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Until the fourth week, Micheal's militia army met with Dilan's troops.


Militia with limited food and weapons were forced to march on, putting them on the verge of collapse before the battle even began.


Micheal knows that his army which only consists of militia will be torn apart when Dilan's troops attack.


He made a strategy to tie up the militias so they wouldn't escape.


Micheal ordered his militia troops to form a square formation. Where in one formation there are 50,000 militia, then Micheal chained every militia that was in the front, rear, and side of the square formation be like a prison box.


Ten prison box confined 500,000 militia troops.


The battle began. 100,000 mountain dwarven warriors against 500,000 human militia.


The bard tell the story of the battle in a poem.


"The mighty army of mountain dwarves charged forward with bloodthirsty eyes


Their arms are big, bigger than our thighs


Their hair and beard are very long, longer than our feet


Their bodies are short, shorter than ours' mule


Their ears are sharp, but not as sharp as their axes


The Dwarven army showed no mercy despite the militia's pleas


They kill like as they breathe


Their short bodies were covered in blood from head to toe


Human flesh and blood stuck to their long hair and beards


A scream of pain was heard


Torn meat


Broken bones


Clinking iron


Those voices carried into the sharp ears of the mountain dwarves


But unfortunately


Their sharp ears were covered with the blood of their victims


They can't hear anything


They can only see through the eye sockets on their helmet


Even so their hands holding axes, swords, and spears continued to swing and stab every human that was still moving in front of them


A father wants to go home to meet his son.


A mother wants to go home to meet her son.


Their son is 6 years old.


Without both parents the child will end up as corpse on the street.


But unfortunately.


The prison box locked up and blocked their way home.


The ax tore the mother's stomach until her intestines burst open.


The spear pierced the father's chest until his heart burst.


But it's all right, their son will follow soon.


A young man with a pale face.


His hands were shaking holding the wooden axe.


He's just a woodcutter.


He never thought of becoming a war hero.


He just wanted to support his elderly parents.


He just wanted to go home.


But unfortunately.


The prison box locked up and blocked their way home.


The sword slash the youth's neck until his head was severed.


The headless body fell to the ground.


The young man's hands were no longer shaking.


But it's all right, his elderly parents will follow soon.


The dwarf's eyes that were visible through the holes in their helmets seemed to be trembling.


This is not a war but a massacre.


They killed ordinary people not soldiers.


Until finally the eye holes on their helmets were covered by the human flesh they tore apart.


The Dwarves' eyes were closed as were their consciences.


While the Militia await their death.


An army of white knights descended from the hill.


They broke through the Dwarven army like needles through cloth.


They charged forward to the enemy commander's base.


Michael the Brave.


Micheal the brave fights with Delin the Butcher.


Trees fell, boulders scattered.


All the Dwarven soldiers and the human militia saw the world of the apocalypse on that day.


Until there was a big explosion that turned the earth upside down.


The upside down earth forms a mountain.


Standing on top of the mountain is Micheal the Brave.


His left hand held the Sword of Faithkeeper.


His right hand held Delin the Butcher's head.


But the head is without the body.


That mountain was Mount Delin Falls"


Three years after that battle, the brave Micheal Forbeis died from his wounds while fighting with Dilan.


His funeral was attended by the kings of all the human kingdoms. He is known as a hero because of his services that have saved humans from the attacks of 100,000 mountain dwarves.


The battle resulted in more than 400,000 casualties, of which 95% were human.


In addition, all the food in the village that was exhausted because was taken for war supplies causing the children and the elderly who were left behind to starve to death.


It was recorded that more than 500 villages were found empty without inhabitants, all that was left were the bodies of parents and children hugging each other. Their bodies are emaciated.


Several bodies were also found with only the skeleton left. Most likely the villagers made corpses of their comrade as a source of food.


20 years after the truce, humans rebuilt villages and founded a city near Mount Dilan Fall. In the middle of city there is a statue of a large woman carrying a jug that flows water. She is Heles, the goddess of prosperity and safety.


The city was built to commemorate the sacrifice of 500,000 militia and Micheal Forbes. This city was named Heles, with the hope that all people in it can live prosperous and safe.


It was in this city that the first woman who became the bride of an orc was born. The first woman to meet the king of monsters.


Annaira Morris or better known as the Monster named Nevare.









Sixteen orcs crossed the thick bushes of the Bog forest.


Their green bodies look like they are mixed with parasitic plants clinging to the big trees in the Bog forest.


They walked slowly without leaving any traces on the damp ground.


Orcs don't wear footgear, their tough feet have evolved to have a fat pad that can cushion their stride.


Orcs don't wear armor, for them armor will only slow down their movement.


Only creatures with weak bodies and no regeneration abilities needed armor to protect their bodies.


They usually sleep on the ground and only bathe when it rains, making their smell blend in with their surroundings.


So that dangerous predators and mutated animals will have difficulty recognizing the smell of orcs.


Even so, the Bog forest was still quite a dangerous place for orcs.


Many plants and fungi can kill them just from the smoke wafting through the air or a small scratch on their body.


But the orcs' noses were able to distinguish between these odors and chose a safer route for them.


Because of that usually the orcs would hunt into the forest alone. Their large number can cause their body odor to be smelled by predatory animals.


The orcs' sense of smell is also disturbed by the body odors of other orcs around them, making it difficult for them to smell harmful plants or fungi.


Orcs usually hunt like tigers. They sneak up on their prey.


When their prey is in attack range, the orc will ambush and break the prey's neck.


This hunting technique is effective for solitary predator but not very effective for horde of 15 hungry orc.


Orcs need 7 kg of meat every day to function normally.