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Orcs would not eat the flesh of other monsters, usually because their flesh was not tasty or there was a feeling of disgust because they had committed cannibalism.


This is also almost felt by other races of monsters, they will avoid eating the meat of monsters from other races and only do so when forced or in a state of severe hunger.


Only the goblin race felt that they were delicacy to other monsters. Mainly because of their small bodies and the notion that their flesh was delicious to other types of monsters.


Moku remembers the first time he met Ez. Ez begged not to be eaten just like what he was doing right now.


Moku was forced to calm him down for a long time and convinced that the orcs would rather be vegetarians than eat goblin meat.


Moku opened the fur covering his head, while pointing at his face, Moku said "Ez, look it's me, Moku. We may not have seen each other for a long time but you still remember my face, right?"


Ez looked up and saw Moku's face, then "Hiiii.... it's sir night elf, I'm sorry sir, I don't see your majesty, you are so shiny in the middle of the Bog forest moon.


Please don't kill me sir!! I'm a good goblin, I've never killed an elf, I hate humans. As wise people say 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend'... uh.. I don't mean to be that proud..


I'm enough to be a pet.. no.. no just your slave sir is enough.. I—"


Bum! Moku stomped on the ground firmly and crushed it.






That Smirk



Feeling Moku's power, Ez's eyes turned white again, before he fainted Moku said in annoyance "use your monster's nose stupid !!!"


Moku's face after the second evolution changed to become more handsome, Moku's current height has reached 2.3m.


His skin is clean and his black hair is getting longer, so it's only natural that Ez thinks Moku is an elf, especially since his green skin gets darker and looks black at night.


However, just like orcs can distinguish other orcs by smell, this ability is also possessed by goblins, even all species of monsters have it.


So Ez only needed to sniff to determine whether the tall creature before him was a night elf or an orc.


Ez sniffed like a dog, then his eyes widened in disbelief "Why do Orcs have faces like yours??? Are you cursed?" said Ez surprised.


"Well, it's a long story.. basically I evolved, why are you here Ez?" Moku asked.


"Hmm.. uh.. evolved? like hobgoblin? I.. I want to meet the orc chieftain" said Ez.


"Huh? Met the chief? You? I never knew a cowardly goblin like you had this kind of courage Ez. Well, you're lucky now that you've met an orc chieftain" Moku opened his arms wide.


"You? the chief?" Ez was once again wide-eyed in disbelief.


"That's right, I am the chief of the orc tribe, I am the chief of the Dawnmist tribe!" Moku smirked.


"Eh! That smirk! are you really Moku?" Ez was shocked.


"Fuck!! You still don't believe me? Is your nose rotting?" Moku is annoyed.


"Well, it can't be helped, we haven't seen each other for a long time so it's only natural that I forgot your smell.. wait.. wait.. you said you were the chief of the orc tribe right?" Ez's face changed from guilt back to surprise.


"It's okay.. yes.. I'm the chief of the orc tribe" Moku patted his chest.


"Impossible! how can that be?" Ez's eyes grew bigger as he widened his eyes.


"Well it's easy, I just need to beat the previous chief" Moku replied lightly.


"The previous chief? That Goku? Impossible, aren't you still a child?" Ez stared in disbelief.


"Fuck you Ez! How can you question my prowess. Up to you if you believe it or not. I want to see my wife, I miss her so much right now" Moku gets annoyed. He turned around and ignored Ez.


"WHAT? wife? why do you have a wife? Are you really the orc chieftain and beat Goku?.. Moku.. Hey.. Moku.. wait.. wait!" Ez chased after Moku who had already walked away.


One of the reasons why he dared to approach the orc tribe was because he knew Moku. When he first met Moku, Ez knew that Moku was different from other orcs.


Moku's eyes radiated a savagery that was different from other orcs. Not savageness as self-defense, but savagery that arises from self-confidence.


Moku and Ez walked side by side into the orc tribe's encampment. Currently none of the orcs were still awake, they were all asleep from exhaustion from the daytime activities.


No one is on guard at night, this did not only happen after Moku became the chief of the tribe but even before Moku was born.


Watching at night in the Bog forest is a bad decision for anyone who lives here. Not only because of impaired vision due to the dark night and thick fog.


But also because the air is very cold. At night in the Bog forest, starting a fire in the open is tantamount to enticing a mutated animal to attack.


So usually the monsters that inhabit the Bog forest, will make their homes in the underground like Goblins or use unique animals as natural alarms.


Orcs coexist with one type of animal called Cendet.


This beautiful and uncommon creature is a type of bird. It's about the size of a pigeon, has two huge and two smaller wings, four strong legs and a long, elegant tail.


They have a thick, strong skin covered in short, thin feathers, which is usually either grey or light brown or a combination of these colors.


They live in moist areas and are quite common. They're omnivores and their beaks are ideal for eating grain.


They're crepuscular and rely on their sight and sense of smell to get around. They do have no visible ears, but their hearing is not very reliable.


They have small beaks and gorgeous eyes. Their heads are small and thin in comparison to their bodies.


They make sounds ranging from fairly high pitched to relatively high pitched and have a fairly wide range of sounds they make to indicate discoveries, dangers and otherwise communicate with each other.


These creatures are very peaceful, but they get very territorial.


The orcs would spread stale food in the form of grains around the camp, make their houses out of dry grass and palm fibers, then place them on the camp walls.


Cendet would get used to living with orcs and recognize their smell. Then if any other creature approached the tribe other than the orcs, the cendet would chirp loudly and wake up the orcs.


Right now one of the reasons why Cendet didn't chirp after a goblin entered the gates of the tribal camp was because Moku covered Ez's smell with his scent.


Ez also pressed his body closer to Moku, he didn't want to wake the orcs. Ez still couldn't believe that Moku was the orc chieftain.


They continued walking through the orc tents, until they came to the largest tent and had a different shape from the others.


Moku walked casually closer to the tent while Ez started to feel worried because he was afraid that he was brought by Moku to the wrong tent.


Moku parted the curtain of the tent and entered without hesitation, Ez behind him saw five slender figures that didn't have orc-like bodies.


With his smell he could tell that four of the sleeping figures were female humans, while the other one with a large belly smelled like orcs, but smelled slightly different from male orcs.


Seeing the tent filled with women, Ez was getting more and more scared, he didn't know if Moku was really the chief or they really entered the wrong tent.


Hearing the sound of footsteps entering their tent, the girls opened their still heavy eyes.


Each one of them was covered in thick fur, it seemed that Boku gave the girls skins and furs to keep them from getting cold at night.