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HOFFMANN, Peter. Hitler’s Personal Security: Protecting the Führer, 1921-1945. Da Capo Press, 2000.

– -. Stauffenberg: A family history, 1905-1944. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003.

– -. The history of the german resistance, 1933-1945. McGill-Queen’s Uni versity Press, 1996

KERSHAW, Ian. Hitler 1936-1945. Península, 2000.

KOPLEK, Maik. Berlin 1933-1945. Traces of German History. A guide book. Linsdruck, 2005.

KRAMARZ, Joachim. Stauffenberg. La vida de un oficial de la Wehrmacht. Ediciones Grijalbo, 1974.

LEIGH, Michael. Secret Germany: Claus Von Stauffenberg and the Mystical Crusade. Jonathan Cape, 1994.

McDONOUGH, Frank.Opposition and Resistance in Nazi Germany. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

MOORHOUSE, Roger.Killing Hitler.Bantam, 2006.

MÜLLER, Christian. Stauffenberg. Eine Biographie. Droste, 2003.

NEWBORN, Jude.Sophie Scholl and the White Rose.Oneworld Pu bli ca tions, 2007.

NORTON, Robert E.Secret Germany: Stefan George and his circle. Cornell University Press, 2002.

OTTAWAY, Susan.Hitler´s traitors: German resistance to the nazis. Pen and Sword, 2004.

PUCIATO, Czeslaw.Wolfsschanze. Hitler´s Headquarters in East Pru ssia.Bartograf, 1997.

SIEMINSKI, Stanislaw.Wolf´s Lair. Hitler´s former headquarters. Ketrzyn, 2006.

STEFFAHN, Harald.Claus Skenk graf Von Stauffenberg.Rowohlt, 1994.

STEINERT, Marlis.Hitler.Vergara, 1996.

UEBERALL, Jörg.Swing Kids.Archiv der Jugendkulturen Verlag, 2004.

UEBERSCHÄR, Gerd R.Stauffenberg und das Attentat des 20. Juli 1944.Fischer Taschenbuch, 2006.

VENOHR, Wolfgang.Stauffenberg: Symbol des Widerstande: eine politische Biographie.Herbig, 2000.

WEST, Paul.The very rich hours of count Von Stauffenberg.Overlook, 1991.

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Jesús Hernández
