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Unlike Tiger Form, Eagle Form does not change Moku's bones, but widens his lungs so that he can suck in more air. This causes his body mass to increase while his weight is still the same.


The energy that is formed due to the increase in body mass makes Moku become many times stronger and his body becomes lighter.


The fact that he was kissing the ground made Stugo go berserk. As a king, this was the first time he had been humiliated like this by his challenger.




Moku wanted to finish the fight by hitting Stugo hard on the back of the head, but Stugo quickly got up and sent his body flying into the air.


Moku tried to balance his body in midair but Stugo's fist was quickly approaching.


"[Snake Form]!"


In this form Moku strengthens his joints and muscles, then relaxes his body. Making his current body like rubber.


His relaxed body will absorb the impact quickly and his strong joints and muscles will return the impact with the same force.


Stugo who hit with all his might was pulled forward by his own fist.


Moku grabbed Stugo's hand, pulled his hand with all his might, and threw him in the air.


BAAAMM!!! Stugo was thrown and landed on the ground causing the swamp to shake violently.




Using the energy within the body to strengthen and transform all parts of the body is the true meaning of the third level of breathing techniques.


Moku not only uses the energy in his body to hit or dodge but instead transforms his body into what is defined as a monster.


If the first level of breathing techniques learns Tagak footwork, the second level of breathing techniques learns Picking the Fruit, then the third level of breathing techniques in silat is called Kaji.


The practitioner will meet the teacher in a special room or special place, there the teacher will teach the practitioner how to awaken the actual use of energy in the body.


Stugo rose slowly. His narrowed eyes showed that he was very, very angry.


He exhaled and let out white smoke from his nose. The spikes on his back lengthened and quickly covered Stugo's back with hard white bones.


Moku felt great danger overflowing from Stugo's body. He didn't stay still and approach quickly.


But unfortunately Stugo is faster. Unnoticed by Moku Stugo's fist was approaching his body. His eyes widened as he saw that his entire vision was covered by Stugo's black fist.


"[Snake Form]!"


Moku tries to absorb the impact with his snake form but Stugo's forearms change.


Stugo's forearm swelled up and looked like it was about to burst, Moku saw with his inner eye a burst of blue mana concentrated in Stugo's forearm.


The mana overflow swirled like a vortex and then exploded.


Suddenly, Moku's whole body felt a powerful vibration flowing from Stugo's fist. His snake form was unable to absorb that much impact, Moku vomited blood and his internal organs were injured.


Moku decides to stop absorbing the impact from Stugo's fist and releases it again.


"What the fuc—" But it wasn't Stugo's fist that deflected but his body flew backwards swiftly like an arrow released from his bow.


BUUUMMM!!!!! A deafening sound and violent waves overflowed from Stugo's fist.


BRAK! BRAK BRAK! Moku's body was blown away and hit the trees in its path.


If it wasn't for his body evolving and becoming stronger, then he would have been crushed to pieces when Stugo's fist hit him.


Moku's consciousness was almost gone, blood was flowing from his nose, ears and mouth. His internal organs were nearly destroyed and it will took him a long time to recover.


Moku opened his heavy eyes and saw something that made him dumbfounded.


Stugo's entire upper body is covered by bones that form a set of armor.


The sunlight pierced through the tree leaves, shining on Stugo and making the bone armor that was wrapped around him shimmer.


"ROAAARRR!!!" Stugo stood on his two feet and roared as he patted his chest. He showed who the real king of this swamp was.


"Well.. Well.. Well.." Moku smiled and pushed himself up.


Black blood was still flowing from his smiling lips.


"Looks like I underestimated the gold tier danger mutated animal. Datuak nan Sabatang could scold me if he found out" Moku patted his songket which was covered with mud and dust.


Then he looked at Stugo and said "Bhimasuta Form Active!!"






The Link



Anna was panting, Her legs kept moving as fast as she could, her sword-bearing hand felt cramped, and her waist ached.


"Nevare Focus! Swa is overwhelmed with three bison who trying to get out of the group, help him!" Yagnar gives orders.


"YES!" Anna answered with a hurried breath.


She turned around and ran as fast as she could. There is no slow word when hunting.


In front of her, seen Swa facing three bison at once.


They surrounded Swa from three different directions. A bison tried to gore him but Swa nimbly dodged and hit it in the head.


The bison changed direction and hit the friend beside it.


However, the other bison attacked Swa from behind.


"AHHH!!" Anna drew her sword and shouted for the bison's attention.


The bison stopped, changed direction, and attacked Anna.


With its horns lowered, the bison ran fast, and blew dust behind it.


Anna lowered the handle of her sword and tried to block the bison's header with a body weight of nearly 700 kg.


However, Anna's smaller body couldn't stand it and ended up being thrown backwards.


"Nevare, don't compete strenght with them, they are much stronger! Use the wind step pattern to make them fall!" Swa advised.


The two bison that he managed to knock back rose again. With anger overflowing, they attacked swa with their sharp horns.


"I know!" Anna got back up and shouted angrily.


The bison lowered its horns again and ran at Anna. Learning from her mistake Anna changed the position of her sword and legs.


Anna's sword and bison's horns met again, she lowered her body, crossed her legs behind her back, then turned her body.


Anna's movement made the bison's horns spin downwards, plus the speed and weight of it body made the bison front body heavier than it's back.


The 700 kg bison overturned by itself due to loss of balance.


Two other bison were chased away by Swa, they retreated and ran back into the tall grass.


"Nevare, the barricades at this position have been completed, you should find another place that is still urgent. I'll be back to help Mige build the other barricades!" Swa said.


"Okay!" Anna nodded.


They parted again. Anna looks for another team that is struggling to keep out the bison hordes and Swa gets back to his barricade build task.


The orcs managed to lead the bison colony into the Tall Grass, currently they are building barricades to keep the bison colony in the Tall Grass.


At the time of herding process Anna was overwhelmed. They are required to run for tens of kilometers while staying focused on keeping the bison colony from getting off track.


The SF team that served as a reserve force was required to help each team that was overwhelmed. As a result, Anna had to run back and forth to help the other teams who were overwhelmed.


The orcs made the process of herding as perfect as possible so that it looked like the bison colony was being fenced in with a stone wall that had only one way out.