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But he was willing to bet that the dragon prana produced would be enough to open the seven petals of the black sphere.


That way Moku will experience his second evolution and become stronger. So he will not hesitate to eat the blue pouch-shaped organ, even if he has to risk his life.


Moku looked down and saw the Bhimasuta Belt tattoo on his waist. One of the eight sides turned golden.


"White to gold" Moku whispered.


When activating Bhimasuta Form, Moku's body will be filled with tribal white tattoos. However, it's look like after his second evolution he will be covered in tribal gold tattoos when activating Bhimasuta Form.


In the first evolution he got the power to control friction force. He can eliminate and strengthen the frictional force on the parts of his body that are covered with biofiled.


Moku can't wait what powers he will get after the second evolution.


Moku reached out and grabbed the blue pouch-shaped organ. This organ still feels warm and throbbing, indicating that even though Stuga is dead the blue pouch-shaped organ is still alive.


Without hesitation, Moku pulled out the blue pouch-shaped organ and took a bite. This meat was tough even for its evolved digestive organs.


The hardness of the meat is caused by the presence of mana flowing in the meat.


Moku used his dragon prana to make it easier for him to digest this meat.


He kept eating and didn't stop. Every inch of the blue pouch-shaped organ that entered his stomach, his body temperature would rise several degrees.


But Moku paid no heed to it and continued to eat. Quickly the blue pouch-shaped organ was only halfway down.


His body was getting hotter and hotter, making his head feel dizzy.


A few minutes later, only a quarter of the blue pouch-shaped organ remained.


His body was getting hotter, his head was dizzy, and blood was dripping from his nose.


A few minutes later, the entire blue pouch-shaped organ entered Moku's stomach.


Moku's body felt very hot like being burned in a volcano. He immediately sat down and concentrated on digesting the blue pouch-shaped organ.


Moku speeds up his body's metabolism, converting the mana and nutrients he gets from the blue pouch-shaped organ into dragon prana.


However, the mana contained in the blue pouch-shaped organ was so much that it made him feel like he was about to explode.


Moku's body temperature increased, until his green skin turned red.


Slowly his skin burned and peeled off due to the heat that came out of his body.


"AARRRGHH!!!" Moku felt like he was being skinned.


He couldn't continue like this, if this continued then his body would truly explode from the overflow of mana.


"Bhimasuta Form Active!!" Moku shouted.


Suddenly his whole body was covered with white tribal tattoos flowing from the Bhimasuta Belt. One of the tatto is gold.


Bhimasuta Form helps Moku to control the mana and heal his burning body.


The overflowing mana was quickly converted into dragon prana. Moku immediately flowed it into the stabilizer room.


The whirlpool in the center of the black sphere absorbs all the dragon prana that enters the stabilizer chamber.


Slowly, one petal began to blom.


The second petal blom, then the third.


There is still half left of mana reserves that have not been converted into dragon prana.


Moku's calculations were wrong, opening the petals in the stabilizer chamber required more dragon prana than he had imagined.


Moku didn't know if the dragon prana he got from converting the mana inside the blue pouch-shaped organ was enough to open the seven petals or not.


If that wasn't enough, he would have to eat one of Stuga's forearms.


At first he wanted to turn Stuga's hand into a mace. With the mutation in it, Moku will use Pringgadini moves to activate a shockwave attack.


The Golden Vulture Claw that he used to become karambit had been destroyed in the fight with Stuga. He wanted a new weapon.


Even so, weapons are only additions to a silat fighter. Their bodies are the strongest weapons.


Moku will not sacrifice his evolutionary opportunities just for the sake of obtaining a powerful weapon.


As he expected his mana reserves were depleted when the fifth petal opened, Moku used his dragon prana to open the sixth petal.


Moku stopped because it would be dangerous if he forced to open the seventh petal.


He stood up and grabbed one Stuga forearm, this was Stuga's left forearm.


With a length of more than three meters, the Stuga forearm is covered by thick black fur.


The muscles appear to be tough but are actually very flexible.


Without waiting, Moku immediately ate it.


His body which had activated Bhimasuta Form quickly digested the mana and flesh of Stuga's forearm.


Dragon prana flows into the stabilizer chamber and is absorbed by the black sphere.


Until all of Stuga's forearm was eaten and only bones were left. Moku sat down cross-legged again and concentrated on using Dragon Breath Cultivation.


Gradually the seven petals opened. The black sphere that turned into a lotus flower spun rapidly. The stabilizer chamber is brightly lit.


The golden light shone all over Moku's body. He was shrouded in a golden membrane that wrapped his entire body.


The swamp shook violently and the wind blew violently. All the animals ran away in fear.


Moku was pulled back into his subconscious.


He returned to a place without the sun, moon, and stars.


A place without time, without day and night.


In front of him was a huge gate that was the same as his first evolution.


The gates, pillars, and doors are filled with beautiful carvings like the ones Moku had seen at Datuak nan Sabatang's house.


Carving of walking duck, symbolizing order.


Carving of bamboo shoots tip, symbolizing usefulness.


Carving of betel leaf, symbolizes thoughts and morals.


Carving of fern arch, symbolizing family.


Carving of spread nets, symbolizing the law.


However, something is different.


This gate is not white, but gold.


There are not two lotus flowers that rotate in opposite directions, but one lotus flower that absorbs all things into it like a whirlpool.


In front of Moku there was not only a gate, but a figure that stood soaring above the gate.


The figure had a golden body, a white face, and red wings.


Its beak is like that of an eagle, but its body is like that of a human.


Every inch of his body displayed an unimaginable power.


With his sharp eyes he looked at Moku.


Moku's body was shaking. He was scared. His alarm of danger rang trough the roof. Cold sweat dripped down his back and forehead.


Moku knows this creature, he often hears it in fairy tales and legends. A legendary creature with a single flap of its wings able to cover the sun's rays.




Garuda opened its beak and said "This is my first time meeting Moksha of your kind"






Three Realms



His great voice rumbled.


The echo vibrates every cell in the body of the person who hears it.


Making the flowing blood swish, they churned at the voice of an extraordinary being.


The hairs on his neck stood up as if it was afraid to look lazy in front of the ruler of the sky.