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We will die in battle!


Thousands of creatures will scream the name of our race in fear!


and believe me when we die, The One will welcome us to his paradise with open arms!


He will smile and swear in his own name that the orcs are the only one fighter race!" The screams of fifteen orcs shook the hill of Green Caping, making their vows to God.


"The first thing you have to do to fulfill that promise is to train until your muscles are torn and your bones are crushed.


You guys have to train harder and go crazy like me.


You will torture yourselves until you faint like I have been doing all this time!


Do you guys dare?" Moku spoke defiantly.


Hearing Moku's challenge, all the orcs laughed with joy, even Goku and the other adult orcs laughed until their wounds opened.


Zalthu once again became the representative and stood up, with a smirk on his lips, Zalthu looked at Moku, and spoke in a voice that was also defiant, "Give me your worst!"


Hearing that Moku also laughed loudly.


"Okay! I'll teach you footwork in silat.


the first is the wind step pattern,


the second is the lightning step pattern,


the third is the water step pattern,


the fourth is the fire step pattern,


the fifth is the mountain step pattern,


and the sixth is the valley step pattern—"


The orcs watched closely, but nevertheless they saw Moku as a dazed person walking back and forth in different directions.


But they understand that whatever Moku does looks simple but can create dangerous attacks.


So they didn't say anything and waited for Moku to explain.


"—and if I combine it in a move using weapons it will become—" Moku took out the karambit tucked in his cindai and started took a step.


The orcs who had been waiting for this took a closer look. Especially Viggu who almost bled to death by karambit.


Moku stepped forward, lowered his body, and moved his karambit.


Karambit seemed lost in Moku's hands, he seemed to be hitting with his bare hands, but the gleam from the sharp edges of the karambit showed that every hit was actually a stab.


Moku move very fast, every step was very fluid, and agile.


Sometimes he lunges nimbly like a blowing wind,


sometimes he moves very fast like lightning strikes,


sometimes he bends lithely like flowing water,


sometimes he retreats and advances swiftly like a blazing fire,


sometimes he dodges slowly like a solid mountain,


and sometimes he stands still and waits like a dark valley.


Moku finished his demonstration by looking down and cupping his hands together.


Moku didn't say anything, turned around, and took some timber and a rope of animal skin.


He tied up three timbers and carried them on his back. Each of the timbers weighs over 50 kg, so currently Moku is carrying 150 kg of weight on his back.


"Each of you will practice this step pattern by carrying a timber or some. The weighs you receive will be different, depending on your individual abilities and will.


I will not determine how much timber you will carry, you will decide for yourself. The more weight you can carry, the better.


But I remind you one thing, you must wear it while you practice, and only take it off after the training is over.


Please carry your own timber!" Moku ordered.


The orcs began to load up. They tied timbers with an amount beyond their strength limit.


Even the adult orcs who had participated in the previous weapons demonstration ignored their injuries and did the same.


Seeing the orcs ready and standing, Moku show the step pattern once again.


"Wind!" Moku's cue.


The orcs than imitated him.


"Don't move, stay on your positions!" Moku stood back up and took the rattan from his back.


The rattan was not as long as those used for toyas or spears, only a meter long. But the end of the rattan is cut in four and stretched.


Moku walked towards the one in front and hit his hand.






Boku's hand was unharmed but the vibrations produced by the four ends of the rattan colliding spread to his bones making him groan in pain.




Moku walked back to Goku who was next to him, and








Then walked over to the orc beside him, and






"STRAIGHT YOUR BACK! DON'T BLOV!" Moku corrects everyone he passes, Moku always finds the slightest mistake and punishes it with a slash of the rattan.


The orcs' groans of pain sounded every second, the weight they were carrying grew heavier, and their flexed legs and arms began to heat up.


The orcs knew that Moku was not a merciful teacher, from the previous weapon demonstration Moku didn't withstand his blows, slashes, or stabs at all.


Yet they just gritted their teeth and endured the pain. They desperately wanted to be strong and stop being oppressed by other, much stronger species.


Moku didn't continue the pattern of the next move, he continued to correct the orcs one by one with eagle-like eyes that saw the slightest mistake.


Actually Moku wanted to teach the orcs slowly, but that would take longer. They didn't know when their tribe would be found by the mage.


They have to be ready before that happens.


Moku continued to walk around the orcs one by one. Until he was sure there were no more mistakes, then Moku came back to the front of the line and showed the pattern of the second step.




The orcs imitated again and Moku ordered them to stay on the position.


Moku again corrected their body position one by one.


The sound of the rattan slashing against the orc's body was heard again.


Following behind it were the orcs' groans of pain.


As before, Moku is not merciful. He kept correcting and punishing by slashing the rattan every step pattern until nothing went wrong.


The faces of the orcs grew paler, sweat dripped down their bodies, the slashes of the rattan hurt more and more every second, the burdens they were carrying were getting heavier, and their thigh muscles and arms were getting hotter.


If an orc fell, Moku would hit him and shout "WAKE UP! GET UP! GET BACK TO POSITION!" until the orc returns to its original position.


"Valley!" Moku demonstrates the pattern of the final steps.


The orcs clenched their teeth and forced their weary bodies to imitate Moku's movements.


Moku did the same thing again, the sound of rattan slashing and orc groaning was heard again.


Moku had never taught silat to anyone before, so he just realized that teaching was not as easy as he imagined.


Datuak nan Sabatang is a strict teacher, when he was young Moku always looked at him angrily when he was punished by his teacher.


Now Moku understands that his teacher is trying to make him remember all the movements by heart.


Pain, anger, and hatred are the most powerful ways to make the body remember something.


That's why Moku wasn't merciful and hurt the orcs during this practice, he wanted their body to quickly remember the six step patterns.


The orcs' vision began to dim, their bodies were almost numb, and the weighs they were carrying already felt as heavy as a mountain.


Until Moku's voice sounded like the call of an angel from heaven.