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"Well, maybe I'm not as skillful as Silvie, but I always make dresses for myself and Vivi" Lina smiled shyly.


"Lina is very skillful Anna, she always makes beautiful dresses!!" Vivi boasts of Lina.


"Wow!! So you made your own nice dresses!!" Anna was really surprised.


All this time she had thought that Lina was a spoiled girl who liked to spend money to buy fancy dresses.


But she never thought that the beautiful dresses were made by Lina herself. Silvie was famous for her sewing skills, she even admitted that the dress Lina was wearing was very good and wanted to know where Lina bought it.


"Lina I'm sorry all this time, I thought wrong!!" Anna gripped Lina's hand tightly.


"It's okay. I also used to think you were an arrogant girl" Lina smiled.


"But Lina, where are you going to find the tools and materials?" Widya asked.


"Yeah.. hmmm.." Lina held her chin.


"You don't have to worry, I'll ask Boku if there's any leather, thread and needle left" Anna said.


"Boku?" she asked.


"Yeah, that's the head of the Food Division, he's the one who manages the food rationing and the storage of the game. He probably often comes to this tent to deliver food if Moku isn't around" Anna replied.


"Oh, his name is Boku" Claire nodded, she seemed to remember the figure of an orc long before she saw him delivering food.


"Why do orcs have needles and threads?" Vivi asked.


"They use it to make a cloth they call Songket. I don't know how they make it but it's very strong.


I've even seen an orc slam a bison by wrapping a songket around a bison's neck," Anna explained.


"Wow! are orc weaving techniques more advanced than humans?" Lina confused.


"I don't know, but it seems that every orc is taught how to weave by Moku and every orc is required to have a songket" Anna said.


"Are you also going to learn how to weave songket Anna?" Widya asked.


"It seems so, but right now the orcs are busy training and thinking about how to restore the Glittering Meadow ecosystem" Anna replied.


"Anna if you learn it can you later also teach me how to make songket?" Lina asked with sparkling eyes,


"Hmm.. it seems like this is one of those secret techniques that only orcs can learn. I don't know if I can teach it to you or not." Anna answered with an apologetic look.


"Hmm.. it's okay. After all, soon we too might become like you" Lina smiled.


Suddenly the atmosphere became gloomy.


"You guys calm down, I won't let that happen to you" Anna tried to change the atmosphere,


"Anna you've done enough. I know that you've managed to change the orcs' view of us" Claire said.


"That's right Anna, we've been living in this tribe for over two months. Moku doesn't force us, but he's also a chief. He should think about his tribe's interests over us.


If the ones who caught us were humans, we would have been raped and sold as sex slaves by now. Moku didn't do that and tried to find a middle ground.


At least he doesn't act out of lust but for the sake of his tribe and race." Widya added.


"Anna, we can also be strong like you. I just wish the orc that I will have in the future has a face as handsome as Moku. hehehe" Lina looked at Anna enviously.


Even though the orc's view of girls has changed but they still have the view that it is the strongest orc that can possess the girls.


So that when Moku returns the girls to the tribe, there will be a battle to determine the four strongest orcs.


In this case, the wishes of the girls will not be heard.


"Why do you like Moku's face? Doesn't he have a pretty face like a girl?" Vivi argues with Lina's opinion.


Even though she looks innocent and small, Vivi has different preferences when it comes to choosing a partner. She prefers men with fierce faces and broad cheekbones.


"Vivi!! Don't include us with your weird taste!!" Lina shouted.


All the girls laughed at Vivi's silliness.


Anna vowed in her heart to keep the girls' smiles, even if she had to fight with all the orcs.






The Stabilizer Room



On the other side of swamp was a green figure in the middle of the night and only lit by moonlight.


He was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.


Even so the aura emanating from his body made the swamp silent.


The insects stopped creaking and the birds stopped squawking.


Moku was concentrating on Dragon Breath Cultivation. The huge dragon prana flowed up the stairs and into the second chamber which was located at his navel.


Unlike the generator room, this space only had one black ball that didn't move.


Inside the black sphere it was like there was a moving whirlpool absorbing everything to it's center. Moku named this room as the stabilizer room.


The task is to stabilize the incoming dragon prana so that it can be used more easily.


A large animal carcass lay behind him. The carcass left only skin, bones, forearms, and a blue pouch-shaped organ.


The carcass is the remains of Stuga's body. Moku ate all of his flesh and organs, then only left all of his mutated organs.


To ordinary orcs mutated animal carcasses were a dangerous thing, their flesh was like poison that could kill even adult orcs.


This was because the mana flowing in the flesh and blood of a mutated animal could enter and damage the orc's body.


This mana could even affect their regeneration ability and cause them to die in a crippled state.


But for Moku, mutated animal carcasses are a great source of energy. Dragon prana in his body can eat the mana that is still left in the carcass and make it a source of energy.


So, Moku will not waste Stugo's carcass and let it be eaten by other mutated animals.


Each stage of Dragon Breath Cultivation requires a large amount of dragon prana. While the source of dragon prana comes from the orc's own body.


So that Dragon Breath Cultivation can't be done just by sitting and cultivating dragon prana, orcs have to seek nutrition and energy from outside their bodies. Then process the nutrients and energy into dragon prana.


Moku had been sitting in this place for six days. Its only job is to eat, speed up the body's metabolism, convert nutrients from food into dragon prana, then flow it up to the stabilizer chamber.


Currently, he has climbed all the stairs from the generator room to the stabilizer room. He came to the stage of opening the petals of the black ball.


He needed a lot of dragon prana to complete this stage. Because of that Moku left Stugo's mutated organs.


He wanted to absorb all the mana contained within and open the seven black sphere petals at once.


Moku stood up, turned around, and stepped over to the blue pouch-shaped organ.


This is the organ that allows Stugo to emit a roaring attack of ultrasonic waves that nearly kills Moku several times.


With his inner eye, Moku knew that the blue pouch-shaped organ had a much larger mana content than Stugo's two forearms combined.


It is shaped like a blue leather drinking bag, with a length of up to three meters and a width of up to two meters. The blue pouch-shaped organ occupies nearly 50% of Stugo's entire body volume.


Even though Stugo was dead, the blue pouch-shaped organ still throbbed and absorbed the mana around it.


The ultimate weapon of the gold tier danger mutated animal was not as simple as he imagined.


He didn't know if his body was able to withstand and absorb the mana in the blue pouch-shaped organ.