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"If there are no questions, I'd like to ask. Have any of you seen or know what the similarities in the way I wield the six weapons are?" Moku asked.


The orcs started racking their brains recalling the way Moku used the six weapons.


"You use it very quickly and accurately, every attack you launch will make the opponent's body unable to move or be injured with mortal wounds" Laya replied while holding his chin.


Moku smiled and nodded, "That's right, every attack I launch will aim at vulnerable points on the body. These points are called Hampal Points.


Attacks at these points will cause death or permanent paralysis of the enemy's body, but with ours' body regeneration power, the wounds will be restored without causing any permanent effects".


At first, Moku didn't want the orcs to attack each other's Hampal points during training.


However, after treating Goku's broken throat, Moku learns that the orc's body can even heal wounds from attacks at the Hampal point.


"any other?" Moku asked again.


The orcs began to think again, looking for similarities in the use of these weapons.


Mige thought hard and lowered his head. Then he saw his legs. Mige seemed to have an idea.


"Don't tell me it's a step...???" Mige whispered.


But Moku heard Mige's small voice and replied "You're right the similarity is a step"


The orcs took a breath, they again remembered the movement Moku made.


When receiving a hit Moku will bend it and his front foot will move forward or backward, Forward if the weapon's range is short and back if the weapon's range is long.


However, the legs on the back will be in the same position, only turning slightly to adjust the balance.


"It's a silat footwork. We call it 'Tagak', this is the opening move of the dance and fight of silat users.


The movement looks beautiful but every step will position the body in a state ready to attack, dodge, or parry.


Generally, the silat movement will wait for the opponent's attack and then counterattack, either catching and locking or dodging and hitting.


To learn silat, the first thing you have to master is Tagak.


Tagak means that you respect your enemies and don't underestimate them.


A lion will still hunt with full strength even if it faces a rabbit.


A harmless enemy is a dead enemy,


so that while there is still breathing, a beating heart, and a functioning brain from the enemy, you must remain vigilant. Continue to attack and attack with full alertness.


In a battle of life and death only the angel of death can stop the fight.


Tagak also means giving a prayer to God,


Meeting the enemy is a destiny of God,


as someone who learns silat, we don't look for enemies,


we fight just to survive and carry on the orc lineage,


The enemy is a destiny and a trial from God,


they are both a blessing and an obstacle for us to become stronger,


therefore we must give thanks.


Any questions?" Moku explained.


"Who is the god you mean?" Kagan asked.


Orcs have the concept of divinity, they pray when they get game or pray when they are about to fight.


The concept of divinity was first introduced by Shaman to the previous orc tribe. But the Shamans themselves do not really understand the god they will worship.


He only felt that the power he possessed came from another almighty being.


However, he was killed in an extermination incident by a mage. His teachings on divinity were only brought by young orcs who did not yet have the maturity to understand them.


So at this time, adult orcs were often seen praying or performing worship rituals but they did not understand where the prayers and rituals were directed.


They were just doing what the Shaman had taught them. They only do this in memory of their destroyed tribes.


Jordan Peterson says,


"Something we can't see protects us from something we don't understand.


What we cannot see is culture in an intrapsychic or internal form.


What we don't understand is the chaos that produces culture.


If the cultural structure is disturbed, without realizing it, chaos will reappear.


We will do anything to prevent a return of chaos."


So it can be said that the concept of divinity is a human way to avoid himself from something he does not understand.


God is the one who is blamed and worshiped for everything in human life.


Everyone needs hierarchical values to keep them out of chaos and confusion.


God will occupy the highest position of the hierarchy value, no matter whether they are worshiped or not.


Moku wants to create the foundation of orc life. He wanted to create a culture where all orcs would wake up from their slumber to train and fight.


The concept of divinity is the most powerful way to create an army that is not afraid of death. The concept of divinity is the most powerful way to unite them and provide a reason to persist.


Moku always thought what god had in mind to create a race as pathetic as orcs. Without mana flow and without a life partner.


It was too pathetic, but Moku looked at it from a different perspective. Where there are disadvantages, there will be advantages.


The advantage of orcs is that they have a very absolute reason to loot and snatch women from other creatures. That reason is to survive.


The orc race is like being forced to become a villain for all intelligent beings in this world. They can fight, battle, and destroy to their heart's content.


With one reason 'they just want to survive'.


Because it is only natural that all beings in this world want to exterminate their race.


Moku as someone who aims to challenge the sky, is revived in the body of a creature who will become the enemy of the whole world.


As if to say Moku only had a choice to destroy this world or end up the same as his previous life, aging and lying paralyzed.


"He is The One,


He was the god who created orcs and made them a warlike race.


He who created the strong body of an orc with amazing regeneration abilities.


He who created the orcs as a race that only had males.


He who created the orcs as a race that had to survive by plundering and seizing women from other species.


He who created orcs to have a reason to fight.


Fight for survival,


Fight to become stronger,


and fight because we love it!" Moku stopped and looked at the orcs in front of him.


The faces of the orcs changed, their eyes burned, and they understood.


'If their race wasn't for the weak'


"We are a fighter race!


We born to fight!


We wake to fight!


We eat to fight!


We train to fight!


We fuck to fight!


We will die in battle!


Thousands of creatures will scream the name of our race in fear!


and believe me when we die, The One will welcome us to his paradise with open arms!


He will smile and swear in his own name that the orcs are the only one fighter race!" Moku raised his fist to the sky. As if promising to god that they would fulfill their duty.




We are a fighter race!


We born to fight!


We wake to fight!


We eat to fight!


We train to fight!


We fuck to fight!