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Even though it was nearing noon the air temperature on the surface dropped by a few degrees causing the Bog Forest to be shrouded in a white mist.


But that didn't stop the orcs from practicing and going about their daily routines.


Anna took her hand out of the thick fleece blanket, looking for the figure who used to hug her when she was cold.


But she didn't find that annoying orc.


Ever since Moku became the chief of the tribe, the orcs were used to getting up before the sun rose.


Moku teaches them, the orcs that sleep a lot and don't wake up early are lazy and weak orcs.


No orc wants to be called lazy let alone weak. Therefore they awake at morning even though they sleep at night with their bodies full of wounds.


Moku wanted to stay with Anna and hug her little body, but he couldn't possibly set a bad example to other orcs.


In any world discipline is the main thing in life.


Anna sat down and rubbed her eyes. Her breasts swing pulled by gravity.


Her face turned red when she saw her naked body. Anna remembers her activities with Moku last night.


She was so embarrassed, she wanted to bury her head in the blanket and scream loudly.


Moku is a strange orc or maybe what humans told about orcs is a mistake.


Moku is not rude and pushy when making a love, in fact he is very considerate and careful not to hurt her.


His affectionate and gentle treatment made Anna almost addicted.


But her logic made Anna realize that she was a prisoner and the one who was making out with her was an orc.


Although Moku's face is more handsome than all the men in Heles City.


Anna didn't put on her clothes, there was no one else in the tent but herself.


Even if there were, only the girls would see her naked body. The orcs did not dare to enter this tent.


Even the adult orcs whose bodies were bigger than Moku only dared to stand in front of the tent and not enter.


He tucked the meat and fruit from behind the curtain of the tent without even glancing inside the tent.


Anna took the roasted meat and bananas which were still fresh like they had been picked this morning. Even so, she didn't feel hungry.


Their nightly activities should have drained Anna's energy and left her exhausted the next day but strangely she felt refreshed and full of energy when she woke up.


Anna only eats out of habit.


There was a cheerful voice from behind the tent. Coming from the room that connects to this tent. A Bathhouse.


Moku wants the girls to stay healthy as long as they are detained. That's why Moku always gives them a lot of food.


In addition to game meat, Moku also looks for fresh fruits that they can eat.


Moku also collects some medicinal herbs to stock up in case they fall ill. Moku can guarantee their physical health but he can't guarantee their mental health.


To improve the mood of the girls and give them time to have fun. Moku took the initiative to make a bathhouse for the girls.


Moku dug a well behind his tent, then made another room that was directly connected to his tent.


The bathhouse is 7 meters in diameter and 3 meters high. Made of the same material as the Moku tent.


In the center of the room was a large bathtub made of thick clay. It is shaped like a cauldron with a 1 meter high supporting wall encircling it.


On the supporting wall there is a hole measuring half a meter and 30 cm high, this hole is directly connected to the cauldron.


When going to bathe the girls will draw water from the well into the cauldron and put dry wood into the holes.


The wood will be burned and the water in the cauldron will heat up slowly. The girls can regulate the water temperature by adding water from the well into the cauldron or adding firewood.


The girls initially didn't want to bathe in the environment where the orcs lived, but their sticky and uncomfortable bodies forced them to clean themselves up.


Especially Anna who has to do strenuous activities at night.


Finally they enjoyed their bathing facilities.


They even bathe every day, at noon to be exact.


Moku never disturbs the girls while bathing, but Moku always records the time they are going to take a shower.


Although the air temperature outside the tent was cold, Moku's tent was still warm. With the floor covered with a mat made of leather and a thick fleece blanket Anna felt her body start to stick and sweat.


Anna stood up and walked towards the bathhouse.


She pushed aside the curtains of the room and saw the girls chatting.


"Clare, what the hell, these two things are as big as my head" said Lina in amazement.


Clare is a girl with beautiful wavy brown hair hanging over her sullen face.


Narrow brown eyes, gracefully arranged in their sockets, saw the behavior of his new friend who with amazement squeezed her two large breasts.


Her slender body like a spanish guitar attracts both the opposite sex at the same time.


Claire looks older than Anna, Lina, and Vivi but her behavior that is sometimes like a spoiled child makes her often bullied by other girls, even small girls like Vivi.


"That's right! It's not fair Clare, I was jealous of your smooth brown skin now I'm jealous of your big breasts" Vivi with envious eyes caressed Clare's thighs.


"Hey!..hey! Don't touch. Lina, it's just a pile of fat!" Clare protested.


"Ugh! Why are women with big breasts always ungrateful!" Vivi frowned and looked at her tiny breasts.


"I'm telling the truth. My shoulder hurts a lot and all the boys keep glaring at them with perverted eyes!" Clare stood up and pressed her waist.


A pair of huge breasts rose and fell as if they were trying to fight gravity.


The eyes of all the girls who saw it turned red.


Clare felt four pairs of eyes staring at her breasts as if they wanted to tear them quickly covered her breasts with both hands and sat back down.


"But I guess that weird orc, didn't glance at Clare at all." Widya gave an opinion.


Widya is a girl with short ginger hair that slightly covers her chiseled and threatening face.


The sharp yellow eyes, deep in their sockets, showed that she was a conscientious person.


Her back that is always straight shows that Widya was once trained very hard to make it a habit.


"Yeah, that weird orc looks at us like it doesn't see a living thing." Lina hugged her body imagining Moku's gaze.


"That's right! That weird orc is staring at us like it's staring at a pebble or a rock on the road." Vivi nodded quickly.


"That weird orc was never interested in us. At first I thought he was sterile but after that night... it seemed he was only interested in Anna." Clare theorized.


'that weird orc', as they called Moku.


Anna meets Widya and Claire when she wakes up from fainting after escaping from Bon and Jon's pursuit.


She awoke with her hands tied, along with the other four girls they were led to the orc tribe's encampment. Anna only knew that her fate would not end well.


The story of a woman forced to give birth to orc babies was well known in Heles City.


In the past when Heles City had not yet been founded and was still filled with villages of war refugees, hordes of orcs came every month to loot and kidnap women.


Kingdom Stonhold decided to build a new city at the foot of Mount Delin Fall and sent three level 4 constellation mages to exterminated this pest creature.