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The helicopter landed, and the doors were drawn open immediately. As Kat leaned away, I got my first glimpse of the outside. All I saw was a tall chain-link fence, and beyond that, a gray mountain in the distance. Maybe the Rockies?

One soldier climbed down, motioning us out. Dawson went and then Kat. We kept her between us, and the moment my feet hit the ground, I grabbed her hand. Getting a better look around, I didn’t like what I was seeing.

It was obvious we were at a military base, a huge one that spread as far as I could see. Row after row of bunkers and planes and tanks and other major inconveniences when it came to forming an escape plan. Up ahead, there was a wide and tall U-shaped building.

And a whole crapload of soldiers.

Some dressed in fatigues. Others wearing black like the soldiers on the road. I had a feeling they were extra special.

“Welcome to Malmstrom Air Force Base,” Nancy said, stalking past us. As we passed the lines of soldiers, I expected them to salute Nancy. They didn’t. “The whole base is under lockdown. No one gets in or out, including the Luxen.”

My eyes narrowed on her back.

God, that woman had a bull’s-eye on her head. Not just for what she did to Kat, but also for my brother, for Beth, and for every other life her twisted hands had touched.

I didn’t get off on the idea of snuffing out someone’s life, even someone like her. But damn if I wasn’t looking forward to the moment when I paid her back tenfold for everything.

“Why did you bring us here?” Dawson demanded.

Nancy kept walking at a rapid clip. “You’ll find that the base is wired to deal with your kind.”

Meaning there was weaponized onyx and diamond and a ton of other delightful little things that Daedalus had whipped up over the years.

“That doesn’t answer my question,” Dawson replied.

Nancy stopped in front of double steel doors. We obviously weren’t going in through the main entrance. She turned to the side, looking back at us, and for the first time since I’d known the woman, I saw something in her dark eyes I’d never seen before.

I saw fear.

What the . . . ?

The steel doors opened, metal grinding as they spread wide, revealing the brightly lit tunnel and one person standing in the center. Hands shoved in the pockets of faded, ripped-up jeans.

Kat recoiled in surprise, bumping into me.

“It’s about time you guys got here. I was getting really bored.” Luc rocked back on the heels of his boots, grinning widely. “But I think you’re missing one, Nancy.”

Nancy stiffened as she drew in a deep breath through her nostrils. “Dee left with the Luxen. She’s under their control.”

The smile slipped off his face. “Well, that sucks.”

“Sucks” didn’t begin to cover it, but I had no idea what to do with any of this. I shook my head as I stared at him. “What the hell is going on, Luc?”

He arched a brow. “How about a thank-you first? Maybe? I mean, I did get your asses out of trouble, didn’t I? I really would like a thank-you. Maybe a hug? I’m feeling kind of needy.”

“Where’s Beth?” Dawson stepped forward, seeming to forget that Nancy was right there. Not that he appeared to care. “Please tell me she’s not—”

“Calm down,” Luc replied, pulling his hands out of his pockets. “She’s doing well. She’s actually here. I’m sure one of these helpful . . . people”—he gestured at the soldiers in fatigues outside the doors—“that I really don’t know what the hell their job is can take you to where she’s at.”

Dawson started to turn as one of the soldiers stepped up. I lurched forward, grabbing his shoulder. “Wait a minute,” I cut in before my brother could run off blindly. “What in the hell are you doing here with her, Luc?”

Luc’s smile returned. “It’s okie dokie smokie, Daemon. No need to Hulk out on anyone. You’re safe here. Nancy won’t be a problem. Will you?” he asked the tight-lipped woman.

She looked like she had something really uncomfortable shoved up a really awkward place.

Her lack of response didn’t soothe me, but even if she had said no, I wouldn’t have been convinced. I didn’t budge. Neither did Kat, but Dawson was ready to go Road Runner on us.

Luc sighed as he raised his hands. “Look, this is not a trap, a test, or a drill. Archer’s here, too. He’s waiting for us, actually, and I’m more than willing to explain everything to you, but I’m not doing it standing here. Not when I found a Lunchables just a few minutes before you guys showed up, and I’m ready to make myself a delicious buffet of ham and cheese on crackers.”

I stared at him.

“What? It’s the kind that has Oreo cookies included,” he replied. “That shit is banging.”

“God, you had so much potential,” Nancy muttered under her breath.

Luc turned violet eyes on her and spoke in a voice that was barely audible to those around us. “And you are really wearing on my last nerve. I don’t think you want that, do you?”

Holy crap if that woman didn’t turn as white as a sheet of brand-spanking-new paper. I glanced back at Kat, seeing if she’d noticed, and her wide eyes told me she had.

I still hesitated.

“The Lunchables also comes with a Capri Sun,” Luc added. “Fruit punch. That Lunchables of Awesome isn’t joking around.”

Man, no matter what I did or decided from here on out, there was a risk, and I never knew where I stood with Luc. I don’t think anyone did. The fact was that we really didn’t have much of a choice.

My gaze settled on Luc. “If you’re screwing with us, I swear to—”

“God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost that you’re going to kill me or whatever,” he cut in. “Got it. And although I might not appear appropriately threatened, I am. So, kids, can we move this group along?”

Drawing in a shallow breath, I let go of Dawson’s shoulder. The soldier waited until Dawson joined him. Nancy stepped aside, allowing them both to pass through. I didn’t like it, but he had one focus—Bethany. He didn’t look back, not once.

Just like Dee hadn’t looked back.

Thinking of my sister slammed weight down on my shoulders, and I let out another breath as I reached for Kat’s hand. She was already there, threading her fingers through mine.

“All right,” I said. “Let’s do this.”

Luc clapped his hands together as he pivoted on his heel. We headed down the tunnel, veering off to the right, when Dawson had gone in the other direction. The place reminded me of Area 51. Wide halls. A lot of closed doors. Strange antiseptic smell.

In some ways, it was better than being with the other Luxen. At least this was the enemy we knew and all that jazz.

Luc kneed open a set of double doors and caught one side with his hand. Nancy followed him in, and like he’d claimed, at one side of a long table was a Lunchables. Archer sat at the other side, his legs kicked up, arms folded behind his neck.

When the door shut behind us and only Nancy had come in, I knew something really strange was up. Before, the woman had traveled with an entourage.

“You’re okay,” Kat breathed out as she broke free, limping around the side of the table. “I’ve been so worried.”

Archer pulled his long legs off the table and rose. A second later, he enveloped Kat in a hug. “I told you to stay where you were. But oh no, you didn’t listen.” He looked over her head at me. “I totally told her to stay.”

Luc scowled. “Why didn’t I get a hug?”

He was ignored.

“Sorry.” Kat’s voice was muffled. “I had to, you know?”

“I get it. But damn, girl, it might not have worked out so well,” Archer replied. “Could’ve all gone to shit, and then who would take me to Olive Garden so I can try out the endless breadsticks?”