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There are two reasons.


The first reason, lack of information.


Moku doesn't know how far the mage's spells are and how they can use them.


Moku noticed that there were strange terms used by the Shaman when he saw a mage cast his spell, such as '2 constellations' or '4 constellations'.


Moku had asked Boku what Shaman's words meant, but Boku didn't understand either, the same thing happened with other adult orcs.


The second reason, beyond reason.


If the power of a mage's spell is like the one Boku told, then they already have the power of a god.


If the mage was required to first cast a long spell or create a complex sigil in the air then the orcs had a chance to get close.


By turning the fight into a melee, they can interrupt and stop the mage from casting his spell.


But the mages in Boku's story didn't have to cast lengthy spells or create elaborate sigils in midair, they simply chanted the name of the spell and swung their arms to unleash a power capable of destroying orc tribes in the blink of an eye.


No martial arts technique or evasive move pattern could save them from the wall of fire and the rain of lightning swords.


The only way to survive a mage was not to run into a mage or sacrifice another orc to escape the same way the young orcs who had survived the previous extermination did.


Fighting mages is like fighting nuclear missiles with fists. Knowing this Moku became increasingly desperate.


Currently the only way Moku knows of is to use the orc's body regeneration abilities to train until their bodies become like iron.


But this takes a very long time, 20-30 years of non-stop practice.


Before that, they should hide themselves and not make a fuss like they've been doing all this time.


Even Moku, who has been doing this kind of training routine for 3 years, has to release his secret martial arts technique just to face an Orc like Goku.


At least this possibility is better than none at all.


"Huufft" Moku sighed.


It seemed knowing their enemy's strength or not knowing it was the same thing. Moku will train the orcs as he planned last night.


"My brothers.


I have sworn before all of you and I will keep that oath.


However, this cannot be done without your help.


That's why I want you to do what I tell you and fully trust what I give you.


Do you guys dare?" Moku spoke loudly and smiled showing his confidence.


Right now what the orcs needed was a glimmer of hope. Moku wasn't about to crush that with his almost desperate face.


The orcs looked at each other. Zalthu as the eldest orc answered.


"Moku you've said what it means to be a true orc and you're right about that.


Orcs are fighters.


Orcs will die in battle.


We don't want to rot to death in our tent.


If we're really going to die at least let us hit the nose of that arrogant human mage!"


"Yaaaahhhh!!!" All the orcs raised their fists to the sky.


The orcs didn't need Moku to cheer them up, they just needed a glimmer of hope and a chance to fight evenly.


They didn't care if they had to die just to deliver one blow to their enemy.


They just want a new path to become stronger.


Moku nodded, it seemed that in this world he would not be alone anymore.


"In Palaka between me and Goku you have seen how I fight.


The pattern of steps, punches, kicks, and locks that I do is a silat way of fighting.


Silat is a fighting style by bringing oneself closer to nature. Silat fighting style is to imitate nature itself.


Every silat movement is required to be simple, fast, flexible, precise, and paralyze the opponent.


Silat not only trains muscles and strength, but also trains joints, flexibility, mind, and spirit.


This makes silat unique and the weapons used are unique too.


Anything you want to ask?" Moku explained.


"Moku, what do you mean by spirit?" Kagan raised his hand and asked.


"The spirit is something that is invisible but exists and is who we really are.


Spirit is something that makes us know who we are.


The spirit is the soul that God breathes into our bodies.


Spirit is us.


Every living thing has a spirit, but most of their spirits are confined within their bodies.


The spirit that is confined in this body is unable to act and is ultimately controlled by the body." Moku replied.


Actually every martial arts has this element in its practice. But only Silat really deepens his knowledge of the soul.


This is because silat believes in the existence of inner power.


At first Moku also believed that and made him very happy. He thought that inner strength was the key to achieving his dreams.


But after delving deeper, Moku finds out that the inner power his teacher is referring to is probably the power of human will.


It is the same with a mother who is able to lift a large pillar to save her child who has been crushed.


Or a husband who is able to run very fast to save his wife who is about to be hit by a car.


In order to protect the body from injury caused by activities that exceed its limits, the brain will lock the ability of the human body.


But strong willpower can make the brain let go of the limitations on the body.


That power is the power stored in the human body not magic power or anything like that.


In special military forces training, the soldiers will be exhausted continuously until the brain gets used to it. So that it will make the brain release the body's abilities that are locked slowly.


Moku continued his explanation.


"Silat has some unique weapons. Some of them are not even made of hard materials.


For example this cloth.




You've seen me practice with this cloth right? and you think I'm crazy" Moku smirked.


The orcs bowed their heads in shame. They remembered seeing Moku playing with the cloth like crazy.


The cloth in Moku's hand is white, with a smooth texture and thick. Has a length of 1.5 meters.


Moku smiled at the curious orcs looking at the cloth in his hand. This is 'Songket', the fruit of his work that Moku is very proud of.


While practicing silat with Datuak nan Sabatang, he was not only taught martial arts but also culture.


One of them is this traditional cloth. Moku learned to weave and make looms from scratch. At that time Moku felt what he was doing would not be useful in his life.


But Datuak nan Sabatang said 'As high as the crane flies, it returns to the puddle too'.


Moku who was used to his teacher's proverb which was difficult to understand just nodded and continued to learn to weave.


When Moku competes in MMA abroad, the Songket cloth made by himself becomes a cure for homesickness.


When Moku saw the patternless Songket cloth in his hand, he thought back to his hometown. Now Moku won't be able to go home again.


But he will make a new home in this world.


"This is Songket. This cloth is very strong and can be a dangerous weapon," explained Moku.


The orcs didn't understand what Moku meant, all they saw was a soft and smooth cloth. There was no sharp or hard edge to the cloth, the orcs did not understand where the dangerous side came from.


Moku looked at the confused orcs and smiled.


"I will show you how to use it. Vakgar stands up and comes forward." Moku stood up and pointed at one of the orcs.