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Obs. 23. Comparing the quantity of Light reflected from the several Rings, I found that it was most copious from the first or inmost, and in the exterior Rings became gradually less and less. Also the whiteness of the first Ring was stronger than that reflected from those parts of the thin Medium or Plate which were without the Rings; as I could manifestly perceive by viewing at a distance the Rings made by the two Object-glasses; or by comparing two Bubbles of Water blown at distant Times, in the first of which the Whiteness appear'd, which succeeded all the Colours, and in the other, the Whiteness which preceded them all.

Obs. 24. When the two Object-glasses were lay'd upon one another, so as to make the Rings of the Colours appear, though with my naked Eye I could not discern above eight or nine of those Rings, yet by viewing them through a Prism I have seen a far greater Multitude, insomuch that I could number more than forty, besides many others, that were so very small and close together, that I could not keep my Eye steady on them severally so as to number them, but by their Extent I have sometimes estimated them to be more than an hundred. And I believe the Experiment may be improved to the Discovery of far greater Numbers. For they seem to be really unlimited, though visible only so far as they can be separated by the Refraction of the Prism, as I shall hereafter explain.

 Fig. 5.

But it was but one side of these Rings, namely, that towards which the Refraction was made, which by that Refraction was render'd distinct, and the other side became more confused than when view'd by the naked Eye, insomuch that there I could not discern above one or two, and sometimes none of those Rings, of which I could discern eight or nine with my naked Eye. And their Segments or Arcs, which on the other side appear'd so numerous, for the most part exceeded not the third Part of a Circle. If the Refraction was very great, or the Prism very distant from the Object-glasses, the middle Part of those Arcs became also confused, so as to disappear and constitute an even Whiteness, whilst on either side their Ends, as also the whole Arcs farthest from the Center, became distincter than before, appearing in the Form as you see them design'd in the fifth Figure.

The Arcs, where they seem'd distinctest, were only white and black successively, without any other Colours intermix'd. But in other Places there appeared Colours, whose Order was inverted by the refraction in such manner, that if I first held the Prism very near the Object-glasses, and then gradually removed it farther off towards my Eye, the Colours of the 2d, 3d, 4th, and following Rings, shrunk towards the white that emerged between them, until they wholly vanish'd into it at the middle of the Arcs, and afterwards emerged again in a contrary Order. But at the Ends of the Arcs they retain'd their Order unchanged.

I have sometimes so lay'd one Object-glass upon the other, that to the naked Eye they have all over seem'd uniformly white, without the least Appearance of any of the colour'd Rings; and yet by viewing them through a Prism, great Multitudes of those Rings have discover'd themselves. And in like manner Plates of Muscovy Glass, and Bubbles of Glass blown at a Lamp-Furnace, which were not so thin as to exhibit any Colours to the naked Eye, have through the Prism exhibited a great Variety of them ranged irregularly up and down in the Form of Waves. And so Bubbles of Water, before they began to exhibit their Colours to the naked Eye of a Bystander, have appeared through a Prism, girded about with many parallel and horizontal Rings; to produce which Effect, it was necessary to hold the Prism parallel, or very nearly parallel to the Horizon, and to dispose it so that the Rays might be refracted upwards.


Remarks upon the foregoing Observations.

Having given my Observations of these Colours, before I make use of them to unfold the Causes of the Colours of natural Bodies, it is convenient that by the simplest of them, such as are the 2d, 3d, 4th, 9th, 12th, 18th, 20th, and 24th, I first explain the more compounded. And first to shew how the Colours in the fourth and eighteenth Observations are produced, let there be taken in any Right Line from the Point Y, [in Fig. 6.] the Lengths YA, YB, YC, YD, YE, YF, YG, YH, in proportion to one another, as the Cube-Roots of the Squares of the Numbers, 1/2, 9/16, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 1, whereby the Lengths of a Musical Chord to sound all the Notes in an eighth are represented; that is, in the Proportion of the Numbers 6300, 6814, 7114, 7631, 8255, 8855, 9243, 10000. And at the Points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, let Perpendiculars Aα, Bβ, &c. be erected, by whose Intervals the Extent of the several Colours set underneath against them, is to be represented. Then divide the Line in such Proportion as the Numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, &c. set at the Points of Division denote. And through those Divisions from Y draw Lines 1I, 2K, 3L, 5M, 6N, 7O, &c.

Now, if A2 be supposed to represent the Thickness of any thin transparent Body, at which the outmost Violet is most copiously reflected in the first Ring, or Series of Colours, then by the 13th Observation, HK will represent its Thickness, at which the utmost Red is most copiously reflected in the same Series. Also by the 5th and 16th Observations, A6 and HN will denote the Thicknesses at which those extreme Colours are most copiously reflected in the second Series, and A10 and HQ the Thicknesses at which they are most copiously reflected in the third Series, and so on. And the Thickness at which any of the intermediate Colours are reflected most copiously, will, according to the 14th Observation, be defined by the distance of the Line AH from the intermediate parts of the Lines 2K, 6N, 10Q, &c. against which the Names of those Colours are written below.

Fig. 6.

But farther, to define the Latitude of these Colours in each Ring or Series, let A1 design the least thickness, and A3 the greatest thickness, at which the extreme violet in the first Series is reflected, and let HI, and HL, design the like limits for the extreme red, and let the intermediate Colours be limited by the intermediate parts of the Lines 1I, and 3L, against which the Names of those Colours are written, and so on: But yet with this caution, that the Reflexions be supposed strongest at the intermediate Spaces, 2K, 6N, 10Q, &c. and from thence to decrease gradually towards these limits, 1I, 3L, 5M, 7O, &c. on either side; where you must not conceive them to be precisely limited, but to decay indefinitely. And whereas I have assign'd the same Latitude to every Series, I did it, because although the Colours in the first Series seem to be a little broader than the rest, by reason of a stronger Reflexion there, yet that inequality is so insensible as scarcely to be determin'd by Observation.

Now according to this Description, conceiving that the Rays originally of several Colours are by turns reflected at the Spaces 1I, L3, 5M, O7, 9PR11, &c. and transmitted at the Spaces AHI1, 3LM5, 7OP9, &c. it is easy to know what Colour must in the open Air be exhibited at any thickness of a transparent thin Body. For if a Ruler be applied parallel to AH, at that distance from it by which the thickness of the Body is represented, the alternate Spaces 1IL3, 5MO7, &c. which it crosseth will denote the reflected original Colours, of which the Colour exhibited in the open Air is compounded. Thus if the constitution of the green in the third Series of Colours be desired, apply the Ruler as you see at πρσφ, and by its passing through some of the blue at π and yellow at σ, as well as through the green at ρ, you may conclude that the green exhibited at that thickness of the Body is principally constituted of original green, but not without a mixture of some blue and yellow.