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PAKK! Kagan hit Torgan on the head till tilt.


"Don't you have a brain?! You're only making us more depressed!"


BUKK! Swa punched Torgan in the stomach until he bent and knelt down.


"Learn to read the situations stupid!"


PASS! Mige kicked the ground with his foot, dust and debris fly entering Torgan's open eyes and mouth.


"Use your head more often!"


Torgan who was beaten by three orcs could only roll on the ground while vomiting dust and debris with watery eyes.


"Torgan! are you all right?" Anna asked worriedly. The orcs were very cruel to Torgan just because he asked the wrong thing.


"Nevare forget that stupid orc, he will recover in a few seconds, the orc body is not that weak!" Mige said while clasping his hands.


"Nevare you better get ready we're going to run at full speed!" Swa nodded.


"Eh? we're going to run? Won't you say it would be dangerous if we ran?" Anna asked.


"Why do you ask so many questions? There are no predators or mutated animals in Glittering Meadow. Come on! I can't wait to beat Mige. Three!" Kagan answered and returned to his running stance.


"Hahaha even if I haven't entered the second level yet, I won't give in just like that! Two!" Swa doesn't want to lose.


"You still haven't woken up from your dream Kagan! One!" MIge also put on his running stance.


"Eh? Eh? Huh?" The confused Anna could only imitate them.


"ZERO!!" The recovered Torgan gave the final signal and ran ahead.


The other three orcs also rushed forward and they were quickly disappear among the tall grass.


Anna, who was confused, couldn't help but chase after them. She lunged forward and ran as fast as she could.


Grass that are shoulder-high spread out in front of her. The sharp tips of the grass leaves didn't even leave scratch her green body.


Anna kept running as hard as she could and as fast as her legs could move but she didn't see a single orc. Only the mocking shouts of Kagan and Mige or the exclamations of joy from Swa and Torgan could be heard.


"Kagan, your arrogance and big mouth are not at par with your abilities! I told you to wake up quickly and stop dreaming! Orcs that like to sleep are lazy orcs. hahah" Mige teased.


"Shut up!! Don't be so big-headed because you're only one step ahead! It's because you cheated by starting first!!" Kagan's angry voice.


"Woooohhooo!!! Watch me fly!!!" Swa shouts of joy, he jumps high through the tall grass.


Anna who saw it immediately ran towards Swa direction.


"I can fly too! Look at this!' Torgan also jumps high.


"Hey! Hey! Torgan look where you landed! There's a rabbit there!" Swa shouted warningly.


But Torgan was too late to change his landing spot and stepped on the poor rabbit.




"Oh shit!" Torgan cursed.


"Torgan, Moku forbid us to kill in this place!! See what Moku will do to you when he finds out about this Hahahaha" Swa said as he kept running away.


"Wait.. Wait.. Swa.. don't tell Moku!!" Torgan panicked and chased after him.


Anna who almost reached Swa's place was late, Swa was already running at full speed with Torgan chasing behind his heel.


"Hey.. all of you wait!!" Anna screamed and ran with all her might.


But gradually the voices of the young orcs began to fade. Until only the sound of grass waving and clashing could be heard.


Anna who did not know where to go became panicked and confused.


"MIGE!" Anna screamed but no one answered.


"KAGAN!!" Anna shouted loudly but no one answered.


"TORGAN!!!" Anna shouted louder but no one answered either.


"SWAAAA!!!!" Anna screamed until her voice ran out but no one answered.


Anna became breathless.


The wind blew and made the green grass crackle. There was a gurgling sound everywhere that made Anna afraid of what was behind these tall grasses.


Is it true that there are no predators or mutated animals in this meadow? How could that be? What about snakes? or venomous insects?


Anna was trapped in her own fear again. The scorching sun and light breeze made her eyes go blank.


"MOOOOOKUUUUUUU!!!!!!" Anna went crazy.


'It's all because of that asshole!


if he doesn't tell me to go hunting then I won't get lost in the middle of this vast meadow' Anna grumbled in her heart.


'What do you mean I'm the same as an orc?' She remembered Moku's words,


"Anna you will slowly have all the abilities of the orc body. The fast metabolism, overflowing power, and regeneration abilities we pride ourselves on will become a part of you.


Anna gradually you will become an orc"


'I am a human not an orc!' Anna refuses


She remembered Mige's words, "Nevare you want to practice your sense of smell right. This is a good time to give it a try, for orcs the scent of other orcs is very easy to spot.


Maybe you don't feel it right now when there are many orcs around you, but when you're alone your nose will work and eventually find us."


'Scent?' Anna was stunned, she tried to sniff like a dog. But she didn't smell anything.


She tried to widen her nostrils but again she smelled nothing.


'How can I smell like an orc! Do I need to have noses like them to have the ability to recognize smells?' Anna grumbled again.


'smell has nothing to do with the shape of the nose' She remembered Mige's words who imitating Moku's voice and speaking style.


Anna closed her eyes and everything went black. There was only the sound of the wind and the rustling of grass.


Anna then covered her ears with both palms. Everything was silent, there was only darkness and silence.


She tried to sniff once more.


She can smell grass and soil around her.


She tried to sniff deeper.


There was a damp and fishy smell from the small animals that were running on the grass.


Anna sniffed even more deeper.


Finally she can smell it.


Like the smell of a warm old house, a complete family, a father reading the newspaper, a mother cooking, brothers running and chasing each other.


The house is not luxurious, just an old small house with not many members, they often fight, they often quarrel, but they are family.


They were like waving to Anna to come into the house and join their little family.


Anna opened her eyes, she take a step, she walked slowly, she walked fast, she ran, and then she ran with all her might.


The tall green grass no longer blocked her view. The sound of the creaking and clattering of grass no longer frightened her.


She doesn't even need her eyes and ears. Her nose will lead her to that place.


Anna ran very fast, her leg muscles pushed her body like a rocket, the tall grass parted and didn't scratch her body at all. Until the tall grass is gradually reduced.


Anna saw the vast land covered by a green blanket. In the middle there is a small river flowing, bringing a cool and comfortable sound that makes everyone want to close their eyes and enjoy it.


Not far from her place, a horde of orcs was gathering, they were sitting relaxed enjoying the breeze and sunshine. In the middle of the group there were several orcs discussing something.


Moku is surrounded by Mige, Goku, Boku, Laya, and Zalthu.


Three young orcs stood up from their seats and walked over to Anna.


"Hey Nevare! You are so slow" Swa patted Anna's back hard.