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Seeing his question unanswered, Moku became furious. In fact, he already knew the reason.


He knew it wasn't from one of the adult orcs. The adult orcs who thought Moku was crazy didn't even want to approach him.


He knew it from a Goblin.


"If you don't want to answer, let me answer—"


The adult orcs were shocked. Moku ignored them and started to continue his story.


"20 years ago,


We have more than 20 tribes each with a different name and more than 50 orcs.


Even one tribe had a wise Shaman.


The shaman became a doctor, judge, and teacher to the young orcs.


We live like kings, We rule the outer quarter of the Bog Forest.


The orcs who were proud of their strength felt they were the strongest.


The weak bodies of humans were unable to withstand their blows.


Humans are only our prey.


Every month orc warriors would descend from the mountain and hunt for female humans.


They came home with food, iron weapons, and women.


They come home and we warmly welcome them.


They came home like heroes.


The orcs cheered, jumped, slapped their chests, and danced.


It's the same as what you did yesterday afternoon." Until here Moku smiled.


Moku looked at the pale faces of the adult orcs and the young orcs who were smiling proudly. Moku continued his story.


"However, are humans really that weak?


Are humans really our prey?


or are we just meeting weak humans?" Moku smirked.


This satire made all the adult orcs bow their heads in shame. The young orc began to feel that something was wrong.


"What do you mean Moku?" Mige, a young orc, asked.


Hearing that question Moku laughed, Moku's face turned mocking.


"HAHAHAHA!! Of course humans aren't weak.


Strong humans are waging war with the elves. They didn't have time to eradicate pests like orcs.


It's just that the orcs never knew that.


They kept attacking and attacking.


They felt strong just because they were able to kill farmers.


They feel powerful only because they are able to **** village girls.


They feel they are heroes just because they are able to bully the weak.


'Pest' is the most appropriate name for an orc!" Moku's voice sounded loud throughout the camp.


The faces of the adult orcs lowered, their hands clenched into fists, and their teeth chattered. They wanted to go against Moku's words but they knew it was the truth.


But not with the young orcs, they felt that Moku had been rude to insult their ancestors.


"Moku! Take back what you said! How dare you insult our ancestors! You think you are strong because you defeated Goku, I can too! Wait until I—" Kagan shouted with a red face.


Moku interrupted Kagan, not because his voice hurt his ears but because he hadn't finished his story yet.


"Until the humans sent their troops.


The troops that I mean is an army that only consists of 3 humans.


They call themselves Mage.


and you know what happened?


They do pest control.


Not a battle or a war as you think,


but it's just pest control.


The pests die and leave only what you see in this tribe.


They made this tribe, but felt too proud to forget the name of their old tribe. So that until now they can't name this tribe with a new name" Moku's voice sounded scary.


Moku's face turned serious again. When he first heard this story, Moku thought it was a goblin folk tale.


But the goblin was telling it seriously like he wasn't lying. Moku could never imagine how 3 humans could slaughter more than 1000 orcs. It was beyond Moku's logic.


The faces of the other five young orcs also looked serious, they were very surprised, and hoped that Moku was just lying. But the adult orcs, who had remained silent, crushed their hopes.


"Can you tell me how it happened?" Moku asked politely, he also wanted to know the detailed story.


Goku as a former tribal chief wanted to open his mouth, but a hand grabbed his shoulder, it was Boku. Boku stepped forward and stood in front of Moku.


"You really want to know what happened, kid?" Boku asked in a deep voice.


In contrast to Goku, Boku has a smaller body, his red eyes stare as sharp as a sword, his forearm muscles are hard and big.


Moku feels that when fighting with weapons, Boku is more dangerous than Goku. Moku looked into Boku's eyes and nodded without saying anything.


He is a tribal chief, Moku must not show his weakness in front of the tribe members. Boku started to talk.


"You're right it's neither war nor combat, it's pest control.


On that day, exactly 10 years ago.


I am a young orc like you, we young orcs are always playing wars.


We always imagined being a valiant and brave orc fighter.


We always imagined that when we grew up we would come down from the mountains and plunder human settlements.


Our tribe is the only tribe that has shamans.


Goku and I are the strongest young orcs in our tribe. We both had the opportunity to study directly with the shaman.


We thought that we would become the strongest orcs and be able to fight to our heart's content.


But that day, a small shadow appeared to fly over the sky of our tribe.


It is a human. I still remember it like I just saw it.


The man flew through the sky like he could walk on a cloud. He saw us through his green robes. In his hand was a strange wand that gave off a blue light. On his neck was a necklace made of gold.


The shaman who was near us whispered 'Mage'.


I didn't understand the meaning of the word but three seconds later I found out.


The man raised his hands to the sky.


[Wall Fire Circle]


Without saying anything the Mage cast his spell and lowered both his hands.


and then.


A wall of fire encircled our tribe, confining us within the tribe. I turned to the Shaman.


His face was pale and his lips were trembling. '2 constellations' was what he muttered.


From afar, a figure was rapidly approaching. It was our chieftain as well as the strongest orc in the entire tribe, Guntor.


'Shaman, what should we do?' he asked when he arrived in front of us.


'evacuate all the young orcs, me and the other adult orcs will get in the way of that mage' Shaman replied without taking his eyes off the Mage who was standing in the sky.


'All right. Boku, Goku, take another young orc and get out of here!' Guntor's orders.


'Ku, we also want to fight, he is alone, this human will die by our hands!' Goku answered with burning eyes.


'Do not be stupid! it's a Mage with two constellations, you guys will just die and annoy us—' The Shaman didn't finish his sentence before the Mage's voice sounded.


[Lightning Sword Fall]


The mage swung his wand like hitting something, within seconds dozens of blue swords were formed and counting.


'4 constellations' the shaman's voice choked, his body shivered with fear, his face turned white, his eyes bulged with trembling. I looked up at the sky.


The blue swords already numbered in the hundreds.


As the blue swords covered the sky they began to fall very quickly.


The last thing I remember is the Shamans and Guntors squeezing our bodies together and the sounds of pain and explosions coming from all over the tribe."