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Abaddon saw an angry Leviathan close one half-opened eye. He felt more sleepy.


"Abaddon, how far have you been looking?" crackling sounds were heard from the rows of broken teeth and a broad tongue.


Two large eyes monitored their surroundings from their large sockets. Its body is covered in coarse fur and its shoulders are roughly the same width as its pelvis.


The large fan-like ears sit on each side of the average, angular head, which itself is covered in a fan-like net and has several large tentacles protruding from the sides.


His low-fat body sat upright on his throne. Two broad fleshy arms hung at his sides and ended in a broad hand with claw-like fingers, of which there were 12 in total.


Azazel is objecting.


"Brother, in the sky there are only clouds, I will be sleepy if I fly higher" Abaddon replied with his eyes still closed.


"Why is your big body not having any power at all?" Azazel quipped.


Abaddon fell silent and soon they heard his snoring.


"DON'T SLEEP! WE HAVE A MEETING!!!" Mamon who saw his brother sleeping shouted angrily.


"Mamon.. can you lower your voice? My ears can be deaf" Behemoth held both parts of its head where the ears should be.


"You don't have ears, Behemoth" Leviathan said in confusion.


"Shut up! I met beasts that have the same appearance as me. They have beautiful wide ears, mine will definitely grow like that in a few years, I'm currently too young" Behemoth that lived for more than two centuries replied confidently.


"WOI ABADDON DON'T SLEEP! YOU DON'T HEAR YOUR BROTHER, HUH!?" Mamon again shouted at Abaddon.


Abaddon's snoring grew louder.


Lucifer is frowning.


Four black bat-like wings look beautiful perched on his back. His slender but muscular body was clad in a black silk shirt.


A golden spear was held in his right hand and his left hand held a forehead which was covered with two curved horns.


A long tail swept behind him, covered in snake-like scales all over its slippery surface.


He looked at his brother who had remained silent since the beginning of the meeting.


Pointy protrusions decorated its round head, which was devoid of any expression. A wisp of shadow shot out of the creature's nostrils which were located inside its wide nose.


Head with bee-like eye sits on top of a large bulging body. The exoskeleton armor covered every inch of it, glistening in the bright moonlight.


Its six transparent wings covered its entire back. It looked weak and fragile but no one dared to try its sharpness.


Beelzebub is silent.


He wouldn't talk if it wasn't important.


Feeling Lucifer seeing him, Beelzebub turned his head.


Actually Beelzebub didn't need to turn his head to look at Lucifer but he moved his head to show respect to their eldest brother.


Beelzebub shook his head indicating that he didn't have any news.


Lucifer's frown deepened.


The number of mana demons was increasing every hour, if they didn't find another mana species soon then they might be in danger.


It is not foreign to them if mana demons prey on each other. They discovered this was due to Demon's awakening process.


So the mana demons will continue to prey on each other until all the mana that Demon releases unites and forms its body.


But the problem is that the eight people here are all derived from the mana Demon spewed out. So it can be ascertained that when the demons become stronger, they will prey on them.


Lucifer looked at their mother, Asmodeus, the only female demon in this gathering.


Her beautiful eyes looked interested, her sharp nose and thick lips could make any man would do anything to see her smile.


Her luscious chest, small waist, and large hips would make anyone turn their heads quickly just to catch a glimpse of it, even if it meant twisting their necks until they broke.


Its two broad black wings and curved horns did not detract from the smoothness of its white skin. Instead she will be considered like an angel who came down from heaven.


Asmodeus is smiling.


She saw her children fighting and playing, their behavior had not changed as it was 200 years ago.


Feeling Lucifer staring at her, Asmodeus turned her head and nodded while giving a reassuring smile.


Even though Lucifer knew that the smile was only to comfort her son, Lucifer felt his worries lessen.


Asmodeus was the one who had the most mixed feelings about Demon awakening.


As the wife and also the first being created by Demon, Asmodeus is the one who wants Demon awakening the most.


But her desire will sacrifice herself and the children they love.


Asmodeus knew that Demon himself never imagined this would happen. Demon just wants to be free from his boredom.


Asmodeus understood how much Demon suffered from that disease. Even Asmodeus' beautiful face and body were unable to calm the boredom of Demon.


The wind from the west blew past them.


Asmodeus' gentle smile froze,


Lucifer's frown disappeared,


Beelzebub buzzes,


Abaddon opened his eyes wide,


Mammon is silent


Azazel, Behemoth, and Leviathan stopped arguing.


They all looked towards the direction of the wind.


"Mother, that—" Lucifer's voice trembled with hope.


"Yes my son, that is our hope, maybe our only hope..." Asmodeus replied with a hopeful tone.


The eight demons stood from their respective thrones. They stared at Asmodeus awaiting orders from their beloved mother.


"Gather every troop! We're moving now!" Asmodeus lost her gentleness and ordered in a voice full of authority.


"YES, MOTHER!!" answered the children with enthusiasm.


Demon army marched.






The Story of Nevare



{Meer Calendar, 15 June, 1 Years Before Demon War}


{City of Heles}


The sun of Heles City looked exhausted.


He started to lie down and made the sky of Heles City turn red.


The sun looks tired, why is the sun tired?


Isn't he a mighty light that watching humans from the sky.


"Anna..." a faint voice sounded, but she didn't care.


Isn't he the mighty light that illuminates all beings in the Meer continent.


Isn't he the mighty light, Zelos the God of Light.


"Anna..." Now the voice was louder and seemed angry.


Anna felt a shake from her shoulder. Her body that started to sway woke Anna from her daydream.


"Silvie... what's wrong?" Anna asked with her head tilted.


Anna looked at her childhood friend.


Silvie have long brown hair flowing over her chest showing her cheerful and smooth face. Beautiful blue eyes, perched under thin brown eyebrows, looked worried for her best friend.


Clean white skin looks red from sunburn. Even so, it does not reduce its attractiveness in attracting the opposite sex.


"What's wrong!? You've been daydreaming and staring at the sunset for a long time. I called you many times but you didn't answer." Silvie complained.


Anna and Silvie weren't kids anymore they were 17 years old. In the City of Heles, a 17-year-old girl must marry and start her own family.


But these two beautiful girls have not found a partner yet.


Silvie was unmarried because she was busy working in her parents' clothing store, even so Silvie had suitors whose queues were longer than the most famous potions shop in town.