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Then if you want to fight with other orcs then you have to choose Goku or Boku as your opponent.


You can't beat them barehanded and after they learned silat with me, their weapon skills have progressed a lot, for now I even doubt if you can beat them Anna" Moku explained honestly.


"I don't mean to win the duel with you or the other orcs, I mean to show that we girls are warriors too.


You explained to me that warriors are not about talent or swordplay, but an unyielding spirit that will not be extinguished even when walking alone and being hit by various obstacles.


I will show that I am a warrior to all the orcs.


I will join your training and receive the same treatment as the other orcs!" Anna said her brilliant idea.


Moku's mouth fell open, he felt that Anna had gone mad, "That's a bad idea! What exactly are you thinking?!


The orcs' training was designed with their endurance, fast metabolism, and regeneration abilities in mind. You as a human don't have all that!


Following the training of the orcs is tantamount to suicide for you! After all, You are pregnant! strenuous activities can harm you and the fetus in your womb!" Moku tried to resuscitate Anna.


"Moku! I can't believe you of all people underestimate me!" Anna was offended.


"I'm not underestimating you but I'm just telling the truth" Moku shook his head.


Anna stood up and sat in front of him. She held Moku's hand tightly and looked into his red eyes seriously.


"Moku! As your woman, you have to trust me a little. I won't do anything stupid that could harm myself or our baby.


I have a plan and a hypothesis, if this hypothesis is true then this plan will also work. Trust me! I'm not crazy! I promised to give birth to our first child.


If you really think of me as a warrior then believe me I will keep my promise!" Anna promised.


Moku was silent, once again his logic told him that this was a bad plan and could harm Anna and their baby. But there was a voice in his heart to believe in it.


"Okay, but only for one month!" Moku believed his heart.




{The Morning}


Moku saw that Anna was able to maintain her balance, even though the weight she was carrying made Anna almost unable to move. Moku just kept quiet and waited for her to be ready.


While on the other hand the orcs had already done their training. Even though they started training at the same time, the orcs' individual abilities gradually became more visible as the training became harder.


Some of them have reached the second level of breathing techniques, but many are still stuck at the first level of breathing techniques.


This was not because of the lazy orcs but because of the inborn talent they brought with them. Just as humans are born with various hidden talents, so are orcs.


Many of them had overflowing power but couldn't channel it so making their movements required more energy.


Just like Vakgar, who has the second strength and body size after Goku, is still stuck at the first level of breathing technique.


He had a hard time concentrating his overflowing energy and channeling it into a single attack. As a result, when using breathing techniques, Vakgar's movements become slow.


This also happened to several other orcs who were still stuck in the first level of the breathing technique.


Exercise at this level is in the form of paired formation movements. Two orcs will walk in pairs to form a circle.


Opponents are like mirror images, they will have the same steps and movements but in opposite positions.


The movement of the Tagak footwork is a fundamental and very important part of silat, because the essence of all silat movements comes from these six steps.


In each step there is an initial movement to start an attack, dodge, parry, or lock. Because it is very important to be able to harmonize the energy and understand it by heart.


Their steps and movements are a combination of the steps of Tagak footwork. Just as now Swa and Torgan are imitating each other's movements.


Starting from the water step—valley step—lightning step, then the combination changes to a wind step—mountain step—fire step.


Swa throws a punch at the fire step, while Torgan moves to parry. But their movements look very slow and heavy.


Swa pushed his fists like he was pushing tens of kilograms weight, the same thing happened to Torgan who raised his hand to parry. This is due to the lack of smooth movement of energy they channel to the limbs that they want to use.




However, the moment Swa's fist touched the outside of Torgan's hand there was a loud crash sound like two wooden blocks colliding.


The result of the collision almost broke both of their hands. This will not happen if the energy blast is done in the right way.


The orcs who managed to enter the second level of the breathing technique had different training. The combination of moves, punches, parries, and dodges becomes increasingly complex.


This is because they have been able to detonate their respective energies and are learning how to implement it in a combination move.


Likewise, the three forms that Moku used in the Palaka duel with Goku were a combination of Tagak footwork and practical techniques or what Datuak nan Sabatang commonly referred to as 'Picking the Fruit'.


Picking the Fruit is to use reason and logic while studying the physical properties of the human body and where the weak points of the body itself are.


By using all limbs that can be moved, Picking the Fruit has two concepts, namely that all limbs must be utilized and in any position they must be used as much as possible to defend and attack.


Moku returned his attention to Anna. Her pale face showed that Anna was almost at her limit.






Anna Transformation



"Anna, the first lesson in silat is Tagak footwork. I will demonstrate and correct your movements one by one. Imitate my movements


the first is the wind step pattern!" Moku explained then demonstrated the first step pattern.


Anna imitated Moku's body movements, every inch of her body that moved made Anna's knees tremble. But Moku didn't care and started to correct Anna's movements.






"LOWER YOUR HANDS!!" Moku's instructions.


Moku actually wanted to teach Anna gentler but the orcs will saw that and made their plan fail. Finally Moku decided to teach her the same way as he teach the orcs. Even so, Moku slowed his blow.








Moku has no mercy on Anna, he corrects every detail of her mistake with a blow from a quadruped toran. The sound of blows and screams resounded at the top of Green Caping Hill, making the orcs reminisce about their first day of training with Moku.


Anna's face grew paler, her lips felt dry, her saliva seemed to be caught in her throat.


Her hot body began to feel cold, the gust of wind made her shiver, and her trembling knees went numb.


Her eyes began to dim, her ears became ringing, and her head felt heavy.


Anna's brain is barely conscious anymore and asked to rest but Moku's blows woke her up and forced her to keep her body position.


Moku won't continue the next step if Anna's body position doesn't match or moves just a little. Anna could only grit her teeth and force her body not to move.


"the second is the lightning step pattern!" Moku's voice is heard again and tells Anna to imitate his movements again.