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"Sin? Isn't sin a bad thing? Why do you want to be paid for with sin?" Moku is getting confused.


"..hm.. Sin?.. Bad?.. fufufufuahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....


You astral beings are truly ignorant and ungrateful.


You always ask 'if God is all-loving, why did he create evil?'


You astral beings are truly ignorant and ungrateful.


God did not create evil but he allowed it to exist, evil is the result of your inability to control the sins.


They should be a blessing to you. Blessings that make you feel alive, happy, and full of passion.


You astral beings are truly ignorant and ungrateful.


They should be tools for you. A tool to make the world a better place, a world where you are the leader of it.


But instead of you being able to control them, you are being controlled by them.


You astral beings are truly ignorant and ungrateful.


How can you feel love without lust?


How can you feel happy without pride?


How can you feel ownership without envy?


How can you feel like protecting without wrath?


How can you feel like growing without greed?


How can you feel peace without sloths?


How can you feel unique without gluttony?


You astral beings are truly ignorant and ungrateful.


Without all of them you will only be like me. Standing in front of this gate since the first astral beings were created." Garuda looked at Moku with both hate and... envy?


"That's why I am very happy with you astral beings, you are never satisfied with God's gifts and always want more.


You create a path to the spiritual realm.


Every time you pass me, I will get sin as payment, I can finally feel, hungry, sad, hate, excited, love, and happy." Garuda looked up and drooled, as if he couldn't wait to eat the most delicious food in the world.


"But—" Moku wanted to deny Garuda's statement.


However, a feather on Garuda's wing moved and all the air caught in Moku's throat. His lips became frozen shut and he could no longer speak.


"I told you you don't have much time in this place. Tell me what sin you will pay to pass through this gate.


and remember, every Moksha of your kind who passes through this gate in the future will have to pay the same sin." Garuda warned.


Moku was silent and thought.






The Cursed Race and The Cursed Person



Moku thought of all the possibilities, losses and gains that the orc race could get if they lost one of their sins.


Pride and Wrath is the source of the orcs' desire to continue to struggle with their cursed selves, you could say that these two sins are the identity of an orc.


Envy, is a sin that makes them continue to be jealous and envious of humans who have the power to control mana, without this sin, the orcs would live aimlessly.


Lust and Greed, is the driving wheel of all civilizations that exist on world. They will not be able to develop and progress without these two sins.


Gluttony.. dragon prana comes from nutrients that orcs get from food. They have to consume a lot of meat to survive, especially after experiencing the first evolution like Moku. At least good food will keep them from going mad.


So what's left is...


"Sloth! I choose to pay with sin of sloth" Moku said loudly.


"Are you sure?


Your kind after this will know no peace, they will not know the meaning of the word rest, they will keep running and running until their bodies are crushed or reach their destination.


But if they reach their goal, they will run again and run towards a new goal.


Your kind will never cease to feel peace until the end of time.


Until the end of the promised time.


Do you really want to pay with sin of sloth?" Garuda asked.


Peace is a gift.


Peace brings a time of calm and clarity of thought.


In peace there is a quiet time to take a deep breath.


We shouldn't keep running.


Sometimes we have to stop and look back.


Seeing what we have accomplished and asking,


Is this enough?


Sometimes we shouldn't have to keep running.


Walking leisurely is also fun.


Step by step and without realizing we have reached the goal.




Orcs are a cursed race.


They are a race that has only one gender. The only way they reproduce is by snatching females from other races.


The orc babies conceived by the women will become parasites in the mother's body, making her mother's body continue to live even though she has to turn her mother into a monster.


As adults they will continue to grow stronger and stronger. Their bodies seem to have no limits for physical growth.


With a fast body metabolism they can convert food nutrients into energy. As a result the orcs would continue to eat and eat as their strength grew.


Moku didn't feel it because back then he was the only orc who trained hard to become stronger. However, with only the addition of 15 orcs, the amount of meat they had to consume skyrocketed.


Glittering Meadow is a great example to show how terrible it is to how much food orc need to become stronger.


The place was once filled with colonies of large animals as far as the eye could see.


However, in just two months Glittering Meadow became uninhabited and almost the entire animal colony was eaten.


If one day they found a way for all the orcs to evolve then it was certain that Glittering Meadow would not be able to meet the food needs of the orcs.


That's if the orc population is only 15 people and doesn't increase. But that is very unlikely.


Even now, the Dawnmist Tribe had one additional orc and one orc candidate who was about to be born.


Nevare and Moku's unborn child.


Therefore they must continue to plunder, kill, take, destroy, eat, seize, dominate, rule, and force this world to fulfill all their needs.


Orcs are a cursed race.


The only way to stop this race is to kill all of the orcs, even babies in the womb, along with their mothers.


If not...


Orcs are a cursed race.


They will rule this world and consume all existing creatures until nothing is left.


Making the world only contain orcs.


Orcs are a cursed race.


If they succeed to survive, then they must immediately find a way to get out of this world and find a new world to...


To continue to plunder, kill, take, destroy, eat, seize, dominate, rule, and force this new world to fulfill all their needs.


Before they destroy each other and consume each other and become extinct on their own.


Orcs are a cursed race.


Peace is the greatest sin for an orc.


Tranquility was the toughest torture for an orc.


Resting was the most disgusting activity for an orc.


Orcs are a cursed race.


That's why Moku said once again, confessedly said, humbly said, and proudly said


"Yes! Because I'm an orc!!!"


"Are you sure? All of your kind that made it to this gate will condemn your current choice.


They will turn you into a villain which makes them unable to feel peace.


Are you sur—" Garuda wanted to ask one more time.




"Shut the fuck up! do your job!" Moku cut Garuda furiously.


He had felt peace in his old life.