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The war that took decades caused both sides to become fed up and voices for peace were heard within both alliances. But the hatred between these two mana species is ingrained.


With each passing year the wars of hatred accumulate more and more. Until they forget why they fought for.


Finally both parties found a reason for a ceasefire. Namely the existence of a third species. Warbeast.


The two warring species alliances cause mana pollution in some of their territories. Mana usage and area damage due to mana explosions causes pollution.


This mana pollution didn't have any effect on those with strong mana flows but for weak members of their species like children and commoners, this mana pollution could result in death.


The amount of territory that can be occupied by ordinary people is getting smaller and smaller. So the two alliances must find new territories for members of their species to live in.


Dispatched explorer teams from both alliances. Until the discovery of a very wide savanna. The explorers sent the good news to their alliance, but after two months since the news was sent there was no more news from the explorer team.


The human alliance dispatched an army of fully-armored mages to search for the explorers.


Three weeks later, the troops they sent were destroyed, leaving a few soldiers running helter-skelter. The enemy forces that exterminated them could have killed them but deliberately released them to find out the origin of the new species they encountered.


This army does not use armor or weapons made of metal like the human alliance and the elf alliance. However, they use natural weapons from their bodies, such as claws, fangs, and thick skin.


The mana flow they use can make their bodies stronger and faster. With a new spell like [Reinforce] they didn't need weapons or armor.


The army of warbeasts followed footsteps of the humans they released. They are a Wolf beast race, they have sensitive nose, long claws, and strong fangs. They can use mana from their mana flow to increase the speed and length of their claws.


The human alliance got word that warbeasts had entered their territory.


The Alliance also prepares their troops. The Human Alliance fielded more than 60,000 personnel with 10,000 of whom were mages.


The wolf beast race and human alliance troops met in the Dreary Flatland. This first battle between warbeasts and humans caused the desert to change its name to Dartwell Lake.


This battle was witnessed not only by the human and warbeast alliances but also by the elven alliance. They also admit that the warbeast is a very strong mana species.


With the new mana species, the battle between the two alliances of equal strength became very dangerous. If the two sides go to war, it will make the third party who will reap the benefits.


After the battle at Dreary Flatland in what is now Hartwell Life, the warbeasts withdrew their troops. Likewise with humans and elves. They stopped attacking each other and started watching each other.


There have been no wars and territorial struggles for 100 years. Two generations passed, the wounds from the war between the human and elf alliances began to heal.


The number of people of the three species is increasing so that the area where they live is getting denser.


Over the course of 100 years they discovered new territories and technologies, making their civilization more advanced. People live happily, they don't want any more wars.


Until the discovery of the fourth mana species. the Demon.


Demons, the fourth mana species discovered by Humans, they had much stronger mana control abilities than the other three mana species. Because they are born from mana.


Mana accumulated in one place for thousands of years, condensed, and created a mana core. This mana core forms self-awareness, then creating its own form. The newly formed creature calls itself by the name Demon.


Demon takes a part of his body and creates a new mana core and calls her Asmodeus.


Asmodeus and Demon had 7 Children, Mammon, Behemoth, Azazel, Beelzebub, Abaddon, Leviathan, and Lucifer. The seven demon then imitated their father and created their own partners.


At first they lived happily together with their families. Demon loves his wife and children. The seven children later had 72 children.


They built their beautiful empire. Even though the 72 demons couldn't have offspring, the vast Meer continent was enough to satisfy their curiosity.


Until Demon died from his illness. A disease that couldn't be cured even with his godlike abilities. The disease is boredom.


Demon is bored with his daily life. He has no enemies because he is the strongest, all creatures he meets are destroyed with a single touch. He has no need, everything he wants will appear with a snap of a finger. Life without obstacles leaves him feeling empty.


The culmination of Demon's boredom is when he creates a dream castle for himself. He wanted this castle to be a home for himself, his wife, their children and grandchildren. Therefore the Demon will create this castle as grand and beautiful as possible.


He told this idea to Asmodeus, his wife was very happy with the idea. The demon imagined this dream castle in his head. How difficult it is to make it, maybe he and his kids should work together to get it done. Demon was excited for the first time in his live.


He was going to name it Lemegeton, he was so excited. Until Demon accidentally snaps his fingers. A castle as grand and beautiful as the one he had immagine formed before his eyes.


He saw the castle of his dreams, but there was not a glimmer of happiness in his heart. The demon just stared with such great boredom in his heart.


The boredom devoured everything he'd ever feel and everything he'd ever remembered. Leaving a void like a very deep abyss.


Demon decided to commit suicide.


However, Demon is a collection of mana, so as long as there is mana in this world he will not die. After thinking hard for the first time, he found a way.


Demon disperse himself into a mana cloud. the Demonic mana clouds flew into the sky and caused rain for 10 days and 10 nights. When the rain stopped, the demon was gone, his body seeped into the ground along with the rainwater.


100 years later, the land grew something new. A new species that since its birth has had a flow of mana and matures.


These species are like wild beasts without intelligence and their only goal is to prey on other creatures that have mana flow.


The seven demon children and Asmodeus saw this new creature and approached them. This creature did not attack them but bow and showed submission.


Asmodeus sensed the Demon's mana from this being. They then move away and examine the behavior of this creature.


These creatures prey on each other. The more other creatures they eat, the stronger they will become. They live in a cycle of preying on each other. They are named 'mana demon'


The second species was the Mutated Animals.


Mutated Animals don't have Mana flow so they can't use Mana to affect the environment around them. However, Mana can still permeate the body of wild animals, causing mutations in the body.


These creatures are living organisms based on their instincts. Instincts are tendencies in behavior inherited from ancestors and habits in certain types of animals without prior experience or without any underlying purpose.


Mana that permeates their bodies will instinctively be channeled into their organs. These organs will experience changes and improvements as needed by the mutated animal to survive.


So it can be said that a mutated animal is an animal with a mutated body part.