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"Sorry" Goku scratched the back of his head and sat back quietly, as did the other four orcs.


Moku usually just keeps quiet and listens, when the three divisions have agreed to each other then he will open his mouth and agree too. However, if the three divisions have different views like today, Moku will mediate and make new decisions.


"how is the exploration of the SG team?" Moku asked something else.


The orcs grew stronger by the day, they were no longer as overwhelmed by the herd of deer as their first day hunting in Glittering Meadow.


Right now they only needed a few orcs to hunt down and defeat the herds of animals that were here.


Therefore Moku decided to form a team consisting of the SG team (Viggu, Kagan, Swa and Torgan) to investigate the areas in Glittering Meadow.


Viggu who heard his team being called came over and sat behind Mige and Zalthu.


Although the PG team has their own duties and is not under the Hunting Division, they still carry out their duties in Glittering Meadow, the Hunting Division's responsibility area.


So it's only natural that Viggu as team leader sits behind the Hunting Division, this doesn't offend the other two divisions.


"Report Ku! We found out that the Glittering Meadow is wider than we thought!


The Glittering Meadow is split into two areas by a large river flowing from Wolf Slopes Mountain. This great river is so wide that at first we thought it was a lake.


We couldn't see what was on the other side of the great river and we didn't try to cross it either. If you order we will start to measure the depth of the great river and cross it" Viggu waited for orders.


"No need for now, continue reporting your team's findings" Moku said.


"This great river then splits into several small rivers and irrigates the entire Glittering Meadow area, just like this small river that is near us" Viggu looked at the river behind them, the sound of running water made the atmosphere cool.


"We didn't find where the head of the great river is because it's so far away and it will probably take us a month to walk. The closer we get to the head of the river, the colder the air becomes.


Should we continue our search for head of the river?" Viggu asked.


"No need, continue your report" Moku gave orders.


"We also tried to find the base of the river, but we found a swamp that was rule by a mutated animal in the form of an ape. He seemed to be guarding something.


We're not trying to get close because you're forbidding us to get close to mutated animal territory we don't know about. That's all we found!" Viggu finished his report.


"Good job! it's a good thing you didn't enter the mutated animal's territory. He is very dangerous and has a sharp sense. A shower of rocks that are like meteors will rain down on you if one of your feet steps on the marshland" Moku explained.


When he first found Glittering Meadow, Moku had been trying to figure out the ins and outs of this place.


After becoming the chief of the Dawnmist Tribe, he found the swamp, but before he could get any further, rocks rained down on him.


At that time Moku almost died but he managed to hide behind the tree roots. With a face full of mud Moku saw a giant gorilla perched on a tree branch and laughed at him.


The gorilla was eating a giant fruit shaped like a mango. Moku quickly leave the swamp and marked it.


The orcs glanced at each other after hearing Moku's story. "Are there really such dangerous mutated animals?" Goku asked.


"That's right, I just found out from Nevare that mutated animals are even more dangerous than we thought" Mige replied.


The orcs took a deep breath.


"Mige you explain to the other orcs what you heard from Nevare, after that continue the hunt.


Reduce the number of animals you hunt and lead them away from the big river. We do not reduce or increase exercise time and food consumption during exercise breaks.


I approve the construction of a new food hut. I wanted it to be in the middle of a tribal camp and close to a well. Any questions?" Moku made up his mind.


Neither of the orcs asked and indicated they all agreed, despite Mige and Zalthu's weary faces.


They know that reducing exercise and food consumption is impossible, even if they themselves will not accept it if the amount of time they practice is reduced or the amount of food they eat is reduced.


However, as the Hunting Division, they had to think about the sustainability of Glittering Meadow as a hunting ground for orcs.


So they could only agree with Moku's decision and think of other ways to keep the Dawnmist Tribe from running out of food.


"Well if there are no questions, the Hunt begins!" Moku stood up and gave orders.


All the orcs also stood up and answered loudly "Yes, Ku!"






Bison Herding



"Orcs, Line Up!" Mige gave the signal and the orcs lined up.


"Today we will target the bison colony, driving them away from the big river and towards the Tall Grass" Mige explained the purpose of hunting that day.


Tall Grass is the name they give to the Glittering Meadow area which is already covered with tall grass due to the absence of their predators.


"We will create a Swan Flying Formation with the Center Team as the nodal. The PF Team serves as the chain and the PG Team and SG Team as the escorts.


I want you to focus on herding and not overkill the target. Remember the purpose of our hunt this time is to lead the target into the Tall Grass.


When the target enters the Tall Grass, I want the Center, PF, and SF Teams to form a Phalanx Formation and stay in position until the SG and PG Teams finish making the barricades.


Any questions?" Mige finished his explanation.


"Wait! What should I do? Where my position is? What is the Flying Swan Formation? What is the Phalanx Formation?" Anna raised her hand and asked many question in confusion.


Mige glanced at Moku "Nevare will be in the SF Team!" Moku said.


"Ooohhh!!" the orcs nodded.


"SF? What is—" Anna was still confused, but her question was cut off by Mige, "If there are no more questions, please return to your respective teams and Center Team immediately take the positions!".


"Wait! Wait!" Anna waved for attention but the orcs quickly became busy and gathered in their respective teams.


"Nevare, see you later, we have to get together with our team and make the plan" Swa said and went away.


"Ehh wait, who's my team?" Anna wanted to chase after Swa and the others but a deep voice came from behind her, "Nevare where are you going? Come here quickly!"


Anna looked back and saw two orcs standing and waving at her. Anna came closer and saw their figures more clearly.


The orc on the right, wearing knee-length pants with songket tied around his waist. Like other orcs he was shirtless. He carried a spear strapped to his back. This orc was named Yagnar.


The orc on the left, wearing only leggings with a songket slung over his chest. He holds a large club in his right hand. His name is Olru.


There is no requirement that the songket must be tied around the waist or head. Moku has not had time to give the songket to Anna, due to their quarrel the time to give it is lost.


"Yagnar, Olru, are you guys also the SF team?" Anna asked.


"That's right, I'm the leader of the SF squad. There's only the two of us in this team, plus you then there is only the three of us!" Yagnar answered and Olru just nodded.


"Then what is our task?" Anna asked.