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So usually they only needed one large game to satisfy the appetite of 16 orcs.


However the 15 orcs were currently very hungry.


Moku made them keep practicing until their bodies gave in and passed out. The ascetic technique that Moku taught was able to make their brain forget the fatigue of the body for a while.


However, when the orc's own strong body surrendered, causing them to experience paralysis which the brain only realized when their bodies lay stiffly on the ground.


The brain that feels cheated goes berserk and receives thousands of pain and fatigue from the muscles and nerves.


Overwhelming the brain with the body damage information it received and deciding to shut down the body's operations, the orcs fell unconscious.


Some of them had heart attacks which caused it to stop beating.


Moku didn't panic to see hordes of orcs dying, he had experienced this often.


The magical bodies of orcs will try to revive as long as their souls are still there. Or in medical science, a person will not be declared dead if the brain stem is not dead.


The orc is a bald green Wolverine.


Two hours later the orcs woke up hungry.


Moku didn't want the orcs to hunt individually. He wanted to establish the cooperation of the orcs in battle.


Hunting is a great exercise for sentient beings to regulate the performance of a group, they will quickly harmonize their movements and thoughts with each other.


Therefore to face the dangerous journey in the Bog forest, Moku formed a line of orcs just like a pack of wolves formed their ranks.


In a line of wolves, weak, old, and sick wolves were placed at the front.


These old and sick wolves can lag behind when the pack travels, so they are placed in the front row so the pack can adjust to their pace.


They also become the first shield in the event of an attack. So it can be said that the wolves in the front row are also used as bait for attacks.


But older wolves have a longer life experience so their knowledge can come in handy when detecting danger.


Moku puts Goku, Vakgar, and Zalthu in this position. Their large bodies and their hunting experience would be the first warning signals in the event of an attack.


Next are the strongest and best, they are tasked with protecting the front and rear of pack when there is an attack.


The wolves in the second line also help the first line to fight the enemy.


Moku puts Boku, Gul, Viggu, and Clog in this position. Their attack speed and instincts can help the first line and give the herd time to strategize.


The third row is the wolves that join them on their journey.


They contributed to the care of the wolf cubs while some of them hunted for food.


They are placed in the middle for a very logical reason, namely so that they are protected from various enemy threats.


Moku put the young orcs like Swa, Laya, Kagan, Mige, and Torgan in this position. Even though they had joined the hunt before but the cruel Bog forest was still quite dangerous for young inexperienced orcs.


In the fourth row, filled with wolves with the same abilities as the second position.


They protect their pack, especially for the young wolves who are on the journey.


Moku places Olru, Xago, and Yagnar. Even though they weren't as strong as Boku and the others, they were still mature orcs.


The last wolf is the leader. He made sure no one was left behind, and the group remained intact together.


Moku is certainly in this line. In contrast to wolves orcs can provide information through speech.


Moku makes sure they stay on the right track and no members are left behind.


The orcs continued to walk into the deeper parts of the forest. Gradually the trees began to decrease and the terrain was no longer bumpy.


In front of them was a wide meadow. Their pupils dilated, only the Wolf Slopes mountains could be seen in the distance as the boundary of this meadow.


Hundreds of herbivores seemed to be running merrily in the middle of the meadow.


Birds chirping in the sky.


The cool air continued to blow, parting the green grass until it swayed.


The clouds seemed to be moving and holding hands in the blue sky.


You can see the sparkle from the reflection of sunlight hitting the river water that flows in the middle of this vast meadow.


The orcs looked at this new area with interest.


Moku named this place Glittering Meadow.


When Moku first found it, he was confused because he didn't see the other carnivores on the hunt.


Here live herbivores such as deer, elephants, zebras, hippos, and bison.


In the absence of predatory threats and their abundant food, these animals reproduce rapidly. Herds of deer reach 100 tails with a body height of up to 2 meters.


Moku still doesn't know why there are no carnivores in this place.


Moku gathers hordes of orcs and starts discussing their hunting strategies.


For a successful hunt, Moku armed the orcs with Galah, Mace, Toya, and Spear. Even though they are not very good at using it, it is better to get used to it.


Moku plans to teach them how to use each weapon but it's better for them to be able to fully master one weapon than several weapons but with mediocre mastery.


Someone who uses 1 or 2 moves that are repeated over and over again has a greater chance of winning a fight, than those who have variations of the Move but are not yet proficient.


Therefore the strongest attack is the basic attack which is continuously trained to perfection.


Moku divided the orcs into five positions.


This division was not based on the military strategy that Moku had learned in his previous life.


Instead, he based it on basketball. This sport has a very high movement intensity, attack and defense can quickly change.


The position of basketball players is designed so that offense and defense tactics are balanced.


Some play a role in guarding the defense area, organizing attacks, until the attacker will put the ball into the opponent's basket.


The enemies of the orcs in this world were no ordinary human army. Rather superhuman with laser attacks. For this reason, the movement of attack and defense must be as flexible and as fast as possible.


The first time he watched a basketball game, Moku felt that this sport was quite easy, but when he tried to play he was like a chicken losing his head, running around chasing the ball aimlessly.


Moku also knows that this game puts forward the speed of changing positions and the ability of the team to work together.


If viewed from a large scale then 5 people in a team should have one thought, but if viewed on a small scale everyone in the team should do their job without mistakes.


There are five positions in basketball, namely Point Guard PG), Shooting Guard (SG), Small Forward (SF), Power Forward (PF), and Center (C).


Point Guards in basketball are often referred to as playmakers.


Because these players regulate the rhythm of the game and players who often provide assists or passes.


This position is usually occupied by players who are agile and good at reading the game on the field.


Moku put himself, Boku, Laya, and Mige in this position.


Their job is to carry out reconnaissance on prey positions and report them.


They are also tasked with monitoring hunting grounds and determining ambush locations.


When the hunt begins they must cooperate with the SG to lead the prey into the ambush location.