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She look frightened by Moku loud confused voice. She put her index finger to her lips again, then looked right and left as if looking for something.


Moku realized what this girl's behavior meant.


She thought, if Moku was a young orc who felt pity for the fate of the girls kidnapped by orcs and tried to free them.


Maybe this orc child remembered its human mother or something.


"HAHAHAHAHA..HAHAHA!" Moku who understood this girl's thoughts laughed heartily.


You think this is a fairy tale, where there is a good orc who sacrificed himself against his tribe to save a beautiful princess.


Moku laughed while holding his stomach. The chesnut-haired girl looked at Moku with wide eyes.


Moku shook his head and looked into the girl's eyes as if to send a message through his gaze.


"No girl! you guys will stay here till the end of life. But I just want to make sure that you are always healthy, ready to give birth, like it or not!"


As if understanding what Moku meant, the girl's face paled.


Moku patted her shoulder like a friend thanking another friend for a good joke and took another girl.


Moku didn't pay attention to her face. He untied the chains that tied her neck and hands and took another girl.


Moku did the same with the other two girls. But when the fifth girl, Moku stopped for a moment.


Moku looked at the girl who was still looking down. Moku stopped not because this girl was so beautiful, but when Moku held her hand, he felt something.


In order to achieve his dream Moku practiced every martial art, from bare hands, cold weapons, and even hot weapons he had mastered.


Even so, Moku most mastered were karambit and the sword which became his main weapon.


Moku lifted the girl's face and looked into her eyes.


Her short white hair that flowed down to the tip of her chin revealed a round, glowing face.


The glittering hazel eyes, tightly in their sockets, stared at Moku's red eyes fearlessly.


She only looks scared and trembling to cheat, she is looking for loopholes, weaknesses, and opportunities that she can take advantage of.


Her chubby cheeks looked chafed, perhaps from scratches from the bushes in the Bog forest.


There was something incomprehensible about her, perhaps because she was the only girl wearing a leather armor or perhaps because the fire of hope on her eyes were not extinguished.


Moku smiled, at least he found a pearl among the dirt.


Moku has a brilliant idea.


"Oi!" Moku opened his mouth.


"Oi!" Moku called again but there was no response. Feeling annoyed Moku raised his voice.


"OI!!!" Suddenly her eyes stopped shaking and turned sharp like swords.


"Moku!" Moku pointed at himself.


"Who?" and pointing at the white-haired girl.


She was confused not understanding what Moku was talking about. Moku smiled, pointing at himself again. "Moku!"


"Who?" indicate it the same way.


"Who?" the white-haired girl pointed at herself in confusion.


Moku shook his head and repeated pointing at himself again.


"Moku!" and pointed at the white haired girl "who?" this time Moku tilted his head.


The white-haired girl who just understood nodded and said her name.




Moku smiled and pointed at the chestnut-haired girl.


"Lina" the girl replied. Moku pointed at another girl with ginger hair.


"Widya" Moku nodded and pointed at the girl beside him with blonde hair.


"Vivi" the girl replied. Moku pointed at the last girl with brown hair.


"…Claire!" This girl stared for a long time before answering.


Moku smiled.


Seeing the smile of the orcs with huge lower canines, the girls trembled again. Moku ignored them and took the cup from animal skull.


Moku took water from the barrel and drank it, then took another sip. Moku walks to Vivi and gives her some water.


Vivi shook her head but Moku kept staring. Vivi was scared until her body was shaking, with trembling hands she drank it.


Moku got up again and sipped the water then gave it to Lina. He did this to the other three girls, Clare shook her head in refusal and Moku didn't insist.


Moku stood up again, now he took sticks, dry shrubs and flints. He put them together and started banging flints against each other.


Sparks of flint scorched the dry bush. Moku blew it slowly, when the fire grew slightly, Moku added a twig to it.


The girls see Moku making fire. After the fire lives Moku arranges stones around the fire.


Moku stabbed a twig into the minced meats, making it like a satay. He stuck it around the bonfire.


Moku didn't say anything and stood out of the tent. He didn't come back for a while. Actually Moku was cleaning himself at the well in the middle of the camp.


The sweet smell began to waft through the tent. The meat Moku cooked wasn't the venison that he and the other orcs had just hunted that afternoon, but the meat Moku had kept in the jar full of honey.


The very appetizing smell of honey roasted meat satay made the girls swallow their saliva.


A few moments later Moku went back into his tent. The water had drained from his body but he looked fresher.


Moku saw the girls had not eaten their dinner. He sat by the fire and took a skewer and bring it at front of them.


But no one dared to grab it. Moku sighed and took another satay then placed it in the hands of each girl.


They just looked at him with doubtful eyes. The smell of the still warm satay made them gulp again.


Anna saw the other girls didn't move, she gripped the skewer tightly, opened her mouth, and started eating the meat.


Anna let out a sigh of pleasure from her mouth which was busy chewing the satay meat.


Seeing Anna eating, other girls also ventured to eat.


Seeing that Moku nodded.


Moku stared and waited for the five girls to finish their dinner. Then walked out and came back with two swords.


This time the five girls were scared again. Moku stabbed one of the swords into the ground and the other sheathed at his waist.


Moku looked at one of the five girls. This girl can wield a sword or maybe an expert with it. Anna.


Anna felt Moku's gaze glanced at her.


"Anna" Moku pointed at her then pointed at the stuck sword.


Moku repeated the movement twice, until Anna stood up and walked towards the sword.


The other four girls were confused by Anna's behavior. But Moku and Anna ignored them.


This white-haired girl Anna, has smooth white skin, her chubby face looks cute along with her small nose.


There is no sign that she is a fighter. But Moku had never seen a fighter from how attractive they looked.


When he held Anna's hand, he knew that Anna was a swordsman. Her strong forearm muscles and calloused palms were a sign that Anna had swung her sword hundreds if not thousands of times.


Anna approached the stuck sword, Moku released all the chains that bound her. Then back away slowly.


Moku set a distance of 3 meters from Anna.


Moku pointed at her "Anna—"


"can beat me—" Pointing the sword,


"you are free—" pointing outside the tent,




"lost—" pointing to the ground,


"Moku's!" and pointed at himself.


Miraculously Anna nodded in understanding.


Anna mounted a sword stance. Spreading her legs shoulder-width apart and raising her sword to chest level.