more fully, stroked his tongue completely with her own. The sensation of his tongue tangling rhythmically with hers made her head spin. Her breath wedged in her throat until she could barely breathe.