_______. Nges-don sgron-me (A Lamp for the Definitive Meaning; Torch of Certainty).
_______. Shes-bya mtha'-yas-pa'i rgya-mtsho (Ocean of Infinite Knowledge).
Langri-tangpa (Glang-ri thang-pa) (11th century). Blo-sbyong tshig-brgyad-ma (Eight Stanzas on Cleansing Attitudes; Eight-Verse Mind Training).
Longchenpa (Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa Dri-med 'od-zer) (1308-1363). Chos-bzhi rin-po-che'i 'phreng-ba (A Precious Garland for the Four Themes [of Gampopa]).
_______. Rin-po-che'i man-ngag mdzod (A Treasure-House of Precious Guideline Instructions)
_______. Sems-nyid ngal-gso (Rest and Restoration in the Nature of the Mind; Kindly Bent to Ease Us).
Mahavyutpatti (Bye-brag-tu rtogs-par byed-pa chen-po; The Grand [Lexicon] for Understanding Specific [Terms]).
Maitreya (Byams-pa). Mahayanottaratantra-shastra (Theg-pa chen-po rgyud bla-ma bstan-bcos; The Furthest Everlasting Continuum: A Mahayana Treatise; The Changeless Nature).
Manjushri ('Jam-pa'i dbyangs). Zhen-pa bzhi-bral (Parting from the Four [Stages of] Clinging).
Naropa (Na-ro-pa) (1016-1100). Gurusiddhi (Bla-ma sgrubs-pa; Actualizing through a Guru).
Ngari Panchen (mNga'-ris Pan-chen Pad-ma dbang-gi rgyal-po) (1487-1542). sDom-gsum rnam-nges (Ascertaining the Three Vows).
Ngawang-pelzang (Ngag-dbang dpal-bzang) (19th century). Kun-bzang bla-ma'i zhal-lung-gi zin-bris (Lecture Notes on [Peltrul's] Personal Instructions from My Totally Excellent Guru).
Ngojey-raypa (Ngo-rjes ras-pa Zhe-sdang rdo-rje) (12th century). Theg-chen bstan-pa'i snying-po legs-bshad lung-gyi rgya-mtsho (Ocean of Quotations Explaining Well [Drigungpa's] Essence of the Mahayana Teachings).
Ngorchen Konchog-lhundrub (Ngor-chen dKon-mchog lhun-grub) (1497-1557). rGyud-gsum mdzes-rgyan (A Beautiful Ornament for the Three Continua).
_______. sNang-gsum mdzes-rgyan (A Beautiful Ornament for the Three Appearances).
Niguma (Ni-gu-ma) (11th century). sGyu-ma lam-gyi rim-pa (The Graded Stages of the Path of Illusion).
_______. sGyu-ma lam-gyi rim-pa'i don-'grel (A Commentary on the Meaning of The Graded Stages of the Path of Illusion).
Pabongka (Pha-bong-kha Byams-pa bstan-'dzin 'phrin-las rgya-mtsho) (1878-1943). rNam-grol lag-bcangs (Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand).
________. Thun-drug bla-ma'i rnal-'byor-dang sDom-pa nyi-shu-pa Bla-ma lnga-bcu-pa sNgags-kyi rtsa-ltung sbom-po bcas-kyi bshad-khri gnang-ba'i zin-tho mdor-bsdus (Abbreviated Notes from Explanatory Discourses Given on [the First Panchen Lama's] Six-Session Guru-Yoga, [Chandragomin's] Twenty [Stanzas on the Bodhisattva] Vows, [Ashvaghosha's] Fifty Stanzas on the Guru, and the Root and Secondary Tantric Vows).
Padmasambhava (Padmasambhava; Pad-ma 'byung-gnas) (8th century). Bar-do thos-grol (Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo; The Tibetan Book of the Dead).
The First Panchen Lama (Pan-chen Blo-bzang chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan) (1570-1662). Bla-ma mchod-pa (A Ceremony for Honoring the Gurus; Lama Chopa; The Guru Puja).
_______. dGe-ldan bka'-brgyud srol phyag-chen rtsa-ba rgyas-par bshad-pa yang-gsal sgron-me (An Extensive [Auto-]Explanation of A Root Text for the Gelug-Kagyu Lineage of Mahamudra: A Lamp for Further Illumination).
_______. rGyud thams-cad-kyi rgyal-po dpal gsang-ba 'dus-pa'i bskyed-rim-gyi rnam-bshad dngos-grub-kyi rgya-mtsho'i snying-po (The Essence of [Kaydrubchey's] Ocean of Actual Attainments: An Explanation of the Generation Stage of Glorious Guhyasamaja, the King of All Tantras).
_______. Lam-rim bde-lam (The Graded Stages of the Path: A Blissful Path).
The Second Panchen Lama (Pan-chen Blo-bzang ye-shes) (1663-1737). Lam-rim myur-lam (The Graded Stages of the Path: A Speedy Path).
Peltrul (rDza dPal-sprul O-rgyan 'jigs-med chos-kyi dbang-po) (1808-1887). Kun-bzang bla-ma'i zhal-lung (Personal Instructions from My Totally Excellent Guru; The Words of My Perfect Teacher).
Pema-karpo ('Brug-chen Pad-ma dkar-po) (1527-1592). Bla-ma mos-gus-kyi khrid-kyi dmigs-rim byin-rlabs-kyi snye-ma (Graded Visualizations as a Thrust for Conviction and Appreciation of a Guru: A Cluster of Fruit of Inspiration).
_______. Dvags-po chos-bzhi'i rnam-bshad skyes-bu gsum-gyi lam nyin-mor byed-pa (An Explanation of the Four Themes of Gampopa: Bringing Daylight to the Path of the Three Scopes of Spiritual Seekers).
Pundarika (Kalki Pundarika, Rigs-ldan Pad-ma dkar-po). Paramaseva (Don-dam bsnyen-pa; Approximating the Deepest Level).
_____. Vimalaprabha-nama-laghu-kalachakra-tantra-raja-tika (bsDus-pa'i rgyud-kyi rgyal-po dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i 'grel-bshad dri-ma med-pa'i 'od; Stainless Light: A Commentary Explaining The Regal Abbreviated Kalachakra Tantra).
Ratnameghasutra (dKon-mchog sprin-gyi mdo; A Cloud of Jewels Sutra).
Rigdzin Chokyi-dragpa (Rig-'dzin Chos-kyi grags-pa) (b. 1595) rGyud-sde'i snying-po lnga-ldan-gyi nyams-len (The Heart of the Tantras: The Fivefold Practice [of Mahamudra]).
Sakya Pandita (Sa-pan Kun-dga' rgyal-mtshan) (1182-1251). sDom-gsum rab-dbye (The Divisions of the Three Sets of Vows).
_______. Lam zab-mo bla-ma'i rnal-'byor (The Profound Path of Guru-Yoga).
_______. Legs-bshad rin-po-che'i gter (A Precious Treasury of Elegant Sayings).
Sangwayjin (gSang-ba'i byin). sKyes-bu gsum-gyi lam-rim rgyas-pa khrid-su sbyar-ba (An Extensive Presentation of the Graded Stages of the Path for the Three Scopes of Spiritual Seekers, Arranged in a Discourse).
Shantideva (Zhi-ba lha) (8th century). Bodhisattvacaryavatara (Byang-chub sems-pa'i spyod-pa-la 'jug-pa; Engaging in Bodhisattva Behavior).
Sherab-senggey (rGyud Shes-rab seng-ge) (1383-1445). sGron-gsal rgya-cher bshad-pa le'u dang-po rgya-cher bshad-pa (An Extensive Explanation of [Chandrakirti's] Illuminating Lamp: An Extensive Explanation of Chapter One).
Sonam-tsemo (bSod-nams rtse-mo) (1142-1182). Chos-la 'jug-pa'i sgo (The Gateway for Entering the Dharma).
Taranata (Ta-ra na-tha) (1575-1634). rGyal-ba'i bstan-pa-la 'jug-pa'i rim-pa skyes-bu gsum-gyi man-ngag-gi khrid-yig bdud-rtsi'i nying-khu (The Stages for Engaging in the Triumphant One's Teachings: Discourse Notes on the Guideline Instructions Concerning the Three Scopes of Spiritual Seekers: The Essence of Nectar).
Terdag Lingpa (gTer-bdag gLing-pa sMin-gling gter-chen 'Gyur-med rdo-rje) (1646-1714). Rin-chen them-skas (A Precious Ladder; The Jewel Ladder).
Tsangpa-gyaray (Tsang-pa rgya-ras Ye-shes rdo-rje) (1161-1211). Bla-ma'i ngo-sprod rmus-long mig-'byed (Introduction by the Guru to Open Blind Eyes).
_______. Bla-ma'i sgrub-thabs thugs-rje nyi-rgyas (Actualizing through One's Guru: The Expansive Sun of Compassion).
Tsarchen (Tshar-chen Blo-gsal rgya-mtsho) (1502-1566). bShes-gnyen dam-pa bsten-par byed-pa'i thabs shlo-ka lnga-bcu-pa'i 'grel-ba (Methods for Building a Relationship with a Proper Spiritual Mentor: A Commentary on [Ashvaghosha's] Fifty Stanzas [on the Guru]).