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As usual, after evolution he emerges from the cocoon naked. At first Moku wanted to make clothes with Stugo fur on a whim.


However, Anna showed her new clothes made by Lina.


With her growing body and growing belly, Anna's old clothes became too tight.


Anna then asked for leather, thread, needles, and cloth from Boku to make new clothes together with Lina. Lina designed Anna's new clothes very beautifully.


Her neck and breasts are covered by a leather-lined cloth that is neatly sewn up to the base of the sleeves. It makes her enlarged breasts more comfortable and her hand movements are not hindered.


Her bulging belly due to pregnancy is covered with thick brown fur, which can be detached through the ties behind her.


The lower body is covered by fur and skin that extends to the knees. Make Anna's long legs look sexier.


There was a fear within Moku that the orcs would spiral out of control after seeing Anna's new sexy outfit. But it seems they can still hold back.


Anna who rarely gets out of the tent and rests more is likely to be one of the reasons.


"Your welcome, I'm happy can help" Lina nodded.


"I approve of your desire to learn how to make songket and use the sewing equipment available in the tribe. You just have to ask Boku or Laya" Moku added.


"Really?? Yeah!!" Lina jumped for joy.


One of the problems reported by the three divisions is that the new food huts are full. They want to reduce or remove some of their non-food contents, such as skin, bones, and fur.


However, Moku feels these three things will still be useful later. Then Lina raised a voice asking for permission to use those three things to practice making clothes.


She promised not to waste it and would make leather armor for all the orcs. In the end Moku agrees with Lina after seeing her ability to make clothes from Stugo's fur.


"Are you going again?" said Anna who had just woken up.


She was sitting and leaning her body on the bed. Staring at Moku sadly.


Moku approached her and sat beside her. Gently squeezing Anna's hand, Moku said "I won't be gone for long. One or two days at most. I just want to confirm the reason why the goblin tribe wants to attack us."


"You used to say that too, but in fact you disappeared for a month" Anna whined.


Moku pulled Anna into his arms and kissed her forehead gently. "This time I will only negotiate with the goblins, those short and small creatures are too weak to be able to hold me back"


"Really?" looked at Anna with teary eyes.


Moku has heard that when women are pregnant they will behave almost like children and really want to be pampered by their partners. It seems the said is true.


"Really" Moku looked back at Anna seriously.


Anna then kissed Moku on the lips, which Moku also returned with a deeper kiss. They drifted back into the kiss and didn't care about their surroundings.


After a while Anna broke the kiss and said with a red face "Why are you kissing me all of a sudden! Can't you see the other girls are watching? You're embarrassing me"


Anna holding her cheeks with her hands and didn't look embarrassed at all. She looks like she wants to show everyone her affection for Moku.


The other girls could only curse in their hearts at Anna's pretense.


Meanwhile, Moku could only resign himself to being the one to blame, 'You kiss first, everyone can see it' but he was wise enough not to say it.


Instead he say "Well.. I can't hold it, you are so beatifull so I can't hold back"


"hehehe you're so dumb" Bum!! Anna hit Moku's chest hard.


It was so hard that it made Moku's lung feel tight. It seems like Anna's body is getting stronger, one spoiled punch can penetrate Moku's second evolutionary body defence.


"Nevare, I better go now, if I linger too long Ez will quickly change his mind and run away" Moku stood up while stroking his chest which was still aching.


"Hmm... be careful on the road" Anna nodded, she was already feel longing for Moku's presence.


"Claire, Lina, Widya, Vivi, please take care of Nevare," Moku asked.


"Just leave it to us" Claire nodded.


Outside the tent, Swa, Laya, Zalthu, and Ez were already waiting.


"Wow!! Moku your outfit is really good!? Is this a golden tier danger mutated animal fur?" asked Swa.


"Yeah.. he's very strong! I almost died several times before decapitating him" Moku replied.


"I never knew there was such a strong mutated animal, the fur is very good, this is Lina who made it for you right?" asked Laya.


"I also never knew if she had this kind of skill" replied Moku in amazement.


"Haha besides being good at making clothes, he is also good at winning our brother's heart" Swa hugged Laya's head and rubbed it hard.


"Shut the fuck up Swa" Laya struggled and escaped from Swa's grip. The orcs laughed as the two brothers played with each other.


"Well.. if that's the case, you have to become stronger Laya, it seems that many orcs also like her. You have to be prepared before I return the women to the tribe" said Moku with a smirk on his lips.


"You heard that!! You have to train harder, if Boku and Goku also like Lina, you will be finished. hahaha" Swa laughed at Laya's fate.


Laya could only be silent with a gloomy face. Looks like he'll be adding to his training portion soon.


"We better get going, it'll be dangerous if we reach the goblin tribe at night" Zalthu said.


Moku saw Ez who had been silent for a while, he looked impatient to return to his tribe.


"Okay let's go!" Moku said.


They walked towards the gates of the tribal camp, there were already orcs escorting them off. Moku finds Boku, Goku, and Mige standing in the front row.


"Boku, Goku, Mige, I entrust the tribe to the three of you" Moku said firmly.


"Yes Ku!!" answered the three of them loudly.


"Ez, show me the way!" Moku's orders.


Ez just nodded and walked to the front. They passed through the camp gates and the orcs cheered from behind.


"Swa don't get lost!!"


"Laya keep your two brothers from going crazy in the goblin tribe!!"


"Zalthu!! Don't slow them down just because you're old!!"


"Moku!! Don't rampage in the goblin tribes and kill them all!! Leave some for us too!!"


The cheers rang out until they were very far away. The orcs returned to their busy training.


The journey between the orcs and the goblin tribes didn't take long, but unlike the orc tribes who were above ground, the caves of the goblin tribes were very hidden.