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Moku felt like he was skinned alive and then doused with salt water.




Moku screamed in pain, his cut tongue made Moku's scream sound like a broken trumpet.


The sound he let out was like a scream from the depths of hell.


It made everyone who heard it shudder.


The pain slowly began to fade, Moku's mind began to no longer be preoccupied with pain.


But it did not get any information from the five senses.


There is only emptiness.


Moku can not see, taste, hear, smell and touch. He couldn't feel anything.


The brain is confused and continues to send signals to the five senses asking for information, but all five senses have been destroyed.


The brain panics. He sends all kinds of reactions to the body to find a way out.


But Moku's chained body can't move anywhere. He started to struggle. Moku felt he was going crazy.


What do blind people see?


What do deaf people hear?


What do people with anosmia smell?


What do people with ageusia taste?


What do person with numb all over his body felt?


What would happen if all of this happened at one time?


Have you ever thought about it?


Have you ever imagined it?




As if in a space without color, without sign, without directions, without beginning, and without end.


Being trapped in a circle that doesn't rotate, just floats until the end of time.


Time stopped, no one knows how long it has been, how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, or centuries, there is no concept of time.


The concept of self begins to disappear, the concept of existence becomes meaningless.


The orcs and their tribes disappeared,


The girls disappeared,


The teachers disappeared,


The friends disappeared,


Bulan disappears,


Moku disappeared,


The brain decides that the body is dead. It was time for it to also rest for good.


'Are you going to forget me too?' There was a soft and friendly voice.


'Are you going to rest and forget about me too?' the soft and friendly voice sounded sad.


The determination


The determination that was always with him, always sounded excited and forced Moku to continue to train and pursue their dreams.


The determination that had been with him ever since he had managed to open the door and set his foot on the ground.


It sounded sad. Her sad voice was far more painful than her angry voice.


He would never make her sad. No Never!


There are several phases after the five senses are gone.


The first phase, panic. The panicked brain will look for every way to get information from outside the body.


The object's body will struggle and go crazy, this can harm him so that the object must be shackled.


The second phase, acceptance. In this phase the brain accepts that it will not get any information from outside the body. So the brain will think if the body is dead.


As a result, the brain will begin to reduce the activity of organs such as the heart and lungs. Gradually the brain will also die due to the absence of oxygen entering the brain.


The third phase, awakening. In this phase, the object of research must force the brain to look for other senses as a source of information.


This phase requires a very strong determination from the object of research and a great will to survive.


This is because the object of research must fight the habit of the brain which always uses the five senses and forces it to use the inner eye.


That's why Bulan and Moku can't kidnap strangers and make them the object of research, because it's certain that the kidnapping will turn into murder.


Moku is the only human that Bulan knows has extraordinary determination and concentration that can even be categorized as a super power.


That's why Bulan believes that Moku will survive and come back alive even if he loses his heart or is beheaded.


Moku forced his brain to keep working and awake.






Time moves again,


The circle is turning again,


The colour turn to the space again,


The void shattered.


Moku can feel it again.


Like a thin mist that enveloped everything in the world.


Gives color that is never visible,


Provides coolness and warmth that has never been felt,


Light of Biofield.


A lizard-shaped silhouette emitted a light brown glow that felt harsh and cold as it attacked the cockroach-shaped silhouette that was also emitting a light brown glow.


The rocks and walls emitted a black light.


The chains that bound his hands appeared to be cracked on various sides due to his vigorous struggle.


He can see and felt every tiny detail.


Moku was amazed at the sight he saw with his inner eye.


Until he remembered his original purpose. Discover how to use dragon prana.


Moku started to see his own body.


His body emitted a soft green light and felt warm. But Moku can change that softness and warmth when he gives off a killing intent.


He took a closer look at his body.


His body is filled with luminous root fibers, it is the veins that carry energy through the blood.


This energy 2.5% will be used in daily life and 97.5% of it will be stored in the solar plexus, that is what should happen.


But there is a difference in the orc body, the energy used in daily life is still 2.5% but the energy stored in the solar plexus is only 37.5%.


60% of that energy resides in the orc's genitals.


Seeing this Moku could only shake his head. Orcs only store 37.5% of energy for their very fast metabolism and body regeneration.


While 60% of it is used for intercourse. Moku feels disgusted with his own race.


Moku looked deeper.


There are seven points in the orc's body that do not emit light but form space. It has a black ball in it.


The room is located at the top of the head, forehead, throat, heart, behind the solar plexus, navel, and at the end of the spine.


The rooms are connected to each other by stairs, which start at the lowest room at the end of the spine to the top room at the top of the head.


At the bottom of the room there are two black balls that are close to each other. They slowly turn in opposite directions.


The left ball rotates counterclockwise, the right ball rotates clockwise. Moku named the room as the Generator Room.


As the name implies, Moku understands the function of the room and it is in this room that he has to channel his dragon prana.


'Dragons have no power if they haven't hatched' Moku laughed inwardly.


Moku stood back up, his five senses had recovered.


Moku didn't know how long he had been in this cave.


He opened his eyes and walked unsteadily, his body not yet used to the six active senses.


Moku pushed the rock that covered the cave and came out.


The day has become night.


Moku walks back to the tribe. On the way he saw a horde of orcs who had just returned from hunting. As usual they came home full of wounds.


Their aura looks more lethargic and cold. Perhaps their killing intent had not been extinguished from the time of the hunt.