Mary tried to treat the diarrhoea. She brought salt water, brine from the ocean diluted by meltwater. But she did not know how to treat the poisoning which was working its way through Nemoto’s system.
The days lengthened rapidly. The ice on the lakes and rivers melted, causing splintering crashes all over the landscape, like a long, drawn-out explosion. In this brief temperate interval between deadly cold and unbearable heat, life swarmed. The people gathered the fruit and shoots that seemed to burst out of the ground. They hunted the small animals and birds that emerged from their hibernations.
And soon a distant thunder boomed across the land. It was the sound of hoofed feet, the first of the migrant herds. The men and women gathered their weapons, and headed towards the sea.
It turned out to be a herd of giant antelopes: long-legged, the bucks sporting huge unwieldy antlers. The animals were slim and streamlined, and the muscles of their legs and haunches were huge and taut. And they ran like the wind. Since most of this tipped-up world was, at any given moment, either freezing or baking through its long seasons, migrant animals were forced to travel across thousands of miles, spanning continents in their search for food, water and temperate climes.
But predators came too, streamlined hyenas and cats, stalking the vast herds. Those predators included the people, who inhabited a neck of land between two continents, a funnel down which the migrant herds were forced to swarm.
The antelope herd was huge. But it passed so rapidly that it was gone in a couple of days, a great river of flesh that had run its course.
The people ate their meat and sucked rich marrow, and waited for their next provision to come to them, delivered up by the tides of the world.
The air grew hotter yet. Soon the fast-growing grass and herbs were dying back, and the migrant animals and birds had fled, seeking the temperate climes.
The season’s last rain fell. Mary closed her eyes and raised her open mouth to the sky, for she knew it would be a long time before she felt rain on her face again.
The ground became a plain of baked and cracked mud.
The people retreated to their cave. Just as its thick rock walls had sheltered them from the most ferocious cold of the winter, so now the walls gave them coolness.
Nemoto’s relentless illness drove her to her pallet, where she lay with a strip of skin tied across her eyes.
At length there came a day when the sun failed even to brush the horizon at its lowest point. For sixty-eight days it would not rise or set, but would simply complete endless, meaningless circles in the sky, circles that would gradually grow smaller and more elevated.
The Long Day had begun.
Nemoto said she would not go into the ground until she saw a night again. But Nemoto’s skin continued to flake away, as the bat she had woken took its gruesome revenge.
There came a day when the sun rolled along the horizon, its light shimmering through the trees which flourished there.
Mary carried Nemoto to the mouth of the cave — she was light, like a thing of twigs and dried leaves.
Nemoto screwed up her face. “I do not like the light,” she said, her voice a husk. “I can bear the dark. But not the light. I long for tomorrow. For tomorrow I will understand a little more. Do you follow me? I have always wanted to understand. Why I am here. Why there is something, rather than nothing. Why the sky is silent.”
“Lon” for tomorrow,” Mary echoed, seeking to comfort her.
“Yes. But you care nothing for tomorrow, or yesterday. Here especially, with your Long Day and your Long Night, as if a whole year is made of a single great day.”
Overhead, a single bright star appeared, the first star since the spring.
Nemoto gasped. She was trying to raise her arm, perhaps to point, but could not. “You have a different pole star here. It is somewhere in Leo, near the sky’s equator. Your world is tipped over, you see, like Uranus, like a top lying on its side; that is how the impact shaped it. And so for six months, when your pole points at the sun, you have endless light; and for six months endless dark… Do you follow me? No, I am sure you do not.”
She coughed, and seemed to sink deeper into the skins. “All my life I have sought to understand. I believe I would have pursued the same course, whichever of our splintered worlds I had been born into. And yet, and yet—” She arched her back. “And yet I die alone.”
Mary took her hand. It was as delicate as a bundle of dried twigs. “Not alone.”
Nemoto tried to squeeze Mary’s hand; it was the gentlest of touches.
And the sun, as if apologetically, slid beneath the horizon. A crimson sunset towered into the sky.
Mary placed her in the ground, the ground of this Grey Earth.
The memory of Nemoto faded, as memories did. But sometimes, sparked by a scent, or the salty breeze that blew off the sea, Mary would think of Nemoto, who had not died alone.
Emma Stoney:
Yes, Malenfant, I’m alone. I know I have company — various specimens of Homo superior, who you never got to meet, and the Hams, including your Julia, who didn’t get to ride back to the Grey Earth. But I’m alone even so. I’m a pet of the Daemons. They are — kindly. So are the Hams. I feel like I’m drowning in chocolate.
I’ve decided to leave. I’m going up-river, into the heart of the continent. I’m intending to hook up with another band of Runners. I did that before; I can do it again. They range far into the continent’s interior, the desert. They know how to find water, how to eat, how to survive out there. If anybody knows a way across the red centre it will be the Runners.
I want to see the Bullseye up close, that big volcanic blister. Although maybe it won’t be so spectacular. Like you used to say about Olympus Mons on Mars: too big for the human eye to take in, right? Well, those mile-deep rift canyons around its base look like they’d be worth a snapshot.
But I want to go on beyond that.
Maybe I can get past the Bullseye, all the way to the other side of the continent. There is another Beltway over there, Malenfant, another strip of greenery on the western edge of the continent. Nemoto told me you didn’t see any dwellings or structures, from Earth or when you orbited the Moon. But maybe there are people there even so, in the western Beltway.
Maybe they are like me. Maybe they are like the Hams, or the Daemons, or maybe another form we haven’t dreamed of before. Nobody seems to know. Not the Daemons, not even the Hams.
I can hear your voice. I know what you’re saying. I know it’s dangerous. Doubly so for a person alone. But I’m going anyhow. I’m tougher than I used to be, Malenfant.
I’ll tell you what I’d like to find, in the other Beltway, or someplace else. The place the humans evolved.
We know the Hams were shaped by conditions on the Grey Earth. We think the Daemons are descended from a bunch of Australopithecines that wandered over to the Banded Earth millions of years ago. And so on.
Well, presumably humans came from a group of Runners, similarly isolated. Maybe there were several of Nemoto’s ‘speciations’:
one to produce some archaic form, a common ancestor of humans and Neandertals Hams — and then others to produce the Hams, and us. And maybe others. Other cousins.
I think I’d like to find that place. To meet the others.
Nobody knows everything there is to know about this Red Moon. It’s a big place. It’s full of people.
Full of stories.
Babo shrugged massively, as Manekato groomed him. “It may yet be possible to use the world engine, if only in a limited way…”
“To do what?”
“We can explore the manifold. We can Map to other realities. Other possibilities. You don’t have to send a whole Moon to do that.”