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"Yeah, we've been waiting for you for a long time." Torgan nodded.


"Are humans this weak? lucky you are now an orc" Kagan hugged his arms and muttered sarcastically.


"Huh? Eh? Yes?" Anna didn't know what to say, for some reason she felt very warm and comfortable.


Hearing the voices of the young orcs greeting Anna, all the orcs turned to her. Moku turned his attention away from Mige who was explaining his hunting plan.


Anna and Moku's eyes met each other.


Moku smiled gently and said "Welcome Home"


Anna's whole body shivered, her eyes felt hot and then a tear fall. Her lips that trembled haltingly uttered those words,


"I..I..I'm h..ho..home!"






Glittering Meadow Problem



"Hey! hey! why are you crying? You're such a crybaby Nevare" Swa patted Anna's back hard again.


"Are you scared of getting lost? You're so coward Nevare" Torgan smirked.


"Orcs aren't crybaby and cowardly Nevare. You're just embarrassing our group" Kagan teased.


"Who's crying!!! I got dust in my eyes!!" Anna refuses to admit it.


"""Really??""" asked the three orcs in disbelief.


"Shut the fuck up!!" Anna snorted angrily and walked past them.


The three orcs glanced at each other and shrugged. Then followed Anna and sat in the very back row.


"What are they talking about?" asked Ana.


"They are discussing about some annoying matters" Swa replied.


"That's right, they are discussing which animal has the best meat." Torgan agreed while drooling.


"stupid!" PAKK! Kagan hit Torgan's head.


"They're talking about animal populations in Glittering Meadow, their distribution, ecosystem, and other news about investigating areas in Glittering Meadow" Kagan further explained.


Seeing Anna and the group of young orcs sitting quietly, Moku turned his attention back to Mige.


Mige continue, "Our constant hunting is causing the ecosystem in Glittering Meadow to be disrupted.


Other animals drift away for fear of being devoured, as a result the place where we have to hunt is becoming increasingly distant from the Dawnmist Tribe.


The population of wildebeests and deer is decreasing rapidly resulting in a break in the food chain, making the growth of grasses and other plants uncontrollable.


We'd better stop hunting for a while until the animal population recovers and they're back to migrating and eating the tall grass." Mige finished summing up his findings.


Before doing close-door training to activate his inner eye, Moku appointed several orcs to take his place for a while to managing and leading the tribe.


The orcs were divided into three tasks, Goku as assistant trainer, Boku as Head of Food Hut, and Mige as Head of Hunting, but before they do their job, Moku already finish his close-door training.


Even so, Moku still appointed the three orcs to carry out their duties. He allowed them to lead in their respective positions.


So even though Moku still has absolute power and decision in the tribe but he no longer has to do it by himself and think about it alone.


Beyond Moku's estimation, the orcs who are considered stupid and oaf are able to come up with new ideas for the advancement of the tribe. Like Boku, who proposed the idea of washing the meat first before soaking it in honey.


Gradually, their duties grew and expanded so they asked Moku to appoint other orcs who could help them. Moku also answered their request by forming a new structure of the tribe.


The leader of the tribe remains the chief of the tribe, his job is to give the final decision, make laws, and give punishment.


Under the tribal chief there are three divisions whose task is to form draft regulations, discuss draft regulations with tribal chiefs and other divisions, and implement them.


The three divisions are,


Hunting Division, tasked with making hunting strategies, determining game animals, maintaining the Glittering Meadow ecosystem, and determining the path to Glittering Meadow.


Headed by Mige with Zalthu as his deputy.


Food Division, tasked with storing food, regulating the preservation process, determining the use of food, and food hut management.


Headed by Boku with Laya as his deputy.


The Training Division, in charge of training the orcs, managing the training schedule, managing the training program, and managing the increase in the level of breathing techniques.


Headed by Moku with Goku as his assistant.


Each division has the right to order other orcs to assist them in carrying out their duties and make decisions directly in the field even without the approval of the tribal chief on the condition that they do not stray from their respective duties.


Currently they are discussing about the Glittering Meadow ecosystem being disturbed due to the massive orcs' hunting.


"Stopping the hunt right now is a bad thing! We orcs have to eat at least 7 kg of meat per day, that's if we don't count the meat eaten during training breaks" Boku argued.


"Isn't the food hut now full, so you guys have to build a new, bigger hut?


It's better if we finish the food in the old hut first instead of having to build a new one." Zalthu supported Mige's opinion.


"We can't use the food in the old hut, because the old hut is too small, the number of jars of meat that can be stored is not too much. Even though it looks full, the stored meat is only enough for one month of consumption." Laya objected.


"We can reduce consumption during training breaks. We estimate that the population of the animals will recover in 2-3 months," said Zalthu.


"Food consumption during exercise cannot be reduced. You know for yourself that even with a strong metabolism, we still have to consume a lot of food to recover the nutrients used.


Our increasingly heavy exercise routines will make the body need more energy, as a result the amount of meat we have to eat also increases.


We can indeed reduce training, but you must remember our biggest goal is to become strong so that we can keep up with the mages!


I instead want to ask for an increase in the amount of training time, increase consumption, and reduce hunting time" Goku didn't accept.


""Rejected!!"" Boku and Mige refused at the same time.


"I told you that although the food hut looks full, the actual food supply is only a small amount. We must immediately build a new food hut to increase the amount of meat stored," Boku reiterated.


"Our hunt in Glittering Meadow is not only to find food but also to expand our investigations in this place. We still don't know for sure what dangers are hidden in this place so no predators or mutated animals dare to approach" Mige glared impatiently.


"What are you guys thinking?! training is the key to our survival and escape from the fear of the mage's clutches!!


If the food in Glittering Meadow is reduced, we just have to move hunting places. That's your division's job Mige!" Goku glared back.


"Don't just burden us with such a formidable task! Finding a new hunting ground isn't easy!


Finding routes, avoiding areas of dangerous mutated animals, number of prey, contours of the area, etc. will take months to ensure that the place can become a new hunting ground.


We'll starve to death before we finish all that!" Zalthu was furious.


"Damn it! You guys like making excuses, why don't you—" "hm..hm" Goku stopped screaming after hearing Moku's fake cough.


"Goku don't scream, you're breaking my eardrum again" Moku said casually while picking his ear.