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"Done! You may sit down!"


Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!


There was the sound of the orc's body lying down, powerless, they just wanted to hurry back to the tent and sleep. However...




Moku walked quickly and hit the orcs who were still lying exhausted until they sat cross-legged with their backs straight.


Moku returned to his position and sat cross-legged.


"Now I will teach you about 'Asceticism'."






City of Heles



{Based on the Book, 'Queen of Monsters: Nevare'}


The walls of the City of Heles stood firm that morning. It is six meters high and three meters wide. Allows two people to walk on it without shoulder touching each other.


The City Walls of Heles stretched from the north to the south side of Mount Delin Fall. Form a semicircular wall that protects the City from external danger.


Heles does not have an inner wall, but the towers of 12 meters that stand tall pierce the sky.


This towers is built beside the wall and inside the city. Each tower is only 100 meters from the other towers.


The towers inside the city are also used as marker of the boundaries between districts.


The construction of the walls and towers of the city of Heles took only three months.


So fast isn't it?


With an outer wall length of 140 km and more than 3000 towers. This was only possible because human's mages helped to build it.


More than 100,000 Mage, hand in hand to create every inch of stone in everything seen from this City defensive building.


The ground that would not be able to withstand the weight of the six meter wall and twelve meter tower would be hardened by using the [Earth Hard] spell.


This spell is inspired by [Skin Hard], where the user is able to harden the skin and withstand attacks from sharp objects. when applied to the soil it will cause land hardening due to changes in soil density.


The stone towers and walls, made from large stones that are found around Mount Delin Fall. The largest rock they brought down has a diameter of 12 m and weighs 200 tons.


They were brought down with [Earth Control] which was able to temporarily change the weight of inanimate objects, then cut with the [Fire Laser] spell which was able to cut through hard objects with incredible accuracy.


Each stone is cut into a rectangle with a length of 50 cm, a width of 20 cm, and a height of 25 cm. the stones were then glued together using the [Stone Glue] spell.


Heles has three gates. North, South and East Gate.


The North Gate is the busiest gate because it is located opposite the human area. Every day many caravans of merchants passed through this gate to sell in the City of Heles.


The South Gate was heavily guarded, the number of adventurers entering the Bog forest made the guards at the gate have to carefully check their identity.


These adventurers were mages who possessed powers capable of threatening the security of Heles. So the inspections for adventurers entering and leaving Heles City were much stricter.


This is to avoid any mage from criminal organizations or fugitive mages who leave or enter the city of Heles.


Adventurers or mages who wished to live in Heles City were required to register themselves in an organization. This organization was named 'Guild'.


Guilds are for-profit organizations, whose job is to list, classify, and assess adventurers. The Guild also gave missions to adventurers at the request of the residents of the city of Heles and the surrounding villages.


For adventurers who have registered in the guild then they are required to show an adventurer's identity card.


The East Gate was the most deserted gate, only a few caravans of small merchants entered through this gate. They buy goods in Heles and sell them in nearby villages or they buy goods from villages and sell them in the City.


Its location facing the elven territory, making this gate guarded by many mages.


Even though the truce between humans and elves has lasted for 100 years, the fire of vengeance between the two mana species is still burning. Mainly due to the large number of war veterans who are still alive till today.


The wars of 100 years ago had caused too much harm to both humans and elves. The number of victims and the destruction of territory on both sides are still monuments to the hatred of the two mana species.


One of those wounds and monuments of hatred is Mount Delin Fall


Mount Delin Fall was not formed due to the movement of the earth's plates but was formed from a pile of soil.


Mount Delin Fall is a mountain formed by Mana explosion during the Human Alliance's first war against the Elf Alliance.


At that time there was a massive war where the human army led by Micheil Forbeis against the Elf Alliance led by a mountain dwarf Delin Opalhide.


She was a hero and the proud leader of the Mountain Dwarves. Delin is very famous for her cleverness in war strategy and her ability to use the earth spell.


Carrying 100,000 mountain dwarves, Delin's army circled the defensive line of the human alliance and managed to enter the southern part of the human territory.


This army wanted to break through the human defenses and attack the royal capital of Stonhold.


This splendid deception tactic took the Humans by surprise, as enemy could circle their line of defense with that amount of troops. The Kingdom of Stonfold, which is a human stronghold, is in danger of being destroyed.


Delin's twisting attack made the human alliance stumble. Their troops on the front line could not be pulled back.


Until King Andre von Luis III decided to use his knight guard to confront Delin's army.


He gave orders to Micheal Forebis a head knight guard to form an army as soon as possible and block Delin's troops for as long as possible until help from the frontlines arrived.


Micheal promised not to let the Elf set foot on human land even an inch, even if he had to give his life.


Micheal with 500 men of the king's guard knights moved.


Every time he crossed the village, Michael did forced recruitment. Every adult man and woman who has a healthy body should join.


To provide weapons, armor, and food for the militia army is not an easy thing. Micheal took all the food supplies, livestock, and harvested all the farms even those that had not yet entered harvest time.


Then he armed the militia with every sharp iron tools they could find, many among them only carried a single kitchen knives.


Whenever Michael's troops stopped in the village, all that was left after they go were only buildings, old people, and children.


Some resistance by the villagers occurred during recruiting, but Michael and his 500 knights were mages. The villagers who were only an ordinary people were no match for them.


Michael slaughters all the rebels and their families.


The massacres were cruel, they were shackled and skinned alive. No matter it's children, women, men, pregnant women, adults, or the elderly can't escape Micheal's wrath.


The executions carried out at the entrance of the village made their entire population submit.


In the third week, Micheal managed to gather 500,000 people.


Michael forced the militia troops to march day and night, they only stopped to eat or repair the ranks of the militia so that no one ran away.