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They are never satisfied with the abilities they have and continue to train to become stronger. Until finally some of them managed to awaken the ability to control mana.


They were able to turn their skins hard as steel, split the ocean with the slash of sword, and shatter mountains with a punch.


Their godlike powers were ultimately worshiped by other humans.


They named themselves as Mana God.


These mana gods then found a second way to awaken mana control abilities in other humans.


The mana gods said that he had bestowed [God Blessing] on humans.


Those who have a sincere heart to worship a god will be given the power to use mana. While the disobedient will die.


Those who succeeded in awakening the ability to use mana through [God Blessing] were called the worshipers.


The mana gods then formed an army from the worshipers. This army of worshipers cannot be matched by an army of ordinary humans.


They also expanded the territory of the mana gods until there were no other rulers besides them. But this did not make the mana gods satisfied, then they fought each other for domination.


The war caused destruction, death, and suffering to all of humanity, especially those who did not have the ability to control mana.


However, not all mana users were as greedy, spiteful, and cruel as the mana gods. There were some mana users who felt that the destruction and damage done by the mana gods was too much.


They got together and did some research on mana. The research yielded results they never expected. They discovered the mana flow.


Mana flow is an organ in the human body that is passive and will only working after receiving certain stimuli from mana outside the body.


Mana flow is like the lungs that absorb oxygen without the need to be moved by human consciousness. Mana flow will absorb mana around the body and make humans adapt to the surrounding environment.


So even though humans have been able to absorb mana, they have not been able to control and use it freely.


The mana gods were someone who had the ability to use their bodies more than other humans, because of that they had managed to find a way to control and use mana after doing extremely hard training.


That is by creating a new or modified the mana flow in their bodies. These new or modified mana flow are called 'Constellations' because of their shape.


However the same thing did not happen to the worshipers who were bestowed [God Blessing].


The mana gods infuses their mana into the bodies of the worshipers and transforms the mana flow into constellations by force.


Worshipers who have successfully changed their mana flow will have the same constellation as their mana god, but those who are not successfully converted will end up in death.


That's why the researchers changed the name [God Blessing] to [God Corruption]. As a form of hatred towards the mana gods which had deceived them all this time.


After some experimentation and research, they found a third way to convert the mana flow into constellations, namely [Mana Potions].


I don't know for sure how the [Mana Potion] is made but the basic ingredients are the body parts of a mutated animal.


[Mana Potion] works the same as [God Corruption] where it introduces foreign mana into the body but the mana is not controlled by others.


Those who drank [Mana Potion] would learn how to control the new mana in their own bodies and slowly change their mana flow into constellations.


The researchers who succeeded in creating [Mana Potion] called themselves 'Alchemists'.


Alchemists and those who drank [Mana Potion] rebelled against the mana gods and their worshipers.


This rebellion turned into a great war known as 'The Great Human War'.


The Great Human War ended with the defeat of the mana gods and their worshipers.


The human who survived the war called themselves 'Mage'. A humble and simple call for mana users." Anna finished her explanation and fell silent.









Moku held his chin and thought.


Humans don't immediately have mana controlling power when they are born, they have to convert mana flow into constellations to gain mana controlling power.


This explains why there are humans who are weak and being beaten badly by the orc ancestors.


But the development of humans from previously only using weapons and their body strength like the orcs of today to becoming superhumans who are able to control mana takes a long time.


The process of developing their technology began long before the emergence of the orc civilization. So it's only natural that humans are more advanced in terms of weaponry than orcs.


If you follow the actual path, like humans in Moku's old world, human have to go through the stone age, copper and bronze age, then iron age. Humans use fire as the main ingredient in their technological development.


But humans with the discovery of the flow of mana, constellations, and the ability to control mana make their concept of technological development develops in a different direction.


If the humans in the previous world needed other humans to build something then the mage in this world could do it themselves.


So it is possible that technological developments in a certain area have reached the modern age while in other places it is only in the iron age.


The disparity of this technological development is because mages can do what 10,000 other humans cannot. They didn't need a lot of worker just to create a dam, they only needed one mage with earthbending abilities.


It is like a country that already has nuclear reactors, heavy equipment, and other development technologies while other countries still use hoes and carts.


Orcs who had just discovered dragon prana would have no way of competing with humans who had mastered mana for a long time. They need a long time to catch up with them in weapons technology.


Why was the orc race left behind?


If the orcs' bodies were stronger than humans, then in the days before humans controlled mana the orcs would triumph. In that's the case orc technology shouldn't be left behind this far, with humans as slaves and female donors then there's no way that dragon prana has just been discovered by Moku alone.


Did orcs and other monsters only exist after humans?


Question after question and possibility after possibility popped up one by one in Moku's mind.


The girls just kept quiet and looked at the pensive Moku.


"Moku what will happen to the other girls?" Anna suddenly asked.


All the girls listened because this was what would happen to them. Moku and the orcs did not treat them like the fairy tales and stories they often heard.


Even so, sometimes an uncertain future is scarier than a bad future.


Starting from Moku's attention which was always on Anna and did not pay attention to them it caused fear and doubt in the hearts of the girls.


They were afraid that if the good treatment and attention was only focused on Anna, while they would be treated like orcs treating women like those in fairy tales and stories they often heard.


They were afraid that one day Moku would throw them out of the tent and chain them again, then they would be raped and treated like cattle by other orcs.


It was these fears that made them hate Anna. They envy Anna who is treated special by Moku.


"I will return them to the tribe" Moku replied casually.


"What do you mean by that? Can you telepathically connect to the other girls so they can understand what you're saying?" Anna asked.