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When he expressed his intentions. The teacher asked back what he had learned so far.


Moku replied that all this time he was learning to dance. The teacher laughed heartily while holding his stomach. Then said with a sentence that made Moku confused.


"Yes, obviously you learn to dance. If you are in the arena you must learn to dance!"


The Teacher smiled then gave him a letter and ordered him to deliver the letter to an old man who lives in a mountain.


Moku, who wanted to devote one last time to his teacher, agreed and promised to complete the task.


Moku took public transportation and started his journey. During the trip, Moku kept thinking about what his teacher's words meant.


Moku arrives at a village located at the foot of a mountain. The people of this village have fair skin and small noses, their bodies look fit but there is calm in their every move.


Moku asked one of the old man who was sitting in the coffee shop. The coffee they drink smells very good and the coffee cup is made of coconut shells.


The old man only wore a sarong with a sleeveless shirt, in his hand was a freshly burned cigarette. He looked relaxed despite the cold mountain air.


"Sir. Sorry to interrupt, I want to ask, where is the address of this house, sir?" Moku asked politely.


The old man read the address on the letter and smiled.


"Whose student are you?" The old man asked.


Moku was confused by the question, he had elementary, junior high, and high school teachers. But Moku understood that the old man was asking about the name of his silat teacher.


"Datuak Sri Maharajo, sir," Moko replied.


"Ohh, it turns out the coastal people. The house you are going to is on that hill." The old man answered after being enlightened.


He pointed to a valley filled with tall trees. From where they sat they could see a hill in the middle of the forest like a skyscraper in the middle of the city.


"Thank you very much sir!" Moku cupped his hands in gratitude.


The old man smiled, took a deep breath of his cigarette, then exhaled the smoke at Moku. Moku who wasn't used to cigarette smoke coughed.


He looked at the old man with a questioning face. 'Why is this old man suddenly so rude' he thought annoyed. Moku felt he was being polite while he was talking, so there was no way he could make the old man angry.


"So that you don't get eaten by 'Inyiak'. HAHAHAHA" The old man answered and laughed loudly.


Moku's hair stood on end, he just nodded gratefully, and immediately walked away.


In the afternoon, Moku arrived at the top of the hill after passing through the wilderness. Moku didn't know if it was because of the old man's cigarette smoke or because he was lucky, Moku didn't meet any wild animals during his journey.


He saw a small house. The walls are made of woven bamboo, the pillars are stuck in stone, and the roof is made of straw and palm fiber with both sharp ends forming the image of a buffalo horn.


Moku was stunned to see this building, simple but majestic.


Moku continued to walk, in front of the house there was a bucket of water, Moku took off his shoes and washed his feet there. Then he climbed the steps and came to a door with an engraving he didn't understand.


Moku banged on the door, but after a long wait no one came to answer. Moku banged again. He did the same thing three more times, until the door opened.


A grandpa with white hair and a white beard came out of the door. He wore a turban rolled up on his head and a white robe made of cotton.


Seeing Moku, the grandpa immediately asked angrily. "Don't you know manners!?"


Moku was shocked and confused.


His face full of question marks, making the grandpa curious.


"Where do you come from?" He asked.


"Eh.. Ah.. um... here I come with a letter, Grandpa. This is the address according to the letter, right?" Moku replied stuttering.


Moku gave a letter from his teacher to the grandpa.


The grandpa saw the letter in Moku's hand, didn't take it immediately, he looked back at Moku's face, then took the letter.


The grandpa opened the letter and read it.


It wasn't long before he saw Moku's face again. Exhale then start talking.


"Heeh.. City kids don't know their customs anymore. Come in!" The grandpa shook his head and told Moku to come in.


After that day, Moku learned a lot from that Grandpa. The grandpa was named Datuk nan Sabatang, he taught Moku not only silat but also about customs, manners, and morals.


After learning some silat moves, Moku realized what his teacher meant. That in the arena you can only learn to dance, namely mencak. But silek is not for show.


Moku who remembered his two silat masters smiled.


"what the fuck are you doing?" Goku was embarrassed from being scared by Moku's strange moves, growling furiously.


Moku responded with a smile. Pull the index and middle fingers of the hand that is floating forward. Invitation to attack.


Goku feels belittled and attacks forward. His swift punches aimed at Moku's head with the intent to crush him.


The first move, Snake Form.


Moku neither dodge nor parry Goku's punch, but he catches Goku's hand and lets his body be carried away by the force of Goku's punch.


Goku's punch, which is very fast and strong, slowly changes direction, decreases, and passes through Moku's left body until the power in Goku's punch is lost.


However, the power from the blow did not disappear but was absorbed by Moku's body. The energy was channeled into his arm and released in the form of a punch.


Moku's body is like rubber under pressure, the elasticity of the rubber will absorb the energy from the pressure and throw it back with the same force.


Moku doesn't form fists by clenching all his fingers. He just bent his finger until it touched the base, Muko's fist looked like a snake's head.








The punch went fast and hit Goku's neck. His throat was cracked. Goku's breath hitched.


Moku made Goku's arm a grip, climbed on him, and dropped to the ground with his head down.


Moku uses the gravitational pull of the earth to fly his feet into the air, doing a hard kick to Goku's chin making his head tilt hard upwards.






Goku's fractured troath opens. His face was pale from lack of blood in the brain.


Moku who fell, stretched out his hands and gripped the ground. Moku's ten fingers stretched out like tiger claws.


The second movement, Tiger Form.


Moku pushed his body forward with his claws, his legs that were floating in the air pulled down quickly. But before his feet touched the ground Moku's body charged forward quickly.


Moku passed through Goku's two exposed legs, his body spinning like a bullet passing between two adjacent tree branches.


Moku curled up in the air and kicked his legs to the ground. When his feet touch the ground, Moku bends his legs again, and absorbs the shock that comes from his jump. He landed silently.






Moku who crouched down, stepped back, and elbowed the back of Goku's knees. He channeled the force he got from the impact on landing and channeled it into both elbows.


Goku's knees creaked, Goku fell to his knees with his back still straight.


The third move, Eagle Form.


Moku then turned, jumped, his legs back into a squat position, and his arms spread wide. Moku jumps high above Goku's head.