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Moku obeyed Bulan because he loved his older sister, not because he had also believe that the unseen world was the key to superpowers. yep... not because of that.


Bulan's obsession with the unseen world is so great that at the end of her life Bulan feels happy. Because in the end she will see the unseen world directly.


She told Moku if she wanted to be her sister again if they met in the unseen realm. Moku just nodded and hoped in his heart that it wouldn't happen.


One of Bulan's theories that Moku always remembers is


"Humans have the sense to feel the unseen world but that sense falls asleep because the other five senses in the body become too dominant.


These five senses show the brain what is real and what is not. So that when the sleeping senses feel the presence of supernatural beings around the body, the brain will translate this as something that is not real.


Humans will end up thinking that it's just an illusion, a misperception, just a feeling, or some other optical trick.


Though that creatures are real and the realm is real. They are with us but we forget them.


They see us, they watch us, they laugh at our stupidity.


Human life becomes an interesting spectacle for them.


They are the forgotten.


That's why we have to reawaken that senses.


By paralyzing the five senses and forcing the brain to only receive signals from that senses.


That sense is the Inner Eye"


Bulan has created the procedures and tools they will use to conduct experiments to awaken the inner eye.


Moku remembers every detail because at that moment he felt that his end was near. He saw that the grim reaper was already waving at him as if saying 'i will come soon'


However, the experiment was never carried out because Bulan felt that it was very dangerous and would be fatal to the object of research.


Bulan doesn't want to lose her only brother yet, nor can they kidnap strangers because it takes determination and strong will to be able to pass this experiment.


Bulan tried to get colleges and the government to support her experiments but she almost ended up in prison or a mental hospital.


In the end, Bulan gave up and postponed the experiment until she was sure the procedure would be safe for Moku.


Moku who was reminded of Bulan smiled, then he chuckled.




Moku's horrific chuckle frightens the girls.


'He really went crazy! hiiii' They said to themselves.


Moku ignored them.


If he can't find it by sight, smell, sound, taste and touch.


Then he will use that sense, the inner eye.


'Sis, it seems that even in this world I will still be your guinea pig'






Inner Eye



Life is boring.


Born knowing nothing and dying knowing nothing.


So brief, it disappears when we close our eyes.


A small child staring at the toy in his hand, Gatotkaca.


A fictional character from a cartoon that the boy likes to watch with his mother. Gatotkaca is very strong, he is able to jump higher than a flying bird, punch through mountains, and run as fast as sound.


'He doesn't exist in the real world' he said.


The little boy walked in search of his mother.


'Mom? why isn't Gatotkaca in the real world?' He asked.


But her mother just lay still, her faded brown eyes staring stiffly at the ceiling.


She was a beautiful woman with long wavy black hair. Her stiff lips, once always formed a friendly and gentle smile.


Her light brown skin used to look radiant and full of freshness, but now it had turned pale white.


Mother kept smiling, even though her hands were trying to hold back the blood that came out of her stomach, but the blood was now dry.


Maybe she didn't want to scare her kids with a pained face.


The little boy did not find an answer from his mother, he walked unsteadily out of the house.


But when he grabbed the doorknob his hand stopped. His trembling knees sat languidly.


He sit still with vacant eyes.


The boy's mind went blank.


'If he doesn't exist in the real world, why don't you just become a Gatotkaca?' His mother's voice came from behind the kitchen.


His mother seemed to be cooking his favorite food, fried tempeh.


The boy was silent and did not turn to answer.


Moku screams and cries.


With a clenched fist he grabbed the doorknob and opened it. Moku stepped along with his will.


On that day, his World shattered leaving only one will.


Moku opened his eyes, he saw a group of orcs were sitting cross-legged in front of him. Moku started to speak.


"Seven days ago I managed to find a way out for our race.


The way to a chance to defeat the mage"


The orcs' eyes widened.


There was a surprised gasp from the orcs.


Boku asked impatiently "What the way is that? How do we get there?"


"It is a way to use the hidden power in our bodies.


Have you ever wondered why orcs can impregnate mana species like humans? Or why can't we have female offspring?


It is the power that is hidden in our bodies that causes this.


The power is so strong that it is capable of making women of other species submit and give up their wombs.


The power is so great that it turns all the babies that the orcs give birth to carrying the characteristics of their fathers, namely the male orc." Moku replied.


Orcs seemed enlightened, they also always wondered why there were no female orcs in this world.


If there were female orcs then their problem would be solved and the orcs would no longer be on the verge of extinction.


"This hidden power I call dragon prana.


I know that if there are four conditions for awakening and using dragon prana,


First, a strong body. The point is that the mass of fat in the body should not exceed 10% of body weight.


Orcs have a metabolic system that turns all their food into muscle. So all orcs had qualified without having to train when they were five years old.


Second, strong breathing technique. To pump dragon prana in the body and flow it to certain parts requires strong breathing techniques.


Third, strong will. You must have a strong will to be able to escape the control of the dragon prana and turn to control it.


Fourth, inner eye, this is a condition that I myself have not been able to fulfill.


That's why I wanted to do close-door training for a while. While I'm away I'll be appointing some orcs to handle some important positions.


Goku, I'm appointing you as assistant coach. While I'm away you'll be the one watching over the orcs training.


Don't let them be lazy, hit them if they're wrong, and keep adding weight to the load they carry even if it's just a pebble every day.


Boku, I'm appointing you the head of food hut. While I'm away you'll be the one watching over the food hut.


Keep all the meat in a jug of honey, take the meat from the older jug for training don't use the new one , and don't forget to feed the girls.


Boku I trust you! I hope no orcs or girls starve to death when I return.


Mige, I appointed you the head of hunting. While I'm gone you'll be the one overseeing the hunt.


You will determine the route to Glittering Meadow, choose prey, determine hunting strategies, and appoint orcs to their respective positions.