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3. In the second act of the second scene "Oh, it's good-it's not good", Damira and Angelina communicate without words, after tumultuous tumbles with Marat's "gift". It is not necessary to use gestures, facial expressions and individual voice notes to try to convey the proposed version of a little discussion. You can have your own version, but + is close to the original one. In any case, the girls are emotionally and admiringly, exhausted from fatigue, trying to tell each other how good it was for them.

4. In the scenes where the girls (Xana and Angelina) look at the clock! You can beat them in different ways. They can look at a wristwatch, but then the watch must be provided on their hands (for example, a fitness bracelet). They can look at the wall clock, if they are provided by the scenography. You can simply watch the time on your smartphone. But the coolest thing would be if the clock would appear on a large monitor or on the wall from the projector. It would also switch the audience to an interesting directorial move, and in general it would be unusual, though troublesome.


These explanations and suggestions are optional for the production, all at the discretion of the director.


The conditions for staging the play are negotiated individually.

All the plays of Nikolai Lakutin are presented for review in open access on the official website of the author http://lakutin-n.ru the "Plays" section

Author's email Lakutin200@mail.ru

The cover photo of the play is borrowed from a free photo bank, under a Creative Commons license